Nothing special, just history, drawings of historical figures in some… er… non-canonical relationships and fun! 🥂25 year old RussianHe/him
258 posts
Its That Breathtaking Time Of The Year ~
It’s that breathtaking time of the year ~

Last four days of our lives - my own and my dear friends - were the most spectacular and memorable for the whole year, without a doubt. The Borodino fields were as lively as they had been many years ago… However, inadequate ambitions, hatred and exhaustion are replaced nowadays with remembrance, friendship, affection, mutual respect and appreciation. 🕊
Being there as one of the participants is a breathtaking experience. Especially for the first time! The passion and fun all those men and women are having while recreating the events from the past are unbelievably inspiring. Thus, I’m so glad to be able to participate directly in the historical reconstruction of the Napoleonic era which I’ve been loving with all my heart for six long years straight.
Waking up from that miraculous dream to the sounds of Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture”, waiting for my dear friends to expand vastly on the subject and preparing some illustrative materials from the point of view of a random civilian at the beginning of the 19th century… 🤫
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More Posts from Count-lero
Still trying to figure out what to do with this blog, so I've decided to compile some art (that i still like cause i don't like... a lot) people-wise so that the folks out here might get the general idea of who and what I draw???? Idk.
I guess part 1/? being (small, with some intruders)

Damn, I should draw him more...
"The disease was getting worse with every passing hour, and all the efforts of doctors allowed to avoid death only for a while. On October 15, after a quarter past nine in the evening, the earthly life of our Prince came to an end. He died in the arms of his elder brother, who hurried to join him; in the presence of his wife, his younger sister Eleanore, his niece Theresa, Princess von Lobkowitz, his two younger sons, his inner circle and servants - in all the fullness of condolences, love and loyalty that this earthly realm can grant us. His eldest son, Prince Frederick, summoned from a distant land of Hungary, where his service kept him, could not be present at this sad but sacred moment. The news of what had occurred caught him by surprise in the middle of his journey through Bohemia.

In what place should the Prince's body have rested? Reverence for the glory he had won and love for the Fatherland argued about it on the day of his death..."
Today is the 202nd anniversary of field-marshal Schwarzenberg’s death and I thought that the only right thing to do was to depict him with his admirable wife, Maria Anna, Marianna or - simply but with much-much-much love - Nani, whom prince Karl loved with all of his heart and soul.
(Perhaps, there is too much ancient pathos but it was done with much respect towards both of them. 🏛️🕊️)
Every time I start thinking about the fate of this wonderful family, it brings tears to my eyes. They were blessed with incredibly deep feelings but didn’t have enough time to enjoy them together peacefully…
But they still had some! And that’s the most important thing to know. 🌺
Good morning, day, evening or night to you, honourable ladies and gentlemen! 🌹
Now that’s a “long time no see”… 👋
Due to overall exhaustion I’ve stoped sharing pretty pretty much anything here on Tumblr, including pieces of information on the matter I’ve grown so fond of - Austrian affairs during the age of Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.
Almost a year ago I’ve started this blog with a particular idea in mind and I’m still quite passionate about the whole subject! It brings me joy and gets combined naturally with an irresistible urge to depict historical characters who played fairly active roles during that fascinating period of time.
That’s why I’d love to slowly get back on track with a spontaneous artwork I finished last month (well, it’s just that his Birthday is on the 5th of September…)!

It features one of the major figures in the Napoleonic war history - erzherzog Karl von Österreich-Teschen, younger brother of emperor Franz, a capable military commander and responsible administrator who put into practice many essential reforms of the Imperial military apparatus. Later they played an important role in getting Habsburg’s monarchy through the upcoming age of many gales and trials. 🌪️
Unfortunately, the War of 1809 by and large ended his career in the army. Still for a long time he remained one of the key figures in Habsburg’s imperial court, enjoyed a relatively happy life… and got much more opportunities to face omnipresent chancellor Metternich! Naturally. 😅
All in all, one more wholesome historical character to go! 🤲🇦🇹
And since I brought a picture I’m really proud of, I also want to put an informative cherry on top of an illustrative cake - to share a local comical situation featuring the archduke himself. I discovered it while getting familiar with the documents of another prominent Austrian military man…
You can probably guess what’s his name is!
Yep, it’s a fragment from the field-marshal Schwarzenberg’s letter (however, he was only field-marshal lieutenant at the time) written in the summer of 1806, when he had traveled from his precious Bohemian Worlik-estate to Vienna due to some personal matters and the capital greeted him with… a “tempting” proposal that he personally despised. 😬
"I came yesterday before noon, having made a favorable journey without unfortunate complications. I immediately informed the Archduke [Karl] of my arrival, who told me that I should expect a promotion that would be offered to me by the order of the emperor; then I described to him in the most expressive colors the disgust that this fatal post (the post of the Kaiser’s general-adjutant) causes in me. However, he [the Archduke] insisted rather coldly as the emperor himself wished this appointment. Therefore, I had no choice but to explain myself to His Majesty.
This morning I had gone to an audience, where I was received with extreme courtesy, beyond what I could count on. The Emperor took kindly all my reasons and found beyond doubt complete and inevitable demarche of my health. By doing so, he [Emperor Franz] made me hope that he would eventually come into my terms. And at this moment I returned from the Archduke, who told me that the emperor had spoken of me with great praise in his presence and was going to please me with a handwritten notice sent from Baden [a small resort town located not far from Vienna, favoured by those who served in the capital]. It (this very document) is the evidence of my incredible luck.
Tomorrow I expect to go to Baden, where I’ll meet Fanny, as well as Count Wrbna - to discuss all the pressing matters..."
And that’s how prince Karl spared himself from all the additional court routine that would have undoubtedly come with such post. 💦
Perhaps, his graceful allures sown the first seeds of emperor Franz’ animosity towards him that took roots in following years… But at that time Schwarzenberg certainly was the happiest man alive who could get back to his lovely family as soon as possible.
Thank you for your attention as always! 🌺
Vielen Dank~
Metternich: All in all, a 100% successful trip.
Schwarzenberg: We lost Blücher and Wellington along the way.
Metternich: As I said. All in all, a 100% successful trip!

pictures from National Trust’s exhibition of Lord Castlereagh (credit @/karendouglas_NI on twitter)