colorfulsaccharinecalamity - Rainbow blightmare's horrific Tumblr Page
Rainbow blightmare's horrific Tumblr Page


897 posts

Colorfulsaccharinecalamity - Rainbow Blightmare's Horrific Tumblr Page

colorfulsaccharinecalamity - Rainbow blightmare's horrific Tumblr Page

colorfulsaccharinecalamity - Rainbow blightmare's horrific Tumblr Page


More Posts from Colorfulsaccharinecalamity

 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It
 I Re-blogged This (the First Time) In 2014. Today, I Tried Half A Dozen Times To Re-blog It, And It

  I re-blogged this (the first time) in 2014. Today, I tried half a dozen times to re-blog it, and it wouldn’t work. So, I saved the images and re-posted it. I hope it helps make life a little easier. :-)   The original post is by iraffiruse.

are you considering getting into NFTs but are on the fence due to environmental concerns or fear of being labelled a "complete douchebag"?

do you want to enjoy owning a unique piece of artwork while still enjoying the possibility of one day getting a girlfriend?

then boy, do I have the option for you!

did you know that there are THOUSANDS of artists on THIS VERY WEBSITE and many others who will make you your very own piece of artwork for the same price or less than an NFT?

these gorgeous artworks are called "commissions", and are environmentally friendly AND don't look like pure shit!

if that wasn't enough, many lovely artists on the internet will, for a price, PHYSICALLY MAKE AN ARTWORK IN REAL LIFE AND MAIL IT TO YOUR OWN HOME! That's right, a PHYSICAL OBJECT that is completely unique and made just for you!

Benefits of Commissions:

Environmentally Friendly!

Supports Real, Hardworking Artists!

Actual Real Art That Looks Good!

Not A Literal Scam!

I Will Stop Fucking Your Mom!

"OP," I hear you cry, "how do I get my grubby hands on such a deal??"

don't fret, dear reader! simply check the bio or pinned post of any artist on any site for further directions! Many will have a "commissions open" or "commissions closed" sign, and often you will find a post with prices or instructions on how to contact the artist for details!

"What if I can't afford it?" you say? Well, you can also support the artist by REBLOGGING their artwork! (NEVER repost without permission, I'll kill you)

stop buying NFTs and support real artists!

Tags :
For All The Artists Out There
For All The Artists Out There
For All The Artists Out There
For All The Artists Out There
For All The Artists Out There
For All The Artists Out There

For all the artists out there

Grain Attached To Things, Then Explode

“Grain attached to things, then explode“