918 posts
The Thing I Love About This Above All (well, Not Above All But After Many Years Of Familiarity) Is The
The thing I love about this above all (well, not above all but after many years of familiarity) is the smudgy, dirty, completely disheveled state of the piano-top. Can you imagine this being shot today in a modern television studio? So amusing, so endearing, so gone forever.
Glenn Gould - Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No.5
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The composition consists of the artist’s transcription of the various punctuation from each line of “Franny” and “Zooey” to a blank page of manuscript paper. Each color designates a different type of punctuation in the story. For instance, pencil stands in for periods, orange for commas, green for question marks and so on. This system also designates each type of punctuation as a certain type of note (periods equal whole notes, commas equal quarter notes, apostrophes equal grace notes, colons and semi-colons equal dotted half notes, etc.).
So into it.

The reverse is often true too. Alas.

“The longer and more carefully we look at a funny story, the sadder it becomes.” ― Nikolai Gogol
Nice film title!
Japanese Movie Poster: My Piano Concerto. 2007