cocoxoyc - head in the clouds
head in the clouds

800 posts




“In a world of boys’ he’s a gentleman” mini series—

Synopsis: Jungkook simply does everything to make you happy..

Genre: established relationship!

Warnings: pure fucking fluff… (seriously makes me wanna jump in oncoming traffic) jungkook is a bright green flag, he’s love language is “acts of service” (can be read as a standalone but I recommend reading the first part)

a/n: we all deserve oc and jungkooks kinda love.. I’m turning this into a mini series since a lot of people enjoyed it🤍

for @ohsweetmimosa !!

Falling in love was always something that you wanted, your face has always been shoved into pages of books, wondering when it would be your turn to experience that type of love. Your mom would always tell you that your expectations were too high and that no man could ever be as perfect as a fictional man.

Until you met him.

There were no words in the dictionary to describe him. No words to describe how beautifully his eyes would sparkle whenever he would tell you he loves you, the way his thumb would caress you whenever you would hold hands, or the way he would kiss away the tears that would escape your eyes.

You a hundred percent believed God made men, and sent Jungkook as an apology.

“When did you learn to braid hair…?” You curiously ask, with a slight hint of jealousy in your tone, making Jungkook laugh behind you as his fingers thread the three strands of hair repeatedly. “Watched a YouTube tutorial,” he chuckles, trying so hard not to pull your hair.

“What for..?” You stare at the mirror in front of you with the goofiest smile plastered on your face, watching your boyfriend with no shirt, a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he carefully braids your hair with his lip between his teeth.

“You always braid your hair but then complain your arms hurt from keeping them up for so long soo… why not make myself useful.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.

Your heart did a cartwheel, might have exploded in your chest from how fast it’s beating. But nothing new. You were so accustomed to the feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach whenever he would do or say something to you.

He drops the most beautiful phrases anyone has ever told you so casually, like it was normal. But that was your normal since you met him.

You would hear your friends talk shit about their boyfriends, how they did something or what they didn’t do, but you really just never had anything bad to say about Jungkook. He basically took "Princess treatment" to another level.

You never had to ask for flowers, never had to pull out a chair, never had to open a door, never had to enter a car freezing... because Jungkook being Jungkook went out twenty minutes earlier to turn on the heater before you would get in.

Never had to worry about leaving your wallet at home when the only thing in your bag is lip gloss. Never having to turn on your brain whenever he was around.

Locked doors? Where are the house keys? Did you leave your curler on? Jungkook got it.

“That’s so much better than mine,” you point to his ice cream as your eyes widen from how the creamy flavors melt into your mouth. “So bo—mb!” You muffle out from the mouthful of ice cream shoved into your mouth.

“Let me try yours,” he opens his mouth, waiting for you to send a spoonful of your cookies and cream into his mouth. “Here comes the airplane! Brrr,” you try making airplane noises as your hand does a weird twirl before inserting the spoonful of ice cream into your smiley boyfriend.

“Mhm,” he nods his head, humming loudly, watching you smile at him.

“I actually like yours better, baby. Let’s trade?” Jungkook hands you his small cup of ice cream as you nod happily, while you hand him yours.

Jungkook watches with the biggest smile on his face while inserting another spoonful of the creamy content as he watches you eating the new ice cream flavor enthusiastically, hearing you rave about the new book you have just finished reading and how dumb the main character is.

Jungkook's heart aches, sizing double its size, beating hard in his chest. Your cheeks and nose are rosy from the cold outside the car. You both didn’t care about eating ice cream in the middle of cold December; you guys took it as a challenge on who would get sick first.

He laughs at the lighthearted jokes you threw at him, while you take another big spoonful of the chunky ice cream that was his not so long ago.

Little did you know that he really didn’t like your ice cream flavor.

When Jungkook first met you, he knew from the start that he was a goner. The way you smile at him, how your eyes will have a small glint on them whenever you look at him, or the way you would scrunch your nose if you found something funny or cute.

It took him by surprise when you pulled the move on him, thinking you found something disgusting when you first did it.

“I will literally eat you right now!” You scrunch your nose at your smiling boyfriend who’s slightly kneeling for you to be able to see your initial carved into his haircut.

“So that means you like it?” Jungkook stands up and spins to face you. You stare up at him, his dimples on full display looking down at you with your cute outfit he helped you pick on FaceTime.

