i reblog tons of tips and helpful college and college-adjacent info. you’re gonna be just fine.
240 posts
What I Wish Someone Told Me Going Into My Freshman Year Of College
what I wish someone told me going into my freshman year of college
You and your roommate might not get along.
Just because you woke up early every day in high school doesn’t mean you will be able to in college.
Conversely, you might just realize you are a morning person in college.
You should learn to examine your personal biases. Ask yourself why you have a certain opinion.
There are plenty of students who have taken 17, 18, 19 hour course loads and they have been successful; however, it may not be financially feasible.
Searching for scholarships doesn’t stop when you get to college. Keep looking for them and applying for them. Create a separate email account to receive and correspond to scholarship emails.
Don’t put off visiting your academic advisor. Mine absolutely saved me when I was going through the lowest point in my life.
Let your mom/dad/parental guardian (if applicable) make your bed on move-in day.
Get involved, but only if you want to. Student organizations in college are much more time-consuming, so be certain that it is something you really want to do.
Have fun. You don’t have to go out every single weekend. But go get coffee or study with a friend. Have some sort of interaction with others.
Getting a job really eased my financial burdens and I made friends, and established references. Having money just feels good.
Wash your face. Keep make up wipes close to your bed for nights when you are just too tired to go through an elaborate skin care routine.
Communal showers suck, but we all have to endure them. I promise you will get used to it. But you gotta bathe, friend.
Be honest with your support system. Many times, those closest to us would help us in a heartbeat, but they never knew we needed help in the first place.
Utilize services your tuition covers. These include, but are not limited to, tutoring, legal services, medical services, etc.
Sit in the front row. Just do it. Seriously. You will be less inclined to get on your phone/not pay attention to lecture/discussion material if the material is two feet away from you. You can also see better on those days when you forget glasses, or run out of contacts.
Your MWF life does not know your T/TR life. You can totally hit those clothes with some febreeze and wear them on heavy rotation.
Speaking of clothes, everyone washes clothes on Sundays. It’s a fact.
You really don’t need to bring all of your clothes, expensive jewelry, trophies from that time you did soccer in 2nd grade, etc. to your dorm. Just enough clothes to fit in your drawers/closet for all seasons, and a couple sentimental items to remind you of home.
Save the boxes you use to move into your dorm/apartment. You will need them come move out.
Live and die by the syllabi, but know that professors will change things up randomly. They will also announce things in class that are not on the syllabus at random.
Do invest in some good plates and Tupperware.
Drink water.
The freshman 15 is real and it is coming for you. But it’s okay. You’re still awesome.
Parking in college is universally limited and unforgiving. Be mindful of this.
Many retailers will have sales on microwaves and mini fridges when fall comes around. Invest in them.
Storage containers are a must.
Respect quiet hours.
If you will be living on campus, and your campus is dry - RESPECT THAT. Seriously, it’s such a dumb mistake to make. I have friends who started out on probation because they decided to drink in their dorms their freshman year.
Get a power strip. Or three.
There’s no dress code in college. So you can totally wear that crop top. But be mindful that those surrounding you are potential professional connections. A lot of college is networking.
But, in all honesty, no one really cares what you are wearing.
You are an adult now, so setting boundaries is necessary.
Don’t stay in that toxic relationship.
Keep in touch with your friends/family from back home.
Do ask your professors questions in office hours, during class (if able to), or via email.
Use protection.
Stand up for yourself, what you believe in, and others.
Get the number of at least one person in each class during syllabus week.
Expect to stay the entire 2-4 hours of your lab.
Be respectful of your roommate’s space.
Be respectful of other’s differing opinions in Blackboard discussions.
Be a point whore. Do the extra credit. Do it.
Remember that college is a new beginning.
Realize that grades do not define your intelligence.
Realize that sometimes we fail classes, but it does not mean that we are not “smart enough.”
Know that college is not for everyone.
It’s okay to take a couple semesters off to better yourself. I did, and I am so thankful that I made that decision.
Buy your textbooks and access codes and lab manuals as early as you can.
Use a planner!!!!!!
Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Remember that college is not supposed to be the best years of your life. College is meant to set you up for the best years of your life.
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🎒Backpacks 101🌻
Essentials for Class
Your laptop/spirals/tablet/your preferred note-taking medium. For professors that speak quickly and cover a lot of information in a short amount of time before moving on to the next slide, I always like to use my laptop. Some professors prohibit the use of laptops (even for note-taking). So, I like to use a cheap spiral for class in which I will write information/graphics with the knowledge that they don’t have to be perfect. This is just to ensure that I get the information down. When I get home I transfer all of the notes into a nicer spiral to look over later. This also works to help me retain the information!
