Placements In The Synastry Chart That Can Indicate The Partners Taking A Lot Of Time Before They End
Placements in the synastry chart that can indicate the partners taking a lot of time before they end up together
Saturn opposite Venus
Saturn opposite Moon
Saturn in the other person's 1st house/conjunct ascendant
Saturn opposite Mars
Neptune conjunct/opposite/square Venus
Saturn in the 7th house/conjunct descendant
12th house placements - especially Venus and Moon in the 12th house
8th house placements - especially Venus and Moon in the 12th house
Neptune conjunct/opposite/square Mercury
Juno opposite Saturn
Vesta negatively aspected
asteroid Kronos square Saturn or negatively aspected in general
a lot of square and oppositions in general in the synastry chart
empty 4th house (usually a crowded 4th house indicates a relationship that progresses fast)
negatively aspected 4th or 7th house
Neptune conjuct/opposite/square Sun

Dm me for a synastry reading !!
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Astrology observations part: 3
with little bit of Vedic astrology

y’all need to look at your d10 chart in Vedic astrology it tells you your wealth and your future career and even fame they did an example for Barack Obama on how he became the president and many others too
Moon- Neptune harsh aspects may have confusing emotions and it can be Disorientated too 
Jupiter in the 12th can have vivid dreams too just like Pluto in this house and strong intuition your hidden enemies may be your teachers or you just basically have a lot of hidden enemies and people don’t have a reason why they don’t like you but your strongly protected tho
Lilith in the 7th may have Partners that are obsessive and possessive of them they may get partners that will only use them for sex and only that or people may have something against their relationships they have
Moon in the 12th repress their emotions just like moon in the 8th they usually don’t let anyone in till they trust you or maybe not all and feminine Figures will be their hidden enemies and the people they let in. They may use theiremotions against them
(7328)Asteroid Casanova can tell you where you are seductive and have natural charm your most definitely a charmer if you had this asteroid prominent in your chart 

Saturn in the 8th and 12th can means that the father hasn’t been in the person life for years
Your d9 chart means your spouse and your fortune, wealth and debts and etc… it can also tell you your soul purpose in this life
Capricorn men placements give mommy issues vides
Virgo placements usually give good advice
Moon- Mercury aspects know how to express their emotions with their words 
Gemini sun’s I know are social and friendly to people
Sagittarius placements are blunt but funny to me they sometimes say stuff that can be too trustful sometimes and it can hurt people. It’s form experiences lol especially the men who have these placements

Any planet that’s in the 10th or if it conjuncts MC that means you bring out those themes of that planet
Anyone with a fix sign 11th house your fans are obsessed and crazy they’re either gonna to hate you or love you especially that Scorpio in the 11th
Synastry that indicates strong sexual attraction

