umemiya hajime; 3,307 words; mostly fluff, tiny bit of angst, young/freshman!umemiya, pre-canon events, lapslock, no "y/n", librarian!reader, childhood friends to lovers, vague ref to ch. 152, ume is a dumbdumb
summary: "it's a pleasure to burn" - ray bradbury, fahrenheit 451
a/n: am i writing umemiya now? who knows. this takes place 2 years before wbk manga events (the first year ume&co are in boufuurin) so pls excuse the slightly ooc ume...

001. the art of war
the library is entirely your idea.
“mah… you’d have to be the one to keep track of all the books though,” umemiya says, grinning as he watches you stock the shelves, your hair twisted up into a messy bun, your arm straining to reach the top-most shelf with a bundle of paperbacks with fraying covers and broken-in spines.
“of course i would! it’s not like there’s anyone else here i’d trust with that.” you turn to fix him with a stare that is already too “librarian-like” and he laughs, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied sigh.
“okay then, consider me your first patron! gimme something to read,” umemiya says, smiling wide as you narrow your eyes. your lips twitch up at the ends — it’s a familiar movement, an unconscious gesture, but one that’s plagued his all sleepless nights and most of his endless days.
“well…” you say, drawing out the word as you slowly saunter towards him, propping your hands on your hips as you pull level with the table in front of him, “what do you want to read?”
“anything you’d wanna lend me,” he says easily.
“boo, that’s such a boring answer,” you shoot back, shifting to press your hip against the edge of the table, crossing your arms as you turn to look back at the half-erected shelves.
you don’t see the way umemiya’s eyes flicker down to the bend of your waist, or the way he licks his lips as he tracks the plush of your thigh as you move to hoist yourself onto the desk, balancing on the edge.
he swallows, clearing his throat, trying not to think about the strange, burgeoning signs of growing up pestering you both at this vital juncture (just last week, his voice had cracked so hard you’d laughed at him for a whole hour straight; and the week before that, he’d almost rammed into a telephone poll watching you jog down the flight of stairs that leads to your tiny apartment).
“then maybe reading a few books will make me not so boring, hm?”
you roll your eyes, hopping off the table to comb through the handful of books. umemiya lets out an internal sigh of relief, feeling the heat in his cheeks recede ever so slightly as you disappear behind one of the taller shelves.
“here. let’s start with this.”
you pop out from behind the shelf, lobbing a thin volume towards him; he catches it out of reflex and stares at the cover.
“the art of war…?”
you grin, all cheek and no shame, “yeah. i mean… fits, doesn’t it? aren’t you starting at boufuurin next week?” you blink before turning back to look around at the small, abandoned storage facility, tucked between a ramen shop and what used to be a dollar store. there’s half a dozen dusty shelves, a few cabinets along the walls, and even a small stepladder that touma had dug out of the back closet for you.
at fifteen, you’re probably the smartest person he knows (and the prettiest, but that’s neither here nor there); at fifteen, umemiya hajime is an iron-wrought confluence of teenage ambition with big ideas and even bigger dreams (who doesn’t have time for things like crushes or girls… really).
“yeah,” umemiya runs a finger along the cover of the little book and flips to a random page, his eyes catching on the line —
the greatest victory is that which requires no battle at all.
002. pedro reyes
three weeks later, he stumbles back with two black eyes and a matching pair of bleeding knuckles.
“that book you lent me?” he says, dropping into a chair with a groan, “kinda bullshit.”
you make a half-startled, half-annoyed noise as you hurry over, setting down an armful of magazines to lean over and look at his face.
“what the hell happened?”
umemiya winces as you reach out to wipe a trickle of blood from his cheek.
“couple of fights — tough ones, but… well, i’m still here, aren’t i?” he says, managing a lopsided grin even as you tut, hurrying away to grab a first aid kit, returning with a warm, wet cloth and a scowl on your face.
“i thought you had a plan,” you say, unable to keep the acid from your voice.
umemiya groans as you press the damp cloth to his bloodied fingers, watching as you wipe each one down, the shocking white of the towel slowly darkening until it’s stained and blotchy with red.
“yeah. i did — punch everyone out till i get to the top.”
you tsk, frown deepening even as he shifts forward to let you wipe at the wounds on his face.
“pretty sure that’s not what sun tzu suggests,” you say, dabbing some kind of cooling gel to a cut right below his eye.
