-> đŸŒč-> I used to write stuff. Now I’m just confused. -> In so many fandoms it isn’t even funny anymore. ->Love you all.

717 posts

If You Do Requests, Could You Do The 11th Doctor Reader? With The Doctor Finding Out You Either Have

If you do requests, could you do the 11th Doctor × reader? With The Doctor finding out you either have bullies or abusive parents (sorry, I'm in the mood for angst), but the reader tried to hide it because they didn't want to burden him?

Pairing: Eleventh Doctor x readerWarnings: Mentions of bullying/abusive parents. A/N: this is a request. I know you said either bullies or abusive parents, but I couldn’t resist the angst. Hope it’s okay! ^_^

Ever since you left your home and started travelling with the Doctor, things changed. You felt
 different. Better. More alive than you had back at your hometown. You were finally free to be yourself when you were with him and laughter and smiles came easily, no longer a smoke screen to hide your traumas and scars but something real, something concrete. He hadn’t known you before you started travelling with him so he couldn’t see the difference but you felt it, and every day with him only became better and better. He quite literally gave you life, and you wanted to continue travelling with him forever. All good things must end though, as the saying goes. On a day that initially seemed to be just like any other, you woke up and were all smiles in spite of your drowsiness as you went to greet the Doctor, smoothing down your shirt and stifling a yawn in your hand as you walked up to him in the control room of the TARDIS. He looked inexplicably happy to see you, and his grin was rivalled by none other you had seen on him. “Y/N! You’re awake!” He stated the obvious as he turned to face you, but you couldn’t find it in you to tease him as he just looked so happy with himself. “Yeah, I am,” you said smilingly. “What’s up with you? You seem to be far too bright for this hour of the morning,” you said, emphasising your words with another yawn. “It might be morning for you, but it is the middle of the day for someone else. We’ve been over this again and again, but time is a confusing concept.”You rolled your eyes in response and leaned against the first empty surface you found, sighing. “Okay, okay, I get it - I can be repetitive. But I promise you the place we’re gonna go visit is one I’m sure you’ll love. It’s going to be the best surprise ever.” He sounded so confident that you didn’t ask him anything about where you were going. You blindly trusted his judgement; he said jump and you asked how high. He had saved your life multiple times, and never given you any reason to mistrust him, ever. “Okay, Doctor, okay. Just give me an ETA and I’ll find a way to occupy myself without knowing where we’re going. Oh, by the way, what should I wear?” As you were travelling in time and space, you had to change out of your casual clothes and wear something different more often than not, so his nonchalant response of ‘what you have on is fine’ as he fiddled with the controls was unexpected. It was alright though, because not having to change or do research about your next escapade left you time to do something you liked a lot. Observe him. He always was at his best when concentrating, his brows furrowed just so and his eyes so intense you felt like you were burning under his stare if it was directed to you. Merely seeing him like that made you smile most of the time, and it was no different then. That smile would quickly get wiped off your face though when you reached your destination. Excited as a child who got what he wanted for Christmas, he bounded over to the door and opened it, his excited demeanour washing over you and making you feel that warm excited feeling in the pit of your stomach as well. “So, here we are! Y/N, I present to you: home,” the Doctor said, smile wide and happy and honest, and he walked outside happily, proudly. Feeling as if you had been doused in ice water, robbed of your positive feelings, you stood frozen, clutching the rails in front of you so tightly your knuckles turned white. The Doctor was already far from the TARDIS when he noticed you weren’t following after him, and when he turned back only to see you pale as a sheet, he frowned in confusion. “Hey, why aren’t you following? We’re here to see your home. You said you’d been studying abroad, so
 I thought
” He sounded progressively more uncertain as he frowned and walked back to you, paling when he saw just how much you were shaking. “I
 can’t. There’s a reason I left, and
 please. I can’t go out there,” you mumbled, eyes wide and your grip on the rail so tight it was painful. “What’s wrong?” The Doctor was next to you now, gently taking your hands in his and looking at you with concern in his eyes. He was even gentler as he let go of your hands to hug you, pulling your quaking body close to his, running a hand over your back comfortingly.“I don’t wanna go. Please don’t make me. Please.” You were begging now, and you didn’t like it, but you had no other choice. He had to understand that there was no way you were going to get out of the TARDIS, and if you had to drop on your knees and beg then so be it. This was bigger than your pride. “Hey, hey, I won’t. You don’t have to get out there. Just
 tell me why?” He asked, sounding confused and bewildered, but also so, so kind and supportive. “A bad childhood,” you murmured, closing your eyes and burying his face into the closest part of his body you could find, inhaling shakily and hugging him tightly. “I want to escape the memories. It was bad here for me
 very bad. I like it here, now. With you. I’m not alone anymore.”You were still trembling occasionally, but your heartbeat had calmed down, and your grip on the back of the Doctor’s jacket wasn’t as tight as it had been. The distress was obvious in the taut lines of your body and the tears staining the Doctor’s shirt, but he said nothing. “Alone? Why were you alone?” He sounded disbelieving, like nobody could ever leave you alone, and that gave you some hope because you knew he thought highly of you. You didn’t want to explain, but you felt the burning need to confess to him, to admit to this like you never had before. “My parents, they
 got into a lot of fights with each other. My mum slept around and my dad was angry even though it was his fault. So they fought; even got violent sometimes. And I
 got caught in the middle of it. Constantly. They didn’t care, so I had to hide my bruises and limp my way to school, where things weren’t any better. They
” You trailed off, shuddering and choking back a sob. “They smelled weakness in me, so they bullied me. I returned home with more bruises and more scars, but the physical harm wasn’t what hurt the most. It’s passed now. It’s what I feel that’s been damaged. I hated myself so much
 I told myself I deserved what I got for being weak and worthless. I guess I’m no different now
” You finished, sighing miserably. You shouldn’t have said all this. Now the Doctor would think you weak as well, and you couldn’t have that. Not from him. Not when you felt so strongly for him. The Doctor just shook his head and put his thumb beneath your chin, making you look at him. You reluctantly met his gaze, which was still soft and tender, and sighed. “I’m sorry.”“Don’t be. You’re not weak, Y/N. You’re strong. So strong. And so, so amazing. You’re the best,” he declared and leaned in, impulsively brushing his lips against yours. You almost melted in his arms, sighing contentedly and deepening the kiss, not believing this was happening. If this was a dream, you wanted to make the most of it. Apparently, it wasn’t a dream, because the Doctor in front of you was warm and solid and smiling. “You’re strong. So strong. That’s why I like you so much, you never give up. You’re amazing. Never forget that.”

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8 years ago

I read some of your supernatural reader inserts and I have to say, that I love your work and your writing style! ♄ Can't say how much I liked it, so... go on with that amazing work! :) Lots of love! ♄

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your kind words mean so much to me.💚💙

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