forever your's, nocturnal me.
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Conviolo - TAKE ME INTERNALLY ; - Tumblr Blog

❝ talk shit, get hit. ❞ — the asgardians
Also note that the only Hela I will be writing with is @helcaged

a hela and mortem aesthetic board ft: @helcaged
i mean, you could try and court me traditionally but holding a knife to my throat while kissing works too

What’s your ambition? - I just want a chance to prove myself. - Recognition. Every great king had an executioner. Not just to execute people but to also execute their vision. But mainly to execute people. Still, it was a great honor. I was Odin’s executioner. And now you shall be mine.

@conviolo sent : “ it's all going according to plan. ”

dark lips pull into a wolf-like grin, gazing out across the shining beacon that is asgard. this is where she belongs, where they belong. her brother’s foolishness is unfortunate — a son of odin could have been a valuable tool, but he’d made his choice when he attempted to use mjölnir, of all things, against her. that she is not alone in her triumph is thrilling. mortem, by her side as she should always be.
“ it is — and it shouldn’t take long for the people to settle, without the princes. ” venom creeps into her tone, something wild glinting in icy eyes. she’d known that odin would replace her, but that hardly made facing those boys any less insulting.

her face softens as she turns back to mortem, chilled fingers reaching for the other goddess. “ we will bring asgard to the height of its potential, accomplish what my father was too much of a coward to reach for. ”

She had waited centuries for this moment. To be in the presence of her love without being shackled in the depths of Inferos, she no longer stood before the mirage of Hela that played over and over, recreating her fall by Odin’s hands. The sight that shook her to her very core was gone, and it was replaced with more than she could ever hope for. Fenris was able to roam once more, now with the company of the Equitim that Mortem had created with a pieces of her horns and Hela’s blade. Beautiful things of complete descruction they were, and did they want to do what they did best, yet their time would come.
When Hela had broken her chains, the sudden rush of exhilaration was unmatched, they couldn’t have their moment then, for they had work to do. With the princes gone, their dream could become a reality. Asgard no longer had ( false ) gods ruling them, Sciptmnes once told her that men shouldn’t be in charge, it was the women who deserved to rule, and now she understood why. Under Loki’s fabricated persona of Odin, the realms had grown restless, they needed to be put in their place.

When Hela turns her way, Mortem’s heart pitters and it patters, ready to burst from her chest. Her finger’s entwine with her woman’s, a smile creeping across her features, and who said a goddess of death couldn’t fall in love? ❝ Men are foolish, he let the glory you brought to Asgard fade away, denying the people of your legacy, the act alone was a crime to the realm. ❞

@helcaged, a marvel cinematic universe hela odinsdottir.

❝ not entirely, since i kind of sounded like a bitch when i told her no. ❞ to be fair, loki always sounds like a bitch. he’s somewhat of a brat, getting angry and throwing a fit when he doesn’t get what he wants. after closing the door to the fridge, he pulls out his phone to make sure no one texted him. sure enough, he had a text from one of his friends asking him if he felt like going out tonight. ❝ jesus christ, everyone wants something. ❞

She racks her brain to try to remember if Amare had said anything to her about how she’s been feeling lately, nothing. So she tries to think of something that’s happened recently that could be the thing affecting her sister’s mood. ❝ I mean, it’s not like you told her to fuck off. ❞ Mortem watches as he checks his phone, taking a moment to check her own, the only notifcations she had were from the 7/11 app about coupons she’s earned for being a loyal customer. ❝ Was that her? ❞

he opens the fridge and pulls out a can of soda, cracking it open, before looking at the other. loki isn’t exactly sure what set amare off, so he can’t really explain it to mortem. ❝ i mean, i feel BAD, but i’m just busy trying not to fail this class. i don’t wanna have to take a summer class to recover that credit. ❞ even though he knows he’s doing something he’s supposed to, loki feels bad for not taking amare up on her offer. ❝ should i just say fuck it and call her saying i’ll hang out? ❞

❝ Would I sound like a bitch if I said no? ❞ While she loves Amare, she believes her sister to be too soft, and that she needed to learn how to navigate certain emotions on her own. She’s been odd the past couple days, and Mortem can’t lay a finger on what it is. ❝ I think she needs the time to figure out what’s good with her before throwing herself into social settings ya know, wouldn’t want her to be around something that could set her off again. ❞

❝ amare hung up on me after i told her i wasn’t down to go stare at the puppies in the pet store. i think i made her cry. ❞ he feels like shit about it, but he’s busy. studying for exams is no joke, shit’s worth almost half of his grade.
@conviolo liked.

During his study break, he had caught her in the kitchen, Hela was upstairs showering, so while she waited Mortem decided to snack away. ❝ She... cried? ❞ She asks as she pulls the mushrooms off a slice of pizza. She knows that Amare has been upset lately, but about what she doesn’t know. She’s weird, and doesn’t speak on her issues often. ❝ I couldn’t even tell you what’s wrong man, but shit would I like to know. ❞

❝ talk shit, get hit. ❞ — the asgardians
a promo featuring @allefar, @thunderbringer, @helcaged, @hebetrays, @conviolo, @estrellahecho && @sirenedhe !!

Mortem was created by the founding goddess Scitpmnes of Caleum and Calcom.
Mortem was the fifth god created.
She’s the goddess of death and despair.
Scitpmnes created Mortem to balace out life on Calcom.
Yet the people of Calcom grew to fear Mortem and didn’t praise her the way they did the other gods. So Mortem grew to hate the people of the island and brought them hardship.
Out of anger, Mortem created what we now know as the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Bellum ( War ), Fames ( Famine ), Morbus ( Pestilence ) and Caedes ( Death ). In Calcom they’re seen as minor gods and are Mortem’s children.
Mortem made the four horsemen out of human remains, jewels from Inferos, and branches from the Tree of Ages.
Because of her defiance against life itself, Scritpmnes created another goddess to even out Mortem, and that was Amare, the goddess of life and love.
Mortem was outraged with Amare’s creation and sought out to bring harm to the other goddess.
With Amare not being the fighting type, rather the kind to flee at any sign of danger, Mortem used this to her advantage, constantly catching Amare off guard in order to mentally torture her.
When Mortem had noticed that Amare had fallen in love with a human named Cor, she sent a snake to kill him while he worked in the fields.
Amare had been watching him as he was doing this and witnessed him die, she was devastated by his death. He was her favorite patron.
Scitpmnes grew tired of Mortem’s antics and banished her to Inferos, where she remains to this day.

indie fandomless oc. penned by jen.