“sun tzu’s never had to deal with the guys at boufuurin.”
you roll your eyes, sighing before pulling back, “there’s an article i read today —” you jerk your head back towards the stack of magazines, “about an artist in mexico.”
umemiya closes his eyes and lets you do the slow, diligent work of bandaging up his knuckles, one by one.
“he took a bunch of illegal weapons the government had confiscated and melted them down — pistols, knives, shotguns — and made them into musical instruments instead.”
the quiet that follows is thick and steady as churned butter. you don’t look up, your eyes still trained on the careful task of bandaging umemiya’s fingers.
he shifts, pulling closer, his breath fanning out warm against your cheek.
“do you know how hot a fire has to be in order to melt metal?” you ask after another brief silence, finally lifting your eyes as you finish with his hands.
umemiya cocks an eyebrow, “how hot?”
“about 2,700 degrees, fahrenheit.”
umemiya whistles below his breath, “sounds hot.”
“it is. at that temperature, you can apparently force a weapon to forget that it’s a weapon, to remake it into something new — something that wasn’t made to take lives… but to give it instead.”
you wrap your fingers around his, your skin contrasted against the dark blossom of bruises.
umemiya feels his smile slash into something jagged, lopsided and sharp.
“then… i guess that’s how hot i’ll have to burn to turn this whole place around.”
003. grey’s anatomy
looking back, umemiya wonders if that’s the night he changed — the night that you’d held onto his hands as if they were something precious.
he looks up the melting point of metal and the story of the artist in mexico. he thinks about what it must feel like to turn a pistol into a flute, to be the one to teach it to hold a note instead of a bullet —
he stares down at his bandaged hands, feels the dull ache in his muscles and wonders.
once, he remembers when the pair of you were still kids, hollow and lonely and full of a childish rage at the indifferent world — how you’d laughed as he pushed you on a neighborhood swing, but cried when he knocked a guy’s front teeth our for asking where your parents were.
and a week later, he’d found you hidden under the jungle gym with a tomb of a book clutched in your hands. the air had been damp with thunder, the sky grey and electric.
you’d looked up at him with bright eyes, holding out a closed fist —
“ume! did you know that the human heart is the same size as a fist?”
he remembers crawling under the jungle gym to squeeze in beside you, elbow to elbow, hip to hip, peering at the opened book, at the page with a diagram of the human body an all it’s labeled parts.
“oh, cool.”
he’d held up his own fist then, and stared, feeling the beat of his heart reverberating through his chest. he wonders if you can hear it when you’re pressed this close; he wonders, if the sky weren’t breaking apart above you, if he’d be able to hear your heartbeats too.
“isn’t it strange?” you’d asked, leaning over to bump your fist against his.
“what’s strange?” he hadn’t pulled away; neither had you.
your hand relaxes then, fingers loosening till he can see the blood rush back into their tips, tinting them pink. you’d turned your hand and placed it over his still-closed one and squeezed.
“that… a heart and a fist are the same size but… they weren’t made to beat the same.”
004. romeo & juliet
“he loves you, y’know.”
you look up from the makeshift front desk.
tsubaki is sitting with their legs crossed on one of the tables, arms propped on either side of their hips.
“library’s not open for another few days,” you say by way of an answer.
“it’s nice,” tsubaki says, looking around, “you did a good job with it.”
they hop off the table to peer down one of the aisles of books — all the shelves now labeled with your loopy handwriting, the books clustered by a loose combination of genre, authorship, and spine-coloration.
“it’ll be good for us,” tsubaki’s voice is slightly muted by the layers and layers of books, but the click of their heeled boots rings sharp against the smooth linoleum floors, “having a library — the pen being mightier than the sword, and all.”
they’re smiling when they finally come back around the last row, fingers linked behind their back.
“that’s the hope, anyway,” you say, lips pulling into a wane smile.
you glance up and your eyes catch on the bandage at the edge of tsubaki’s lips, the dark stain at the collar of their otherwise impeccable uniform.
sighing, you run a hand along a yet-unsorted stack of books, shaking your head.
“we’re too young to know anything about love,” you answer, finally.
tsubaki joins you, bending down to pick up the first book at the top of the pile, waving it in the air with a rueful grin.
