crookedlystrangecandy - gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)
gala, Kurgarra (odd, mostly harmless)

I am LHP neo-pagan witch who currently work primarily with Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte/Freyja/Lakapati aka Goddess of Lust, Sex, Fertility and Prosperity, Perversion, Magic, Transformation, Astrology and Prophecy, Mentoring, Knowledge, War, Wisdom and Wandering into Unknown, Queen of Heaven, Sky Goddess (Starry Night Skies of Infinte VOID where Infinity Shines) and Spirit; but also Leviathan (water), Lucifer (air), Ba'al (ze-Bul, earth), and Satan (fire). I am into energy and spirit work, sigils, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, meditation, chanting and other shamanic techniques, rituals, divinations and other things of an occult nature.

527 posts

Howd U Develop Ur Hearing Of Spirits?

Howd u develop ur hearing of spirits?

How did I develop my ability to hear spirits?Well, anon. First thing first I’m going to direct you to this link. It’s a good read. (Trust me, I wrote it)., clairs (clairvoyant, clairauident, etc.) are either naturally gifted or take a lot of work and practice to obtain. In my personal experience and observations, if you can access one clair skill, you have potential to unlock them all. I began my journey with natural abilities with clairsentience (clear feeling. Empathy falls under this), and clairolfaction/clairalience (clear smelling). Here’s a website that nicely explains the clair-senses And here is a post I made on my smelling. let’s get to hearing. After studying the above for a few years and involving myself with intensive meditation practice, I started to get into spirit work and I would regularly take time out of my schedule to separate from my world and focus on the other. I interacted with and talked to spirits, companions, mentors, friends, enemies. After a few months doing this the spirits found their way to me without my need for trance. I can be writing up a blend for my next tea and hear a suggestion in my ear. I research it and it would work wonderfully. I hear times I need to meet or an extra nudge to focus. They aren’t going to tell me the answers to my test, but they’ll tell me how to make spells and how to preform rituals. A select few can even come into my skin and wear me for a while. However, they aren’t always nice. I’ve had spirits send me visions of me killing myself in hopes I’ll do it. Whispers of paranoia and worry that have no place. I’ve even had someone’s hand reach through the window of my car and strangle me silently as I’m driving. This is a list of minor offenses I’ve enjoyed since involving myself with spirits. 

So, you may like this story but worry it doesn’t answer your question. You may want a step by step guide to how to hear spirits. Well, that’s the point; there isn’t one. Ones craft and ones practice is a very personal experience. The way I can hear spirits may not reflect the path another took to do so. Some are born with it. Some dedicate their efforts to communing with spirits for years. So, if you really want to do this, here are my suggestions. Involve yourself with spirits, and do so respectfully. If you cannot hear them use a divination method such as tarot, pendulum, dowsing rods, ouija board, or whatever else may suit your fancy. Pretty soon you’ll likely feel ‘nudges’ of intuition. Or maybe full sentences while your pendulum swings. Focus on those and know that with them you’re one step closer. 

Another important thing to note is that when you “hear” a spirit you aren’t actually “hearing” anything. A voice or sound is vibrations that bounce off all sorts of parts of your ear and you process them as sound. A spirit, however, doesn’t have a voice that does that. A spirits voice sounds like the voices in your head when you’re reading a novel. They sound like a cognitive push in the right direction and it’s up to your brain to decipher what it means. They sound like the whisper in the trees, or a mental reminder you have work to do. 

So, to dabble in such would mean you’re to dabble with spirits. Any spirit worker worth their salt will tell you that it’s a rocky path. You need to learn discernment, protection, banishment, discernment, your own ego, and discernment. 

