helloglad you found meinherehi ~i take all my pics mostly and edit them~nice to meet you, any face you see here is mine
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Children's Letters to God

I'm at a :.|:; for words.
thinking about when i was small, how my mom told me that pipe cleaners were just a tool until people started idly shaping things with them and it grew so popular that they were marketed as crafting materials. and that story about how the original frisbees were disposable pie plates that students flattened to throw. and how when i was a child i had a wooden mancala set with shiny, colorful stones, but on invention it was played with rocks and grooves dug into the dirt. and middle school, paper football and tic-tac-toe and mash and mad libs, games that just need pen and paper. and before that, games of pretend with pirates and princes and masked marauders. how at slumber parties after lights out, we used to whisper storytelling games, i say one sentence and you say the next. and shadow puppets. and the way all the kids in the neighborhood used to divide into teams and throw fallen pine cones at one another. and the floor is lava game, and the quiet game, and the games i play with my coworkers that are just words and retention. and "put a finger down" on the high school bus. and little girls clapping together, and how the first jump-rope was undoubtedly just a length of rope who knows how long ago, and how natural it is to play, how we seek play at every age and with any resources we have and with whatever time we can squeeze it into in a day. i'm not an anthropologist or a psychologist but i think after food and shelter and water and air what comes next is games and stories and laughter. i think that there is nothing -- not sex or fighting or forming unlikely bonds with animals -- there is nothing more human than to play.

She looks good in black

im pregnant and its nobodys. it aint even mine

get urself a lana wedding lighter to celebrate

this image came to me like a prophetic vision

transparent growing plants for your blog

Lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums

Hind's response to getting nominated for the Nobel Prize.
[Partial ID: "I know that I was nominated for the Nobel Prize for months and I never shared anything related ..
What Nobel Prize when my people are being slaughtered?
What would this even mean if I have been posting for more than 300 days on all of the atrocities Israel is committing and nothing is slightly changing.
I don't feel anything towards prizes ..
I am here stuck under a 24/7 f****** drone ..I am 700 meters away from the red danger zone not knowing where to go ..
I am just here watching the world watching us ..
NOTHING is going to change how I feel towards the world .. like literally NOTHING."
This is white text overlaid against a picture of hind staring at the camera with her blue press vest on. She is inside a car./
End ID]

About to make some normal scented soaps

Xandão (Chrome Period Drawing #20, based on a photograph of Alexandre de Moraes, the Brazilian Supreme Court Judge that banned Xwitter and Starlink), Deluxe Paint IV, 2024