crab--ro - Raisin :3
Raisin :3

Han & Felix Biased !!!Any Pronouns 22💚

83 posts

Its The Small Achievements In Life That Matter Bokkie!! Proud Of You

It’s the small achievements in life that matter Bokkie!! Proud of you 🫶

* clap clap clap clap clap *

Someone clap for me, I scheduled a drs appt on the phone all on my own

I’m 25 btw

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More Posts from Crab--ro

9 months ago
We Moved On Too Fast From This Binnie His Thick Thighs, His Cute Round Bare Face With Glasses And Poodle

we moved on too fast from this binnie… his thick thighs, his cute round bare face with glasses and poodle curls… but also the outline of his tummy… the little dip on the side of his tummy that makes a little love handle shape… he just looks so solid and teddy bear at the same time GOD i feel like biting him would feel like memory foam

9 months ago

Concentration camp.

They built a concentration camp.

CNN has released leaked images of the Israeli torture camp Sde Teiman in the Negev desert, where Israel perpetrates grave crimes against Palestinian prisoners abducted from Gaza.

— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) May 10, 2024

I don't think words can describe what this other than genocide.

9 months ago
Shut Up M'dudes, It's A National Holiday

Shut up m'dudes, it's a national holiday

9 months ago
Screenshot of Charlie Puth's instagram stories that is reposting a post from Ben Platt that reads "I feel afraid and sad for everyone and I don't
think social media engagement or activism
is healthy or additive for me right now.
I just want to say this:
In the midst of these atrocities, if you're
adamant about holding space for the
duality of wrongdoing on both sides of this
conflict, which of course you should be,
then you must be EQUALLY adamant about
holding space for the difference between
those calling for freedom and human rights
in Palestine, and those (like the terrorist
organization Hamas) who are using it as a
vehicle for anti-semitism and the
extermination of Jews.
You can feel conflicted about religious rights
to land, or colonialism, or about years of
governmental actions, but you cannot
excuse or entertain murder, rape and torture
driven by an openly extremist desire to wipe
out an ethno-religion. You don't have to
stand unequivocally with the politics of
Israel to stand with Jews."
Screenshot of Charlie Puth's instagram stories reposting a post from The Rock that reads "I'm heartbroken, angry, and sickened by the brutal
murders and kidnapping of Jewish people through the
horrific acts of the Hamas terrorist group. The growing loss
of innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives is heart wrenching
as this war escalates to immense proportions.
I don't pretend to know everything about the complex
conflict in the Middle East.
It commands deep understanding, context, and nuance
what I do know is hateful acts of terrorism like these are
never justified.
I condemn and denounce terrorism, and in this devastating
moment, my heart goes out to all the innocent victims and
families grieving for their lost loved ones.
I pray for compassion and resolve.
I pray for all innocent lives."
3. Charlie Puth as he liked Noah's post about
Israel being the victim and calling Palestinian

Screenshot of the instagram post reads "As a Jewish American, I am afraid. Afraid for my
brothers and sisters in Israel, who have been
senselessly attacked by Hamas. I am truly
heartbroken to see the brutal murders of
innocent children, women and soldiers fighting
to defend themselves. I, like others, want peace
for both Palestinians and Israelis. Let's stop the
rhetoric and choosing sides. Instead we must
recognize that we are all on the side of the fight
against terrorism. Choose humanity over

just letting all stays know that charlie puth is a zionist and you should maybe reconsider your support for this new song with stray kids


9 months ago

Please just boycott Lose My Breath…don’t give Zionists money. It’s not a skz issue- it’s a JYP ENT and Charlie Puth issue.

kpop stans literally have no backbone LMAOOO when skz gets hate for collaborating with more and more zionists because as we can see they are VERY well welcomed by stays, dont come crying. what a useless fandom. literally we had one job and it’s to NOT platform a zionist and an israeli settler but nooooooo 💔💔💔 people are losing their jobs and students are being arrested for protesting against israel but 90% of stays cant even boycott ONE song.

it’s not a coincidence that zionists are infiltrating kpop i need u to PLEASE utilize ur critical thinking skills and realize that those zionist brands/artists/companies are looking for new audiences to gain since they’re being shunned away. this is only the beginning this isn’t a matter of supporting skz alone PLEASE

it could’ve been you born in palestine and it would’ve been your people and family and friends and loved ones that are genocied. and then you’d be the one asking people to not platform zionists and to shame them but oh well. good luck living life being this fucking spineless