“i think romeo & juliet would beg to differ.”
you bite your lips, “you know that’s a tragedy, right?”
tsubaki shrugs, “sure, but… wasn’t it beautiful while it lasted anyway?”
you don’t have an answer, and instead, tsubaki giggles, tapping the top of your head with the book.
“can i borrow this? i promise i’ll return it!”
you wave them away with a soft smile.
“that’s kind of how a library works.”
005. fight club
“how long have you been here?”
you jerk up, your entire body screaming with the movement after having been still for so long.
“ume —! you’re awake!” you nearly collapse by the hospital bedside, dropping your head into the pristine white sheets.
above you, umemiya makes a choked off sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh, his hand coming up to pat your head. you melt into the feel of him, the weight and warmth of his fingers as he treads them through your hair.
“where’s —”
“they left — all of them,” you say, lifting your head slowly, “takishii and endo and… all of them.”
umemiya frowns, his hand stilling for a second, “what do you mean?”
you shrug, pulling back till you’re curled up in the bedside seat once more, tugging your knees up into your chest.
“after the fight, they just… picked up and left.”
“so… i lost,” umemiya’s voice is soft.
you shake your head, “no.”
he frowns, “but that’s —”
“you knocked each other out at the same time — it was technically —” your voice snags in your throat as you remember the grizzly scene before you, the crimson sprays of blood, the dirt damp beneath them, their uniforms torn into dark ribbons, the rooftop howling with a savage, winter wind.
“a tie,” umemiya says in a flatlined voice, reaching up and covering his eyes with his arm.
you clear your throat, reaching for the tall glass of water on the bedside table.
“here — drink,” you hold the water out to him. he takes it wordlessly and drains nearly the entire glass. you watch, silent, as a drop of liquid trails down his jaw and trickles into the bandages at this throat.
your eyes cut away as he grins, smacking his lips and setting the water glass down.
“ah — that feels much better!”
you’re quiet, sitting vulturine still, refusing to meet his gaze.
umemiya finally slumps back to stare at the ceiling.
“you’re mad at me.”
“i’m not.”
“we’e known each other our whole lives, i know when you’re mad —”
“i’m scared, okay?” there’s a thin, unsteady quiver to the tenor of your voice as your head snaps back up. it’s then that he notices your fingers curled into fists at your sides.
“s-scared? of what? takiishi and endo are gone — you said so your—”
“of you!”
umemiya blinks and feels the blood in his extremities going cold, and for a second, he’s not sure if he accidentally dislodged his iv drip.
the look on your face is inscrutable, anger and uncertainty, but most of all — fear. something about that look makes his stomach curdle inside him.
“i —” he tries to find something to say but nothing else comes out. there’s no excuse, no explanation. he searches you eyes for a tether, for a spark of that familiar warmth and finds none.
slowly, you soften back into the seat and turn to stare out the window.
“it’s not like i’ve never seen you fight… and i’ve never liked it but this…” you bite down on your bottom lip, “it was like… you turned into someone else. someone i didn’t recognize.”
“i’m… i’m sorry.”
you swallow, still not looking at him, your eyes flickering down to your own hands, now lying limply in your lap.
“and then i thought — what if i did this? i — i had to go and make that stupid metaphor about the metal and the melting and —”
at this, umemiya laughs, reaching out to tug you closer. the ease with which he does so startles a hiccup out of you.
“you don’t really think i went and fought like that because of an article about a dude in mexico, do you?”
you purse your lips, cheeks going blotchy with heat. umemiya reaches forward to squeeze your nose, making you jerk back.
“dummy,” he chides, grinning now from ear to ear, but his smile falters slightly as he takes your hands in his, “i’m sorry that i scared you. promise i won’t do it again.”
“hn.” you don’t make to pull away, and umemiya takes that as permission to tug you into his chest, wrapping both arms around you. he buries his face in your hair and breathes in, out, in —
“hm… you really think you have that much power over me?” umemiya asks, a wanton sort of amusement underlying his voice as he finally lets you go, if only to revel in the way your cheeks flood with color.
“shut up! i was — i was freaked out and you were unconscious and i —”
“cause you do.”
your words cut off as abruptly as a dropped call.
umemiya chuckles, scratching at the back of his head, ruffling up his already pillow-mussed hair.
“been meaning to tell you but… i figured you already knew — “ and for once, he sounds his age — young and halting and shy.
after a breath that feels like a century, you finally break into a helpless fit of laughter.
