conscious-pisces - Conscious.Pisces

Unconditional love is the highest frequency

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1 year ago

“It [realization of Oneness] means being constantly open to the possibility that we are like two flowers looking at each other from two different branches of the same tree, so that if we were to go deep enough inside to the trunk, we would realize that we are one. Just being open to this possibility will have a profound effect on your relationships and on your experience of the world.”

—Francis Lucille

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1 year ago

1111 means:

“You create your reality”

And Higher dimensions of consciousness

Keep spreading love with words and actions, acquiring knowledge and focus on improving your physical health

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1 year ago

“Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”

—Marcus Aurelius

In other words, we gotta say bye to victim mentality.

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1 year ago

“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.”

—Vincent Van Gogh

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1 year ago

Everything happens right on time

Trust your higher self

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