My all-time favorite spiral notebooks are the Exceed Five Subject Notebooks. I love these because in the front they have a world map, a punctuation chart, a metric unit conversion chart, spelling rules, a ruler, and a glossary of general reference and research sites.
Loose-leaf paper. This is especially helpful for me because many of my professors will give pop-quizzes/pop-writing assignments. Also great for when a classmate needs to borrow some paper. You can whip it out and make a friend for all semester.
Personally, I like to use Five Star Reinforced Filler Paper by Mead.
Pencil Bag. Naturally, not having to frantically dig around your backpack for a pen/pencil/highlighter makes your day go so much smoother.
I prefer the Mead Five Star Organizer Pencil Pouch.
My pencil bag comes complete with an assortment of pens, pencils, highlighters, two flash drives, a pencil sharpener, and an entire 50 pack of Crayola Super Tips. Yes, my pencil bag fits that much.
Laptop charger & phone charger. I recommend purchasing a powerblock as well to ensure that you don’t have to compete over the use of limited outlets. Thousands of college students across the nation fail to charge their electronics nightly, don’t get caught in the crossfires of that feeding frenzy.
Headphones. Something about not having my music while I’m on the bus or walking across campus really kills my mood for the day.
My planner! Stop writing stuff on your hand or on random pieces of paper. Get yourself a cheap planner. Even if you are not a planner user right now, just forcing yourself to use one for 30 days will forge an unbreakable and life-changing habit! Take it from me.
To Make Your Day Easier
A small umbrella for those days when the weather goes from 75′ and sunny to raining cats and dogs in 3 seconds.
A wallet with your IDs and change. I always kick myself when I didn’t have enough change for the vending machines on campus. I kick myself even harder when I have to ask random strangers for 50 cents to buy a scantron/blue book. Also just a good idea to always have some form of ID on you.
Water bottle. Invest in a super cool, trendy, refillable water bottle to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Or just keep refilling the same plastic one.
Deodorant. This is so silly but I am always forgetting to put on deodorant before I walk out the door and I’m 22. When I get to class I realize I’ve forgotten and panic as the Texas heat encompasses me. Travel-sized deodorants are so beneficial.
An emergency tampon/pad. Or two!!! Goes without saying. Surprises are always fun until it’s your period. I keep emergency tampons in my truck, in my apron for work, in my backpack, in my horse trailer. I do not play around.
Light snacks. We’re talking a granola bar or seven to keep your stomach from gurgling when you’re taking that exam and of course everyone showed up to class.
A flashdrive.
Chapstick, sunscreen, or lotion can also make you more comfortable sitting in class.
Quick Tips About Backpacks
While, yes, those little fashionable ones are cute, they don’t hold the essentials and can be damaging to your back, causing soreness and discomfort. Buying a Jansport absolutely saved my back and stopped my chronic pain from progressing!
Obviously there are hundreds of amazing brands of backpacks out there, but I strongly urge you to purchase a bag with:
a sleeve inside for your laptop
at least three pockets - so everything has a place
those little mesh side pockets
adjustable (preferably PADDED) shoulder straps!
Another thing! I always place my heavier items (laptop & textbooks) CLOSEST to my back. That way the weight doesn’t drag you down backwards and cause back pain (my doctor literally told me this). This is where having multiple pockets is so helpful.
Adjust your shoulder straps so that you can also maintain good posture while walking. The weight of your backpack + where it sits on your back should not cause you to lean forward or sway backwards in order to compensate. Also fun fact - when I was in middle school I thought it was cool to have a backpack that hung really low (?) and it created a pinched nerve in my neck! Awesome! Don’t be like me!
Remember that backpacks -while they can absolutely be super cute and trendy- are meant to possess functionality. Your backpack should carry the essentials you need to have a successful and comfortable day at class.
Lastly, 10/10 would recommend cleaning out your backpack frequently! Make sure it stays organized and free of clutter. I also like to make sure I take all of my spirals and planner out of my backpack each day after class so that after I rest for a bit - I know I have things I need to get to.
Organizing Your Backpack - By Pockets
-Largest pocket (closest to your back):
Heavier items such as your laptop, binders, textbooks, loose leaf paper and planner. Laptop should go inside the sleeve (if applicable).
-Second largest pocket
Items such as your pencil bag, chargers, and umbrella.
-Smallest pocket
Items that you won’t be pulling in and out too frequently, such as headphones, deodorant, chapstick, a flashdrive, snacks, wallet, keys, painkillers, and your emergency tampons (if applicable).
-Side pockets
Here I obviously like to keep my water bottle or coffee thermos. If you have more than one pocket this is also a great place to keep your little umbrella.
Happy studying, realistic students!
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Recipe of the week
Biang Biang Noodles