“I fucking love it baby!! I have the urge to crawl inside your skin,” you bite your lip containing the laugh you’re trying hard to contain, failing miserably when Jungkook raises an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. “That’s… cute,” he replies before kissing off the little nose scrunch he loves so much off your face.

“Is that like your ‘cutie mark’?” You quip, your arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders. “Cutie mark?” He asks, a hint of interest in his voice while he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.

“You never watched My Little Pony?” You fake gasp, eyes widening.

“I’ve heard of it, but me sitting down to watch ponies with superpowers… yeah, no.” Jungkook squeezes your waist as he explains.

“You suck,” you roll your eyes playfully sticking your tongue out before entangling yourself off his arms and making your way to the couch.

“Come big baby, we are watching My Little Pony.” You pat the empty couch space beside you.

He watched every season... all nine seasons with you.

Jungkook just wanted to make your life easier; you were always known for being “Miss Independent” in your family and amongst your friends, but here you were letting a man put your heels on for you.

“Too loose or…?” Your boyfriend looks up to you from his kneeling-down position in front of you.

“You look really good on your knees, sir.” You say instead with a sly smirk on your face, ignoring his question. “Pshh,” he rolls his eyes as he chuckles, tying a bow on your lace-up heels.

“Since when do you not flirt back?” You pout watching your boyfriend repeat his actions on the other foot. “Since we are late... and can’t be any more late.” He looks up with a mischievous grin on his face.

“Psh, okay.” You blow out in defeat as your boyfriend chuckles underneath you.

“Come on princess, let's go!” He stands up, giving you a hand for you to stand up off the bed.

The long rides to your guys' destinations were your favorite; Jungkook had given you the “passenger princess” award ever since you set foot in his car. He even installed a light-up mirror on your sun visor whenever you needed to fix your hair or makeup in the car.

Jungkook would listen to your little playlists. He still remembers when you explained to him that each playlist has a different emotion, which made him laugh. Now, anytime you played a song, he would ask you what emotion you were feeling right now.

“What emotion are you feeling right now baby?” He squeezes your thigh as he stops at a red light. The reddish hue illuminates your guy's face. “In love,” you turn your head to the side, staring at your boyfriend who’s already looking at you.

His eyes twinkle as he stares at you, a big smile adorns his face. As you mirror his actions before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips, his eyelids immediately flutter close.

“‘Cause I got my mind on you... I’ve got my mind on you.”

Plays softly from the car speaker; you smile into the kiss. “I love you.” He whispers softly. “I love you.” You whisper back.

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5 months ago
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{cr. moreloveforhobi, 0613data}

5 months ago


5 months ago



Title: Midnight

Pairing: Jungkook x reader (f)

Rating/genre: m (18+) fluff, smut

Word Count: 2,087

Posting Date: Sept 10, 2024

Summary: When menstrual cramps wake you in the night, your boyfriend decides to heal you in his own special way

NSFW Warnings: Oral (F), multiple orgasms, fingering, neck kisses

Author's Note: I wrote this all in one go and did not edit it, so forgive me for any errors!

A dull ache in your lower abdomen pulls you from a deep and restful sleep. Curling up, you fight a groan, not wanting to wake your boyfriend. He's sleeping soundly beside you, snoring ever so softly and not sprawling onto your side of the bed for once. He's usually one to toss and turn, even accidentally elbowing you in the nose once shortly after moving in together. When he woke and realized, he was horrified of course, terrified that he'd hurt you or upset you, even after you dissolved into laughter whilst wiggling your nose to get all the feeling back.

He was still tonight though, you were the one tossing and turning. You took a deep breath through your nose and blew it out slowly, trying to somewhat minimize the pain with your breath. Unfortunately, mother nature was not going down without a fight. Gently, you peeled back the blanket and slid out of bed, making as little noise as possible. You padded to the kitchen softly, popping two tylenols into your mouth before downing a glass of water. You pushed a hand against your stomach, the pain still twisting your insides like a knife. At least now you just had to wait for the meds to kick in. However long that would take.

You crept back into your bedroom and found Jungkook still sleeping. though he'd moved and had thrown his arm across your usual spot. You lifted the blanket, his tattooed arm along with it, and climbed back into bed beneath them, turning on your side so his arm was slung around your waist with your back to his chest.

