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y’all I CANNOT

Save Abdulsalam's Father!

Abdulsalam Al-Anqur (found at @aboodanqar20 and @imanfamily2024) and his family have been trapped in Gaza, enduring a genocide for almost a year. Abdulsalam is a husband, and a father to a one year old daughter, Iman. He hopes to evacuate his family to safety in Egypt.
Abdulsalam's goal is even more urgent, as his elderly father, Ahmed Al-Anqur, has been diagnosed with cancer, and requires surgery every 3 months. However, due to the war, being able to get the necessary surgery is extremely unlikely, and far too expensive to afford on their own. Ahmed also needs access to medications which are very hard to obtain in Gaza.
Here are some of the medications Ahmed requires, as well as medical documents Abdulsalam asked me to share.

Right now, Abdulsalam needs funds to care for his family. He needs to purchase food, a good tent to protect against the coming winter cold, and medicine for his father. He also needs to save money so that when the border opens, he and his family can evacuate to Egypt.
The costs for traveling to Egypt are extremely high, and the prices for housing, hospitalization, and housing are massive as well. Abdulsalam needs more money to pay for his father's treatment, but he has only raised a small amount of what he needs.
€2,745 / €50,000
Right now, Abdulsalam has only raised a fraction of his goal. He needs your help get the food, medicine, and safety his family desperately needs. Don't ignore him. Donate, share his campaign, send it to your friends.
Don't be complacent, you can make a difference in this family's lives.
Verified by @gazavetters, #4 on their spreadsheet

Tagging for reach:
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe
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@kyra45-helping-others @7bitter @tortiefrancis @log6 @toiletpotato
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South Korea politician blames women for rising male suicides

9 July 2024
Councillor Kim made his assessment after analysing data on suicide attempts at bridges along Seoul's Han river
A politician in South Korea is being criticised for making dangerous and unsubstantiated comments after linking a rise in male suicides to the increasingly “dominant” role of women in society.
In a report, Seoul City councillor Kim Ki-duck argued women’s increased participation in the workforce over the years had made it harder for men to get jobs and to find women who wanted to marry them.
He said the country had recently “begun to change into a female-dominant society” and that this might "partly be responsible for an increase in male suicide attempts”.
South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates among the world’s rich countries but also has one of the worst records on gender equality.
Councillor Kim’s comments have been criticised as the latest in a series of out-of-touch remarks made by male politicians.
Councillor Kim, from the Democratic Party, arrived at his assessment when analysing data on the number of suicide attempts made at bridges along Seoul’s Han river.
The report, published on the city council’s official website, showed that the number of suicide attempts along the river had risen from 430 in 2018 to 1,035 in 2023, and of those trying to take their lives the proportion who were men had climbed from 67% to 77%.
Suicide prevention experts have expressed concern over Mr Kim’s report.
“It is dangerous and unwise to make claims like this without sufficient evidence,” Song In Han, a mental health professor at Seoul’s Yonsei University, told the BBC.
He pointed out that globally more men took their lives than women. In many countries, including the UK, suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50.
Even so, Prof Song said the reasons behind the sharp rise in men attempting suicide in Seoul needed to be scientifically studied, adding it was “very regrettable” that the councillor had made it about gender conflict.

op turned off reblogs but this needs to be shared
Hello there! 🤗🌸
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. 🌺 I’m reaching out with a heart full of hope and faith, asking for your urgent support. My family is in grave danger due to the ongoing war, and I’ve started a fundraising campaign to save them.
Could you kindly reblog the pinned post about my campaign on my account? Every share can bring us one step closer to safety and make a world of difference in our lives. 🙏
By spreading the word, you’re not only helping to protect us from the immediate threat of war but also giving me a chance to continue my education and pursue a normal life, like others my age. 🎓💫
Please don’t hesitate to share it could be the help that changes everything for me and my family. 😔
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for any support you can offer. Your kindness means more than words can express. 🌹🌼
People pleas donate .