Interesting and fun stuff
How to Cut an Avocado
Recipe lists
My Favorite Valentine’s Day Menu Ideas
35 Delicious Sweet Potato Recipes
Food days
Potato lovers day
Fettuccine Alfredo
Pizza 🍕
Cream cheese brownies
Have a brownie day
Mini Frozen Cannoli Cheesecake Bites


Classic Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mint Brownies


French Onion Soup

Strawberry Cake Balls

Beef Bourguignon

Baked jalapeño cheese fries

Cantonese Cha Guo Savory Rice Cakes


Blueberry Fudge





french dip sandwich

Twice Baked Potatoes

raspberry and dark chocolate macarons

Copycat Panda Express Orange Chicken

Trying to grow some #catgrass for her! 👵🏻🐈

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Is this how you roll?
How I Went From Academic Probation to the Dean’s List in One Semester
So if you haven’t read it and want to understand the full story, I recommend reading this post right here (x) Long story short, while yes, I did have very poor physical and mental health that contributed to my academic probation, I also could have been more organized and overall a better student, and maybe I would have not had the best grades - but still maintained “good standing.” My first two semesters were rough. Then I took two semesters off. When I came back this semester, I was determined to succeed and essentially, I learned how to be the best college student I could be. Albeit, this was also after I regained control over my health. Nonetheless, let’s get into it!
I took some time off from school
First of all, what helped me the most was taking two semesters off. I won’t lie to any of you. I took this time to see pain management doctors, receive treatment for my 6 bulged discs that contributed to my chronic pain, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and re-learned how to live my life, I got my anxiety disorder under control, and I worked 40+ hours a week serving and bartending to become more financially independent - which helped my anxiety. During this time I also learned to be honest with my support system (advisors, close friends, and family), which also contributed to my success this semester.
I forced myself to use a planner religiously (for about a month) until it became an unbreakable habit
I forced myself to use a planner religiously (about a month) until it became an unbreakable habit. Planners are the biggest tool when becoming more organized. During syllabus week, I took my dad’s advice and wrote down every due date, even if it was TBA. This allowed me to be “ahead of the curve.” I am not taken by surprise by any assignments now.
Using my planner, I create artificial due dates for myself that are a day or two before the actual, posted due date. This ensures that my assignments are turned in early, or if something goes wrong in submitting them (if online) then I can make my professor/instructor aware of the issue beforehand so that something can be done. Write: “Have X turned in by today!”
Do your best to also not only stay “on top of” assignments, but also ahead of them. It is better to work ahead and have nothing to do (or due) for the remainder of the week than to be overwhelmed by copious amounts of work and studying.
I took pride in my work
I took pride in my work/notes, and set out to create work/notes that would impress peers (if they saw my work) or impress my professor upon grading my assignments. I specifically set out to “wow” people with what I was creating. This lead me to the studyblr community specifically with my notes.
I emailed my professors literally all the time
I emailed my professors consistently. Even if I had a question that could have waited until the next class - I emailed my professors. They were able to learn my names, and my grades are awesome because of it.
I participated in class
I participated in class. Not only do I sit in the front of the class because I can’t see (ya girl isn’t good about wearing her glasses) but I also do this because professors “teach to the T” This basically means that professors teach mostly to students who sit in the front row, and students that sit down the aisles. So imagine a classroom, and imagine which desks would make a T-shape. That’s where you want to sit. I also make sure to contribute to class discussions. When you sit up front, you are less inclined to be on your phone or doing miscellaneous things on your laptop. Your eyes will be drawn to your professor, you will feel more compelled to answer their questions, and you will pay better attention. With this being said, I was always the student that had to sit in front because I can’t see, but I was also always the teacher’s pet.