You tried to stay like that. You really did. But the cramps were making you restless, and you couldn't get comfortable to save your life. You tried laying on your back, your stomach, facing Jungkook, turning back away. After a few minutes of your restlessness you heard his voice in your ear.

"Baby," it was a soft mumble, nothing more, so quiet that you almost wondered if he was talking in his sleep. That theory was shattered when he spoke again. "What's going on?"

You froze, cringing as you realized you'd woke him. "I'm sorry. Go back to sleep."

"Mmmm, can't," he replied, his lips at your throat as he nuzzled closer. There was nothing sexual about it, he was just seeking out your scent, trying to get comfortable. "Not if you keep tossing and turning like that."

"I'm sorry," you said again. "I have cramps, but I took some meds already. Just waiting for them to kick in and then hopefully I will be able to get back to sleep."

"I thought you didn't get a period anymore? IUD?"

"I don't, but sometimes the symptoms are still a bitch."

He didn't answer for a while, and you relaxed thinking he'd drifted back to sleep all on his own. Finally, he spoke again, his lips now at your ear, close enough that they brushed the shell of your ear and sent tingles down your spine. "You know, they say that an orgasm helps relieve cramps."

You huffed out a laugh in response. "Shut up."

"I'm serious."

You rolled your eyes, even though it was dark and you were facing away from him. "You just woke up with a hard on and want to get your dick wet."

"Baby!" he scoffed. "Not true, I wouldn't do that when you just told me you're in pain. Here, feel. Soft as dough." Grabbing your hand, he placed it against his groin to prove that he was telling the truth.

"That's a gross metaphor," you said, pulling your hand back. "And the answer is no. You have to get up so early for that music video shoot or photoshoot or whatever it is. I'm not going to keep you up any later."

"Hmm," he settled in closer, placing one hand on your hip and rubbing circles with his thumb. His hand began to move down your leg, and around until his fingers traced where your legs pressed together. "I think it will be a performance booster. I'll have that afterglow, you know?"

"Jungkook!" You gasped, turning to face him as he laughed. "That really is your favorite word now isn't it?"

He shrugged, a carnal grin on his face. "What can I say? It's nice to be able to put a word to something I'm so familiar with because I see it so often."

You had no words, so you just laughed against his chest. "I'm serious, though, y/n," he continued, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before moving lower, until his mouth was at your neck. "If you keep tossing and turning I'm not going to get much sleep regardless. You might as well let me help you out here."

His tongue darted out against the hollow of your neck, making you shiver and crumbling your remaining resolve. "Fine," you said. "But make it quick."

He deepened the kisses against your neck, alternating between sucking hard and licking gently, while he pushed your legs apart and slipped his tattooed fingers inside your panties.

"You're already wet, baby," he groaned against your collarbone. You merely shuddered in response as he rolled slick fingers against your clit. Warmth filled your body, spreading out from your core and chasing away the shadows of the pain. Your core was on fire, pulsating from his touch as his fingers whirled in quick circles over your swollen clit. "Can I have a taste?" he murmured.

You nodded frantically before realizing his face was buried between your breasts and he couldn't see. "Yes. Please," you whimpered.

He moved down your body at once, peeling off your underwear and audibly sighing in relief once he was eye level with your bare, sopping cunt. "There you are, baby," he said, closing his eyes and inhaling. This worshipping of your sex used to make you feel embarrassed when you first started sleeping together, exposed. But over the years you've come to appreciate how vocal he is about his attraction to you.

When he leaned in and placed that first gentle lick against your clit, your eyes fluttered shut, head collapsing against the pillow with a moan. He moved lower, running his tongue around the perimeter of your hole before darting inside and fucking you with it while his nose bumped against your clit.

"Jesus Christ Jungkook, don't stop," you said, fisting his long black locks between your fingers as you bucked against his face. His tongue slipped out, and you were about to complain when he dipped lower, tracing your asshole before placing the tip of his tongue firmly against it and running it up the length of your sex until finishing at your clit.

"Do you want fingers?" he asked, mouth full of your pussy.

"I just want to come," you whined, too delirious to answer the question properly.

He chuckled, and it vibrated against you. You pushed your pussy harder against his face, enough that he pinned you to the bed with a firm hand. "Stay," he said, no room for argument in his tone. You shuddered again, feeling wetness gush from you as he took charge.

