clockwork-kisses - Clockwork Kisses
Clockwork Kisses

It's All About Timing. Formerly an IC blog, but since the retirement of Millicent Bowyen, now just sort of my personal blog. She/her. You'll find RP, GW2 stuff, and League of Legends.GW2 GW2 ID: Raevyn.9102 LoL ID: Raevyn Grove

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Happy Halloween From Texts From Superheroes!

Happy Halloween from Texts From Superheroes!


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More Posts from Clockwork-kisses

9 years ago

They got rid of notes over the weekend :(. But I'll respond here!

I'm cisgender heterosexual (like a 1 on the Kinsey scale) and I think including expanded gender and sexuality education in schools is a great idea. I intend to talk to my daughter about both those things as she grows, so those things are not unusual for her to experience. But I realize not all parents know or care about those kind of things. But I want at least basic education for them, too. And not, "Haha, look at the weirdo who can't decide if they're a boy or a girl," kind of education, but actual education that takes these things seriously.

A lot of kids in high school are going to giggle or make fun, but as long as the teacher is going to be serious about it, I think it will do some good as these kids grow up.

Need Feedback

So I’m writing an argument essay for my college English class and I would like some insight from those of you who still follow me. (Haven’t fallen off the end of the world yet, just exploring the parts before the end.)

So the topic is on sexuality education and it’s inclusion in the current sexual education courses offered in the U.S.’s public education. I’m arguing for it’s inclusion, but to strengthen my argument I want insight from those both for and against this idea. Not only do I feel that the current curriculum should be amended to include the presence of LGBT relationships but should also offer a section covering sexual and gender identifications. The curriculum should be unbiased and informative, while allowing for classroom and one on one Q&A. 

So, if you’re not quite sure how you feel about this topic just from what I’ve offered above then let me pose a question:

How do you feel you would have been affected by the discussion of sexuality in your high school sex ed class?

Please reply via note, you can do so anonymously but include your gender/sexual identification in the response. Thanks in advance!

9 years ago

I read that as Most of my stories tend to have very large CATS and I nodded to myself and went, “oh, that’s why Angel and Kayley get along so well.” ;)

Send me a ☯ for me to describe an rp I’d create. {Not twisting things around for one of your ships to work though!}

I read the question and I was immediately like YES. And then the stipulation, and now I am sad. But really in my heart of hearts, you know that I would be creating some catastrophic chronomancy event to go back in time and change the way stuff went down with Marcus and Vivi. Oh yes. I can create that RP in my head and there is nothing you can do about it.


Aside from that, I don’t really understand the question, so I will sort of cheese my attempt to answer it. 

If this means a world? I have a dozen or so concepts I’ve tried to write out in original short stories, ranging from like, super un-original vampires versus slayers in a modern setting to people with elementalist-esque-near-avatar powers in a modern setting. I’ve also written ‘nightmare creatures take over the world’ stories, and reincarnation from Ancient Egypt stories. Most of my stories tend to have very large casts as the central figures (we’re talking a minimum of eight characters as ‘main’ protagonists, each with their own personalities and backstories fully fleshed out), so I guess that those worlds might actually be good for RP. I do like the visuals of in-game RP, though, and although forum RP can be nice, I find it very slow, so I don’t think I’ll be creating any sort of world for RP any time soon. 

In terms of in Guild Wars 2? I think I’m sort of constantly creating. I have so many characters (like six, but still it’s a lot for me). I get to create a lot of RP with my RP partner regularly, though it never goes as planned. At the moment I’m also trying to create RP for the wider community through semi-regular event that provides a simple backdrop and a way for people to get together, so hopefully that works out!

(You bet your ass I’m going to shamelessly plug my event here) 

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9 years ago
US Dollars Re-imagined
US Dollars Re-imagined
US Dollars Re-imagined
US Dollars Re-imagined
US Dollars Re-imagined
US Dollars Re-imagined

US Dollars re-imagined

As part of his master’s thesis design project at the Basel School of Design in Switzerland, Travis Purrington has re-imagined the American currency. 

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9 years ago
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015
The Late Show, October 28, 2015

The Late Show, October 28, 2015

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