I purchased cool/cute study supplies that made me want to study
Buy materials that make you want to take notes with them. I really like Five Star notebooks. I also really like taking notes with Crayola SuperTips. Create notes that are easy for you to review later.
Which brings me to my next tip: actually review those notes later.
Tried and true study apps like Quizlet saved my semester
I utilize study-apps like Quizlet. I know that there are many out there; however, I prefer the tried and true method of good ole Quizlet.
Pay your advisor a visit. They do not judge you!
I make appointments to see my advisors regularly. Advisors can help you if anything begins to go awry. I also made an appointment with the same advisors, so that I didn’t have to re-explain my situation. They never judged me. They can provide you with materials and resources for any issue you’re having. I am always blown away every time I meet with my advisors because they know their jobs so well.
I sat my butt down and did my work
I didn’t exactly “time block” study time because that doesn’t really work for me. However, when I had time after work or whenever - I sat down at my desk and made time for assignments. I highly recommend the Pomodoro Technique. You set a timer for 15-25 minutes, focus on your work during that time, and then take a 5-10 minute break before continuing. Usually, you will find that you either just want to go ahead and finish up or that you definitely needed a break.
I created a study space that I love. It is really miscellaneous and not at all what you see on the majority of studyblrs, but it works for me. I love my desk!
Buy some expos and a white board in addition to using your planner
I use a white board in addition to my planner to write down upcoming dates for the next week/entire month. I use a different color for each class as well as miscellaneous things I need to get done. When I have completed something, I just erase it.
Treat yo self
I congratulated myself for little victories. 96 on a test? Ice cream for you tonight, babes.
Figure yourself out as a scholar
I learned how and where I studied best. My two spots are in the library or at my desk in my room. I also seem to study best with someone else around me, like when my boyfriend is playing his video games - that is the perfect time for me to study. Do you study best with zero distractions, or do you like to work with some music on? Do you like background noise from the TV or completely silent? Are you a night owl or a morning bird? Figure out those things first. You can’t force yourself to study at a time when it doesn’t work for you. For example, I am a night owl so I know that evening - night is the best time for me to get to work.
I learned what ritual worked best for me. Having a cup of coffee while I do my make up, and then ensuring that I was out at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus was scheduled to come, and making sure that I got on the bus that came no later than 30 minutes before my class. Know your routine. What routine works for you?
The obvious
Go to class. Easiest one. Attendance policies can be brutal. Get to know yours. Sometimes professors also say things in class that gives those who attended the upper hand in some way.
I started this studyblr! Knowing I wanted to create content here kept me driven to take notes when I didn’t always want to.
I was honest with myself
I was honest with myself for my short comings. AP classes in high school were beneficial in many ways, but they really taught me how to underachieve my way to success. I hardly ever studied for anything and bs’ed so many essays, but it worked and I got really good grades. That doesn’t really work in college.
Non-curriculum based
I learned to say no.
I learned to cut people who did not fully support me out of my life.
I cleaned my apartment and room every weekend. It’s much easier to study when everything is clean.
I made time to go to the grocery store every week. It’s much easier to learn and function when you are well fed.
