I'm Heat(27f) trying to learn how to write and further work on my art skills
7 posts
Coffeecomehither - Learning To Figure It Out - Tumblr Blog
Happy indigenous peoples day!
people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
stolen from reddit
You’re driving home alone in the dead of night, and you see a child in the middle of the night. Feeling sympathetic, you offer to drive them to the police station to find their parents, only you find out that thing that you picked up isn’t just a child…
💫 It's okay to write fiction you would not want your grandmother to see.
💫 Different stories are for different audiences.
💫 You do not have to appeal to everyone.
💫 Don't sacrifice the story you want to tell for an imaginary audience or for imaginary critics.
the "man why hasn't anyone written this idea?" to "screw it i'll write it my self" pipeline is real.
welp guess i need to learn to write :/