Please Know Who You DONT Have To Vote For

please know who you DONT have to vote for
clumsilyclueless liked this · 1 year ago
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[tearing at my hair] no love however brief is wasted no love however brief is wasted no love however brief is wasted
literally the reason online discourse is Like That is cuz ppl havent found real problems yet
there are literally social medias ive never even heard of in the list of the new "no promotion of the competition" rule on Twitter and yet Tumblr is not one of them like... those rumors that the website died post-porn really keep saving our asses over and over again huh
i think it’s a shame that so many people speak perfect english just from the internet/tv and get no real recognition for it. there’s this horrible assumption that being fluent in english is just a given (propaganda from americans in cargo shorts i believe) and english is brushed off as an “easy” language. that isn’t the case at all and if you’ve learned english that’s amazing and im honestly in awe. i hate that people achieve so much to reach the minimum expectation, and then english speakers will pat themselves on the back for being able to count to 10 in french
You deserve someone sure about you.