I did my best to get some sleep. Your brain needs rest to function its best.
I know it hurts, but check those grades frequently. It isn’t like a credit score, it won’t lower every time you check it
I checked all of my grades at least once a week. I know it can be anxiety-inducing, but you have to know where you are in your classes, especially when April rolls around and you might realize you need to put in a little more work.
I became a point whore
I became a point whore. I took advantage of every extra credit opportunity. Every single one.
The golden rule
I made up a golden rule: Do not cram for any exam. To do this, I always started studying once my professor mentioned the test OUTSIDE of the syllabus. If you have dropped the ball and the test is a week out - create a study plan.
Believe in yourself
Lastly, I believed in myself. You cannot do this if you do not believe that you can.
Remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. Start shouldering the burden now by forging good habits. Be honest with yourself. Lastly - dreams don’t work unless you do. I had a lot going on with my health that lead to my grades being terri - yeah they were terrible. But I still was honest about my shortcomings.
Happy studying, realistic students!
Things I learned during my first weekend at college
Your parents will hover like crazy and try to help you unpack when you move in. They mean well, but if you’re overwhelmed don’t be afraid to kick them out for a bit.
Don’t ask your RA what bars to hit up in town (like one girl from my floor actually did)
Check your e-mail five times a day, your professors might be sending out syllabi or other helpful/important stuff ahead of time.
You will cry at least once while buying textbooks from the campus bookstore that you couldn’t find used on Chegg (sidenote: use Chegg)
Your dining hall probably has pizza available for every meal. Don’t eat pizza for every meal.
Even if you hated salads your entire life, you will learn to love them so that, you know, you don’t eat pizza for every meal.
Check your dining hall hours online. Some of them close between meals.
Leave your door open or do random Internet browsing in the floor lounge if you want to meet more people.
At least one of your posters will constantly fall down no matter how many 3M command strips you use.
A lot of campus events are lame. A lot of them are not. Go to as many of them as you can anyways to meet more people.
If you need time to yourself, take it. You’ll make friends eventually without having to hang out with them constantly.
Don’t expect to become BFFs with everyone you meet, and don’t expect to become best friends over your first weekend.
If you’re standing if a long period of time, bend/relax your knees every so often. If you keep them locked, you might trigger a nerve in your body that causes you to pass out (this may or may not have happened to me on my second day, oops)
Drink water.
Carry an umbrella if there is the slightest chance of rain. Carry one even if there isn’t, just in case.
Carry a sweater or hoodie always.
Pokemon Go is lit on college campuses; every single building is a gym or pokestop and there are lures everywhere. Plus, your eggs hatch in no time because you’re walking everywhere.
It’s okay to eat alone in a dining hall; either no one will care or someone will sit at your table and strike up a conversation.
If you really, really don’t want to eat alone, literally just knock on someone’s door in your hall. If they don’t want to go with you, try someone else. Chances are, someone else might be hungry, too or at least willing to walk over with you.
Come up with a roommate agreement. Decide when you’re cleaning, sharing policy, guest policy, light and noise preferences, etc.
If there is a massive involvement fair on campus, research some clubs online so you know what to look for. Otherwise you’ll be overwhelmed in two seconds.
Join a group chat with people on your floor or in the same area of study as you, it’s super helpful for general information.
Ask everyone you talk to to add you on Snapchat.
Simple things like taking out the trash or doing laundry will suddenly feel very overwhelming.
You learn a lot of stuff from being in college for only three days and not even taking any classes.