“i can’t believe it…” you say, burying your face in your hands.
“can’t… believe what?” umemiya blinks at you.
“that it took you nearly dying for you to admit that you liked me.”
“hey! in case you haven’t noticed, i’ve been kinda busy this year!”
you roll your eyes, “yeah, yeah — had to go save the world first. then you get to kiss the girl, right? end movie, roll credits.”
umemiya cocks his head, “well, i dunno about the world but definitely — wait, what did you say about kissing me?”
you crinkle your nose, “i didn’t.”
“yeah you did.”
“i did not — i was just making a general statement about cliches in superhero movies —”
“oh, so you think i’m a superhero?”
“ume! stop it — mph!”
later, umemiya would recall fondly to anyone who will listen that yeah, he does get to kiss the girl after all.
006. fahrenheit 451
“451,” you say, standing at the door of the newly minted makochi library.
it’s dark outside, and umemiya stands by your side, stretching his arms over his head with a wide yawn.
“451 degrees,” you say again, turning to press a small silver lighter into his hands. he stares owlishly at it before looking back at you, clearly at a loss.
“that’s how hot it has to be for paper to catch fire.”
umemiya stares.
“i was thinking,” you say, turning back to the dark, but pristine library.
“uh-oh — oof — ow!” umemiya makes a show of clutching his side as you jerk your elbow back for another blow. he dodges out of your way with a dopey grin.
you sigh, turning back to the library, “but i was thinking that… there’s gotta be a better way — an easier way, right?”
this time, he stays quiet to let you speak.
“because yeah, it’d be nice to melt all the weapons in the world and turn them all into nicer things but… there’s a better way to do things.”
“yeah? and what’s that?” umemiya turns the lighter around and around in his palm.
you turn and head for the door, locking it behind you. the moonlight washes your skin in a ghostly silver as you turn to face him.
“we rewrite the story,” you say.
umemiya flicks on the lighter and lets the fire dance between them. his breath catches on the liquid gold in your eyes.
“is… that even possible?” he asks.
you reach out a steady hand, letting the tips of your fingers barely skim over the shifting flame.
“sure it is. all of human history is just a story written by the victors. and… 451 degrees isn’t nearly as hot as 2,700.”
umemiya smiles then, letting the lid of the lighter click shut. the fire snuffs out, leaving only a thin trail of spiraling smoke behind.
“sounds a lot more reasonable, too. much less scary,” he says.
you laugh, turning towards the main street. he watches you go for a second before pocketing the lighter and making to catch up. when he levels himself with you, he reaches out to take your hand.
“fires don’t have to be scary,” you say, giving his hand a quick squeeze, “for most of human history… it’s brought people together — over a hot meal or a good story. a lot of the time… it’s the only reason we get to survive.”
umemiya pulls you in to loop his arm around your shoulder.
“hm. i like the sound of that way, way better.”
“so… just makin’ sure — you don’t want me to burn down the new library you spent all this time setting up, right?”
“no you dumbass! it was just a metaphor.”
“oh. right — yeah, a metaphor, duh.”
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More Posts from Coffeedrinkee
How the Wind Breaker boys act when they've got a cold
ft. Sakura Haruka, Umemiya Hajime, and Kaji Ren
cw: none
notes: slapped down some HCs for three of my fave boys while half asleep and on lunch break so pardon any mistakes

"i can take care of myself, like i always have, so get out!"
he's scared any sickness is perceived as weakness
and no one has ever cared for him ever, regardless of whether he was sick or injured, so you trying to take care of him in any capacity is so confusing
like, is this what normally happens when someone is sick? other people...help them??
