stuff I like, some of it homoerotic
282 posts
Cloudorchid - Gayness - Tumblr Blog

Pietro Donzelli, Domenica a Loreo, Interno, 1954


Wolfgang Tillmans - Tree Filling Window, 2002
Chromogenic print, in artist’s frame (208.3 x 141 cm)

Patrick Knight Trespass, 2001 - Titan Men, dir. Bruce Cam

Chuck Renslow - Kris Studio. Handsome Steve Kotis in Posing Strap.

James Stirling, Michael Wilford, Tate Gallery in Liverpool, Great Britain, 1988.

Rick St.Pierre Leo and Lance: The Good Times Are Here, 1983 - Catalina, dir. William Higgins

Carla Bruni, photographer Steven Meisel, 1993

Harold Harvey (British, 1874-1941), The Critics, 1922. Oil on canvas, 60.3 x 75.6 cm. Birmingham Museums Trust

Children celebrating their first communion with cocoa and cake, 1936. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.

Vogue UK, January 2003.
Ph. Karen Collins

St. Mark's Square - Jeremy Sanders
Welsh , b. 1969 -
Oil on canvas , 16 x 20 cm.

Magda Frackowiak Vogue Paris (October 2007) ph. Paolo Roversi

Youm Dongcheol (염동철)


© Wolfgang Tillmanns (1993)