He ran his fingers over your sex, playing with your slick until two fingers were soaked. After what felt like an eon, he finally slipped them inside you. You tensed at once as he began to pump in and out, returning his mouth to your clit and sucking. "Close," you whimpered. "Close!"

He didn't answer, but his eyes flickered shut at your taste and he hummed, sending you firmly over the edge. Your toes curled as your orgasm slammed into you, tensing every muscle in your body until you came apart in shuddering waves.

Your chest heaved as you came back down to earth, blinking your eyes open. Jungkook was resting his cheek against your thigh, smiling up at you with a love drunk expression on his face. "Better?" he asked, his eyes sleepy and the lower half of his face glistening with your wetness.

Mentally cataloguing your body, you searched for the cramps that had been plaguing you until so recently. "Much better," you answered with a smile.

"Good, then go to sleep. I'll take care of this and get cleaned up and then I'll join you," he began to climb out of bed, his erection clearly fighting at the seams of his briefs.

"That's silly, just fuck me," you said, catching his arm and pulling him back towards you.

"You need to sleep," he answered, smoothing your hair and pressing a kiss to your lips. His lips were sweet with your own taste, and it made you want him even more.

"I can taste myself on you," you murmured. You slipped a hand inside his briefs, caressing his length as you darted your tongue out to taste yourself again. It was his turn to shudder, eyes fluttering shut.

"Alright," he said. "You win. But like you said earlier, make it quick. We both need to sleep."

"Just cum fast, then it will be quick," you answered, shoving his briefs down to get to his cock. You got them as far as his knees before he brushed your hands away, laughing and standing to kick them fully off.

He crawled back into bed beside you, guiding you onto your side and pressing his chest to your back, so similar to the position you'd been sleeping in earlier. Until he grabbed one knee, lifting your leg up with one hand while he guided his dick until your cunt with the other. He eased in, moaning as your pussy swallowed him to the hilt. Biting down on your shoulder, he began to pick up the pace.

The hand holding your knee traced down along the inside of your thigh until it reached your apex. You jumped as he placed his fingers against your clit, still sensitive from your earlier orgasm. Each press of his thick cock inside you had your body priming for the next release.

"You're going to need to come soon, baby," Jungkook moaned against your neck. "Eating you turned me on so much, I'm already holding back."

You nodded, grinding against him as he pounded into you from behind while his fingers swirled against you, chasing that high. Mere moments went by before the tsunami of pleasure overtook you once again, this time sweeping Jungkook away as well. You cried out his name while he grunted, rhythm growing sporadic as he emptied himself into you until he finally stilled.

You laid there for a moment, both trying to catch your breath and fight off the incoming desire to sleep. As your eyes began to flutter shut, satiated at last, you realized it was a losing battle. But, you knew you needed to get cleaned up or you'd hate yourself when you saw the sheets in the morning. Or, worst case scenario, got a UTI. You peeled yourself away from Jungkook, who's skin was sticking to yours with rapidly drying sweat.

"Uh uh," he tsked. "Lay back down. Just go to sleep."

"I have to get cleaned up," you protested.

"I'll take care of it," he said, hopping out of bed nimbly. You shrugged and listened, figuring there was no point in you both leaving the comfort of the bed if he was promising to take care of you.

A minute went by and you guessed he was cleaning himself off as well, before he finally returned with a damp wash cloth. He crawled back into bed, pressing a kiss to your sweaty brow before reaching between your legs with the cloth.

He brushed against your clit on accident and you jerked away, feeling very sensitive and completely sexed out. "Careful," you whined.

"Sorry, sorry," he whispered, brushing against you more carefully to clean you up. When he was finished, he tossed the wash rag across the room towards the closet, eliciting a noise of protest from you. "It's fine. I'll grab it in the morning when I'm up. That's only like three hours from now anyway."

You sank back into the pillow, too satiated and exhausted to complain. "Thank you," you said, drifting back to sleep already, pain free and happy.

He climbed back into bed beside you and you rolled over, burying your face in his wide, muscled chest. You pressed a kiss over the spot that contained his heart as he slung an arm over you. "Anything for you, y/n."

© 2024 leahsfavefics Do not copy or repost without permission.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)

5 months ago
cocoxoyc - head in the clouds
5 months ago
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No One:jungkook: *attractively Eating Noodles*

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