Crab--ro - Raisin :3 - Tumblr Blog

obsessed with harvey at the y2 luau. absolutely busting ass with this quirked up jpeg shuffle. hes such a shut-in i bet this was like a magical girl transformation for him. the townsfolk see him walk onto the dance floor and are like ohhhh shit peepaws about to bust it down narsty style. fuck it UP white boy. the last ditch effort of a swagless migratory bird throwing back his ENTIRE pussy to attract a mate. im so obsessed with him you dont understa
I’m extremely sick rn but I’m watching Chicago and seeing the sun rise so my problems are fixed

...I'm starting to reconsider my farm name
I don't have any glasses for the eclipse someone relay it to me when it happens


He’s so sweet😭😭

reblog this post to remind the person you reblogged it from that they’re valued and loved and seen

His smile makes me smile



this is jeongin. jeongin loves his personal space

this is hyunjin. hyunjin also loves jeongin’s personal space
(i can’t remember where i heard this)
I’ll take this as “maybe after you post more”

HAN / skzoo’s magic school photocard scans (cr. _fff255_)
Hate it when the Stardew Valley NPCs get mad at me for digging in their garbage. Like bitch I carry this town on my back. "Ew! Thats awful!" You know what else would be awful? The decaying shambles this town will be left in when I leave because you were all mean to me. Without me Pelican Town is nothing do not fucking test me

© 한해파리 | Do not edit.
Sounds like an autistic nightmare to me
i'm about to scream, i bought a snack and i opened it and it it covered in sesame seeds
What happened bokkie? My DMs are open if you wanna talk about it <3
oh cool, thx for that mom

Thinking about how active I have been on social media in the past five years and yet I still have no moots😯
Knowledge is power!
Scholarships, loans, work-studies are always available as well
I adore learning so just know I’m rooting for you and your passions <3
it's that time of the year where i consider getting my phd again
Go for it honestly if you can afford it! Education is never a waste :D
it's that time of the year where i consider getting my phd again
I don’t celebrate Holi but this is so cute!! 😭😭😭
Idk how I didn’t see this sooner
happy holi! have some skz holi headcanons :)

imagine chan smoothing out the material of his white outfit, sending worried eyes to you as he makes sure for the fifth time that it’s okay if he gets color all over it.
imagine minho hiding a handful of colorful powder behind his back, waiting for the right time to throw it right at you and cackling in delight when you throw some back at him.
imagine changbin carrying you over to your group of friends and keeping you trapped in his arms while they barrage you with colors of all kinds.
imagine hyunjin painting swirls of colors all over your face and clothes, making you look prettier than anyone else in the vicinity.
imagine jisung being nervous to meet your friends and family but getting so into throwing colors an hour later that he feels like family for the first time.
imagine felix reading about the traditions of holi and making sure that he does everything right to the T only to throw it all away once colors are flying through the air.
imagine seungmin bringing a water gun to the event, spraying everyone with a maniacal laugh rising from his chest.
imagine jeongin covered in colors from head to toe, wiping the colors off of your face with a warm towel so carefully.