Trust me, I know the “voice of paranoia” sounds like I may have an issue with mental health. Hearing “little voices” in my head. I worried about this too. I was under attack by a rather malicious entity who wanted me dead, and he imbued his thoughts into my own. This was before I was into magic or anything. I went to therapists and psychs and counselors and they all looked concerned about the voice in my head, but outside of that they saw no signs of psychosis and had no idea why I was hearing them. Once I exhausted all medical resources, I had a friend voluntarily preform a banishment, and my head cleared up. JUST BECAUSE YOU HEAR VOICES DOESN’T MEAN THEY’RE SPIRITS. Please exhaust medical and scientific answers before claiming you hear spirits. I personally believe all people involved in magics should involve in mental health checkups every so often to keep our wits about us. 

Also, meditation will help with the ability to discern your own voice from that of a spirit. That’s the whole “discernment of your own ego” part. Meditation helps with that a lot. 

I hoped I helped! I wish you luck, and keep in mind that it takes time and practice and opening yourself up to these new energies in order to properly attune to them. 

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4 years ago

Important Spirit Work Shit

Based on a sorely uneducated conversation about spirits I recently had.

- Not all spirits are human. Most have been spirits from the beginning.

- Be respectful of spirits. They are beings and not tools to accomplish your own petty goals. They can choose not to work with you or even interact with you.

- Whether or not you leave an offering for a spirit is up to you. However, if you promised an offering and did not deliver, or you’re only saying that to get them to work with you, or you try to forcibly bind a spirit to you in any way, get ready to get your shit just fuckin W R E C K E D son. Usually, once you open yourself up to working with spirits, they just come pouring in. Literally, so many spirits. Light ones, dark ones, benevolent, malevolent, truth tellers, liars, and anything in between. If they see you doing this to their fellow spirits, let’s just say, you’re gonna have a bad time.

- Spirits can lie. Just like us. To avoid this as best you can (nothing is 100% foolproof), set up some wards or other protective agents to keep lying tongues away from your communication devices. Be polite and ask if they are willing to give completely honest answers. Hold them to their word. Be honest with them too, and here’s a few tricks I’ve learned to weed out a liar as well:

1. If the answer you are thinking in your head is the answer they give you, they may be lying. Check a few times, same question, thinking different answers. If the spirit continues to give you your answers, cleanse yourself, your space, and your communication devices immediately and try again

2. To test if the spirit is impersonating a spirit you’ve worked with before, ask a question you and your real spirit friend know the answer to. Think of a different answer in your head. (This takes practice) Many spirits can read minds, so if they start to spell out the answer you’re thinking instead of the real answer, they’re an imposter.

3. Okay so this one is definitely helpful but don’t rely on it solely for your answers. Knowing the moon phases are really helpful in spirit work. In my own experience, I’ve noticed that around the time of the New Moon some dark spirits become more active than light spirits. Around the Full Moon, some light spirits become more active than dark spirits. This can help if you find that your answers are becoming more aggressive for a few days out of the month. Check the moon phases. *DISCLAIMER* NOT ALL DARK SPIRITS ARE LIARS AND MALEVOLENT, NOT ALL LIGHT SPIRITS ARE HONEST AND BENEVOLENT. USE YOUR INTUITION. THIS IS JUST A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA TO CONSIDER WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH SPIRITS.

4. Going along with the moon phase thing, if you’re a pendulum user, the force of which your pendulum moves can also be a big key. My spirit companion is a darling sweetheart and she is definitely affected by the moon phases. Around the New Moon her answers become weaker and often I have to strain to hear her using my telepathy. Knowing this, if around the New Moon I was talking to her and she swung the pendulum really erratically, I’d have some doubts that it was really her. Look for activity or answers that are out of character!

5. USE YOUR INTUITION. Does it feel like the spirit is just telling you what you want to hear? Does the air around you suddenly feel wrong? Is the spirit being aggressive and making you uncomfortable? Is it threatening you? SAY GOODBYE AND CLEANSE. Take a break, do some cleansing stuff, get some tea and a snack, or whatever you fancy, and try again later. 

Feel free to add to this post! Let’s spread some much needed knowledge around tumblr please

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