softly complains when you do things for him, like making him food or making sure he always has water on hand, but he never seriously tries to stop you
he likes these new, warm feelings he gets when you're around, and it's when he's sick he realizes that he doesn't think he can live without you anymore
will probably do his best to return the favor when you get sick next - he's clumsy at taking care of others, but he wants to do his best for you
big baby, of course
just a huge sookie baby
wants to be babied by you so much
everything is terrible when you aren't around when he's not feeling well
which means everything is terrible for the people around him
he can't get comfortable, his food never tastes right, he aches all over, and he always feels too hot or too cold
but if you are there with him, he feels so much better, even if all you're doing is sitting with him on the couch, running your fingers through his hair, holding him
if he so much as makes a passing comment about his throat feeling a bit sore, you bet Hiragi is finding you ASAP because there's no WAY he is dealing with a sick Umemiya
when you aren't around, he's even easier to piss off
HATES not feeling like himself, whether that be with the monster inside of him or when he's wiped out from an illness
basically like a guard dog in pain, lashing out at anyone that gets too close
everyone around him can FUCK OFF
but with you, he's totally docile
your hand feels so nice and cool on his feverish skin
you know what he needs without him having to say it
will probably make a fuss (groan, sigh) if you get him up for a bath or shoo him out of bed so you can change the sheets, but makes no move to actually stop you from doing it
secretly loves you doting on him when he's vulnerable like this (though probably not as secretly as he thinks considering he'll be clingier than usual)
a day to remember
summary: sakura falls sick and you deem it your duty to take care of him until he feels better.
warnings: gn!reader, fluff, flustered sakura, kind of inspired by that chapter when sakura was sick but with a little twist :3
notes: sakura :(( i love him sm

sakura doesn’t remember the reason he got sick.
maybe it was because of the rain last night when he had to hurriedly take you home as it was raining cats and dogs, or maybe it was because he stayed up all night trying to figure out places to go with you.
a sneeze escapes from sakura, making him shudder. he grabs a tissue from the table and blows his nose before cuddling himself further into his futon. his place isn’t exactly the kind of place a person would want to live in, let alone a sick person.
“god,” sakura groans hating how he can’t exactly breathe out of his nose. “this is the worst.” he closes his eyes, attempting to get some sleep.
however, that is soon disturbed when someone knocks on his front door. sakura groans, mentally cursing whoever is outside for disturbing his rest. he slowly gets up, trying to prevent a headache from coming.
“what do you want-” sakura stops when he sees you standing in front of him, holding a plastic bag which seems to be filled with medicine and food. “y/n? wh-what are you doing here?”
“you never replied to my messages,” you reply with a small pout. “so i asked suo if he’s seen you today and he said that you’re sick.” you sigh, seeing his red nose. “why didn’t you tell me?”
sakura blinks. “um, it’s not important…”
“what do you mean ‘not important’? you’re my boyfriend, of course you’re important!” you exclaim, pushing past sakura to let yourself in. “wha- this place looks…”
“shut up!” sakura grits his teeth. “why are you here?”
“i’m here to take care of you,” you say and push sakura down back onto his futon. “sit down. i’ll go prepare some congee for you, okay?”
“h-huh?!” sakura’s face turns red. “i-i can take care of myself. you can leave! i don’t want you to get sick.” he says as he is about to stand up.
“no.” you stubbornly say, crossing your arms. sakura slowly sits back down. “you lay down while i prepare the congee. don’t you dare stand up.”
sakura’s eyes widen and nods. he watches you move around his kitchen (if you can call it one). he suddenly remembers the time when you went out shopping with him, buying him things to decorate his apartment with. since sakura is too stubborn to move out of his current apartment, you decide on buying stuff such as curtains, pots, pans, and even calling a guy to fix his stove.
to be perfectly honest, sakura doesn’t understand why you will do all this for. besides, he comes over to your house almost every other day, so why does his house need any furnishing?
as soon as you finish making the congee, you walk over to sakura, who immediately hides under the futon, suddenly feeling embarrassed that he was watching you.
“what are you doing?” you ask, confused as to why he’s suddenly hiding. “here, come on. eat.” you pick a spoonful of congee up, waiting for sakura to reappear.
when he does reappear and sees you waiting for him, he backs away almost immediately. “wh-what are you doing?!”
“feeding you..?” you reply. “come on, open up.” you nudge his lips with the spoon.
he stares at you for a few seconds before opening his mouth up slightly. the taste of congee fills his mouth, sending a warm feeling throughout his whole body. “i can eat by myself, you know?” sakura says, mouth full of congee.
“i know, but i love spoiling you.” you say with a big smile on your face.
sakura can’t help but blush seeing you smiling.
he really can’t fight against you, can’t he.

GOOD FUCKING MORNING, knees on the floor. Official artwork never disappoint.
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if you don't want certain people interacting with your posts (and let's be real, liking a post is barely an interaction to begin with), then the internet is not for you. people are going to engage with the content they want to engage with. you cannot control who sees your posts, unless it's a private account that you only let certain people see.