as someone who has been involved in union organizing through my dad's union since i was literally in second grade, the way that people on tumblr think unions work drives me literally insane
Danger surrounds us from everywhere. Sometimes we smell death. My children always ask me when the war will end and when we will travel. “Are you sure, Father, that we will survive? Are you sure that everyone stands with us and helps us get out of Gaza?” Even children are beginning to lose hope and feel that death is approaching us. Please try to help me with everything you can, do everything you can for us.
these are the messages @danashehab sent to me last night. these are the conditions this family is living in and this is how hopeless they feel in the genocide.
their goal is €85,000. this money will support two entire families, including parents, siblings, young children, and elders.
they are only halfway to this goal as of right now.
donate and share.
Scammers pretending to be Palestinian v6
(Scammers pretending to be Palestinian v6)
This guide is meant to inform you on some ways to differentiate legitimate fundraisers from those created by scammers who have been impersonating Palestinians for several months now. While originally I tried to list the scam blogs in these posts, Im just making this now a general overall method to spot scams.
Disclaimer: This guide is not to say all Palestine based asks are from bots or a scammer. Rather, it is meant to explain the reasoning why something is legitimate or not. Do not use this guide as an excuse to claim every single Palestine fundraiser is a scam.
TL;DR: In the span of you saying someone’s bot, you could be using tumblr search instead of telling me your reporting every ask you get as a scam without looking at the account.
One of the first things to keep in mind is that most asks you get will come from accounts who check the notes of a post. Meaning they saw you and decided to send you the ask or DM to share their fundraising post. This is not bot behavior and often is done by those is unfortunate situations that desperately need funding and as a result is a common occurrence across the internet. If this bothers you, it is suggested to turn off your askbox or limit DMs to mutuals instead of the posting in the scam tag that every ask you get is from a scammer when it’s a gfm account that has been vetted by a well known blog that may even be on a list of verified fundraisers if you bothered to look it up.
Secondly, while originally a non-gfm fundraiser may have been suspicious (such as PayPal or gogetfunding) it has since been decided and clarified that such fundraisers are now used when a gfm is shut down unexpectedly and the original creator informs the donors that they will need to resend it their support to a new fundraiser. If you do not see any mention of a previous gfm in a PayPal/gogetfunding post there is a possibility that searching parts of the post may show that the content is from someone else and the source may still be active with no mention of tumblr itself indicating the tumblr post is impersonating the real gfm.
Thirdly, due to language barriers legitimate accounts may use asks from other vetted fundraiser blogs with only minor edits. While this isn’t something I’d suggest doing, it’s understandable the situation unfortunately relies on copying someone else’s words to ask for support. However, please don’t reuse the post content unless you were given permission or are related to the original fundraiser such as being a family member. Images may be borrowed from other accounts, though they may be stolen from offsite places. This is not full proof of a scam, as it’s suggested to search around for proof of who originally posted the images. Please understand not everyone is natively an English speaker and Google translate isn’t always accurate. Some may reuse someone else’s posts unaware that it’s suspicious behavior.
Fourthly, most scam accounts have reused a certain style of ask often mentioning needing insulin (Humalog) for a relative, having nose freezes due to asthma, being down to their last pen and asking for “nt much”, or referring to their family being in the ruins of a church. The frequency of these asks is so common searching them in tumblr search should bring up plenty of posts. Additionally, the names used by these accounts generally appear across multiple blogs that have been seen running different kinds of scams later on. A majority of their posts are almost always stolen off a real fundraiser they don’t link to.
Fifthly, in regards to verification it is very easy to search a username and see who vetted an account. Scammers will often say they’re verified but don’t list who or even paste a username that has never existed at all when you go to check. If asked about it, they generally will opt to block you without responding. There are people who will take time out of their day to ensure someone’s legitimate just be patient.
Lastly, don’t just assume every Palestinian gfm is a scam and stop acting like sharing a scam is fine because you don’t want to accidentally ignore someone in need. If you regularly see the posts from legitimate blogs and share them you would eventually be able to tell the day old private PayPal account asking for insulin funds is suspiciously asking for a low amount of funds compared to everyone else.
If I’ve missed anything, please let me know.

Remember to check your registration often! They're increasing their efforts to cheat and disenfranchise.

no more horrifying emotion than reloading the gofundme page for my friend's family and seeing it being at the same amount as hours ago. he is a full time dental student while working multiple jobs to try to reduce the amount of money that needs to be crowdfunded.
his family is literally evading bombings every single day (sometimes multiple times a day) for the past 11.5 months. his youngest sister is so chronically malnourished that she doesn't even have the energy to cry out of fear anymore. the ground literally shakes and splinters, huge craters in the middle of neighborhoods. dozens of people still missing under rubble just this week.
if you have literally ANYTHING at all please help this family. this decision to move out of Jabalia to somewhere safer is the last resort and it's looking like it has to happen soon. iof announced the intent to cut off North Gaza from the rest of the strip two days ago, saying Hamas was hiding there amongst civilians. we've heard this excuse being used to justify mass murder multiple times. please DO SOMETHING. i am deathly afraid for the safety of the younger siblings.
only one donation in the past FOUR HOURS. no donations in the past TWO. €61,639 / €70,000 needed. this is life or death. i literally do not know how else to rephrase this. donations dearly needed.