cringy death note self insert oc go brrrrrrrrrAsk me I'm boredMarried to Matsuda Touta (@asktoutamatsuda)ALSO MATSUDA X EVERYONE ELSE SHIPPERS DNIIIIcheck out my page: crystaltsoi.straw.page
170 posts
Responsible?? Wow, Im Finally Getting Recognition! Though Im A Housewife, I Still Work As An Art Teacher
Responsible?? Wow, I’m finally getting recognition! Though I’m a housewife, I still work as an art teacher at the same time and I have to pay all the bills. Which basically means I’m the breadwinner. So yeah, thanks for the compliment!! ❤️
Hey Sasaki!!
It’s Matsuda’s wife Crystal. You probably don’t know me, but I remember you were his classmate back in elementary school, and you came to our wedding. He suggested I talk to you. So, how are you?
hello dear, ive been great as of lately just keeping on top of cases and other nonsense like that. Hm how’s it been for you two? Anything exciting?

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More Posts from Crystaltsoi
The Mario Kart boy, right? He kept staring at the screen and didn’t talk much to me.
Oh yeah, and Lucia was your godmother. She’s very sweet.
But she stole my prawn cocktail crisps once and never gave it back.
Anyways, thanks for being the first person ever to ask on my blog! Yippee!!
how in gods name did that man manage to marry-
-Ls better successor (@ask-the-mafia-boy )
HEY MELLO!! Saw you when you were a baby. I always loved your cute blonde hair.

But anyways, allow me to explain.
So in 1992 I joined the Wammy’s House when I was 6 because I got a B in Math so my Asian parents threw me away. And everyone laughed at me for it, so I didn’t have any friends. But anyways, Watari helped by arranging Lawliet (L) to be my friend, since both of us had friend problems.
17 years later in 2009 I moved from Winchester to Tokyo to work as an art teacher. L still kept contact with me, and he happened to start solving the Kira case in Tokyo as well. So we met up for tea a few times.
Then I started dating with L’s help. And after one failed date with his colleague friend, and two months of disappointment he sent me this on AIM:

I fell in LOVE bro. And when we went on our first date he complimented me for drinking water instead of wine, because he likes women who don’t drink. Then later we found out we both like cats and BOYS OVER FLOWERS. (Some old K-drama you might not know) And we even shared the same religion!
Also we were both called idiots our whole lives.
So things got real sweet and we married.
Sorry for my grandma story, but that’s just a short version of what happened!

Creamy says hi!!
Do you support the lgbtq community?
As a Christian, I support your human rights and everything and I love you guys, but unfortunately, due to my religion, I can't support what you do.
But I am still willing to be friends with you guys and talk! I hope you understand!! ❤️❤️
EXACTLY. As a Christian myself I believe Jews are COOL. They're the descendants of Abraham!! So why hate them??
There is no situation in which antisemitism is acceptable. There are no jews who deserve antisemitism. There is nothing that jews can do to "earn" antisemitism being thrown at them. Antisemitism never has been and never will be a reasonable and acceptable politics. Antisemitism needs to be and deserves to be talked about and challenged openly without other bigotries chaperoning it. If you can't fully throatedly agree then fucking block me.

Genuine question, what do you mean "I can't support you guys"?
When I mean by "I can't support what you guys" is I wouldn't do what you guys would do. Pretty much the same as putting pineapple on pizza. I wouldn't do the same thing, but I still love you guys and would love to be friends with you.