Basically a place for me to reblong anything I like. 18+ only
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Collectionsublimegirl - Crazy!Sexy?Cool... Nerd. - Tumblr Blog

Arthur Pendragon Meme Favourite Season Five Scene

Friend: so what did you do over Easter break? Me, closing ten tabs of fanfiction: oh, the usual

Makes your dick bigger & and your pussy wet. Follow Pornhubbing for more!

Tag yourself as season 12 criminal minds fans

CM Appreciation - Day 2: Aesthetic | Tropes
Character Tropes
You don’t just stop loving someone because they don’t love you back.
Roald Dahl (via quotemadness)

I loved Martha!
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4fef7e43625435803ee3d292cd60953d/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo9_r1_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0dbd0b8b87232c8d29758b15c11b8a71/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo4_r1_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/442bda11673a1c50429b12376a7d2c7a/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo5_r2_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/30f342347702fd3706a7849797a02855/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo1_r1_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fdb2fb74c43f3ad64066da753fa27617/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo2_r2_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/44dfe4f8ddb00dfd059887bf4bb2364a/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo8_r2_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a9aee3dc5125b53f8a2fd9f6942eaa5b/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo3_r1_250.gif)
![Doctor Who Meme: [2/6] Companions, Martha Jones](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5aab6671f1200b447ef62ce8c20ca2ae/tumblr_omz7yuaxqG1qjemobo6_r2_250.gif)
doctor who meme: [2/6] companions, martha jones
“Now, then. I’m Dr. Martha Jones, who the hell are you?”
having homosexual relations means you will burn in Hell
Worth it
The speech that made me fall in love with her!

“I understand that you think I acted too emotionally. And putting aside the fact that men always say that about women they work with, I’ll get straight to the point. I am emotional. I do bring it into my work. It’s what motivates me. It helps me to get into the headspace of our victims. See what they’ve seen. Even if I don’t want to, even if it horrifies me. And I think it makes me a better agent. If you have a problem with that, sorry.”

#reblog for lesbian love ignore for mon el of daxam
Can’t wait! Definitely going to the movies this weekend!

Power Rangers were a legion of warriors. You must become those warriors.
Power Rangers (2017)

Sometimes the world we have is not the world we want. But we have our hearts and our imaginations to make the best of it.