🔥Venus and Ascendant aspects: Strong physical attraction in particular, even with the harder aspects, even though at times it can difficult. The sexual chemistry is strong af. They tend to idolise each other though, especially for Venus personally to the ascendant person. This of course is more mutual and harmonious with positive aspects(this includes conjunction).
🔥Mars aspecting Mars: The harsh aspects will be explosive to say the least, and likely impulsive and instantaneous even if they clash a lot. Harmonious aspects are still hot and heavy and cannot get enough of each other. There’s still strong desire for one another.
🔥Moon aspecting Mars: Mars desires the emotional qualities of the Moon and Moon is attracted to Mars energy and drive. Normally, the favourable aspects are better with this, including conjunction. This is also a major baby making aspect (obviously depending on other contributing aspects/factors).
🔥Venus aspecting Pluto: I LOVE the conjunction with this one and I know that’s an unpopular opinion but it’s sooo hot. Whilst it can get possessive and jealous, if you’re both mature enough people it won’t get unhealthy (imo). As much as I don’t have the conjunction, harsher aspects are more difficult to work with but the chemistry is unreal. You’re so attracted to each other regardless of the aspect. You’ll want to do each other anywhere and everywhere.
🔥Sun aspecting Mars: Again, even the harsh aspects create strong sexual energy between two people. Intense sexual attraction and with positive aspects your bodies seem to move in sync with each others naturally. Harsher aspects tend to be more rough but all aspects are hot and heavy.
🔥Sun aspecting Venus: I’d emphasise the positive aspects more on this one, maybe opposition too, but not always square. Because this is more the lovey-dovey, I wanna make love to you type of aspect. It’s gooey and romantic more than anything but the sexual tension is still intense.
🔥Venus aspecting Mars: this one is a classic and I think it can go a long way, even if the signs are not in the degree enough to make an aspect(for example a cancer Venus at 20° and Scorpio Mars at 10°). It can still be intense and both parties are attracted to each other. Squares are hot af in this aspect btw but tend to be complicated in the long run(again depending on other aspects).
🔥Mars aspecting Pluto: You’re instantly drawn to one another. They’re both fascinated with each other and can’t explain why. They can’t stay away from each other and the sex can get kinky👀 even with harsher aspects.
🔥8th house placements(particularly Venus, Mars, Lilith and Moon): As controversial as this placement is, you can’t deny the attraction you feel to one another. The sex here is intense and you can’t explain the emotional connection to the other person. It can be unsettling and deep but you can’t stay away from each other. Sex is otherworldly .
Astrology observations
༯ you might share the same mercury,moon and sun sign with your favourite artists
༯ if you have Chiron in Libra/7th house you can be a blessing to other people, my friend has this all of his exes have gotten married and whenever he has a crush on someone he will hear that person is getting married to someone else lol
༯ you’ll notice you’ll become more gossipy and toxic when you have 8th house/12th house synastry with someone, people say my behaviour changes when I’m with my cousin
༯ December Sagittarius natives are more adventurous than those born in November , they are the ones that get anxious and stressed at the thought of travelling
༯ your sun sign can show your body features that you look at trying to fix, my mom is a Capricorn first thing she pays attention to when looking in the mirror is her teeth and she’s always worried about her teeth( brushing many times)
༯ Venus in Sagittarius/9th got attractive thighs
༯ just found out am a Capricorn rising with a stellium in 2nd house and moon/Lilith in 8th house FML
༯ natives that have fixed Venus sign can get obsessed with one song and they’ll start to hate/lose interest when they see the music video
༯ Taurus placements can be scammers if undeveloped
༯ Neptune in 8th house have horrible nightmares
༯ I have seen many scorpios love wearing the colour red
༯ most top athletes have Aries placements
༯ Aquarius/leo placements wear varsity jackets
༯ cancer placements binge watch tv shows
༯ Pisces sun with Aquarius placements can have a phase of being players when young
༯ Pisces Mars and Libra Mars avoid confrontations
༯ Leo risings natives can have problems with their step siblings
༯ Libra risings have huge age differences with their siblings
༯ Libra placements have the habit of commenting on people’s appearance
༯ the signs that you hate is your 12th and 8th house
Venus / Moon / Mars synastry (conjunction, square)

Venus conjunct Moon synastry is considered a true love aspect. If at a tight orb the love will be mutual and likely emotionally fulfilling. Both parties tend to be very sweet to each other. It can be sickening to outsiders sometimes. They very much understand each other’s emotional and security needs. They enjoy doting and spoiling one another with back rubs and gifts. They are each other’s side kick and best friend. They care for each other deeply, and selflessly. The Moon finds beauty and warmth from the Venus. The Venus feels greatly understood and nurtured in return. Long walks, hand in hand and cuddling. They look into each other’s eyes and feel their spirits lift. Simply being in one another’s presence heals pain. It feels as though they are wearing a favorite comfortable sweater. They are a classic and romantic pairing. In non-romantic relationships this aspect will still be good to have. They joke around and behave goofy. Venus feels like being romantic with the Moon. The Moon draws out their creative and organic self. They are allowed to be themselves in this relationship. They hardly will notice other people when they’re with each other. If one of them do give anyone outside of the relationship more attention than the other party will feel left out in the cold. There can be jealousy but generally they want to make each other as happy as possible. Going about their individual daily routines won’t normally clash too much. Always look to the rest of the chart to determine.

Venus square Moon indicates a rather strong emotional and sexual connection. Instead of the conjunction and softer contacts which show mutual understanding and good feelings. The square creates friction and a restless energy. Venus square Moon in synastry shows two people who usually are very much in love, or attracted to one another but are very different in how they each express their emotions and go about romantic gestures. Frequent likely arguments can become the couples natural form of foreplay.. Such paring indicates an off and on again relationship. Similar in some basic ways but different in other important ways. They argue about little petty things. This can even be the case in the early stages of the relationship, but since there’s a strong attraction both parties will try to ignore the irritation or awkwardness felt sometimes. This aspect will generally play out when they couple is out socializing together or having company over to their home. They can have differences when it comes to raising their children, or have conflicting views on marriage and children. Such as one person may want kids and a big family while the person person although aren’t entirely turned off by the idea, is not completely sure that is something they want. They may want to travel and never considered children. Their moods generally two don’t match up well. One person will want to have sex and the other seems to be caught up in something else they’re doing. When the two do sync up, there is emotionally driven sex.

Venus conjunct Mars is considered to be a marriage and major sexual attraction aspect. Especially when it is at a tight orb. This particular aspect’s potency depends on other mars and venus contacts going on in the synastry charts. When Venus conjunct Mars, there is an immense sexual chemistry between two people. Venus is the feminine and Mars is the masculine, so together they have found their ideal match. They view each other as the mate they always wanted. Mars is compelled to touch and flirt with Venus. They really like to touch one another, especially early on in relationships. They may feel like they haven’t been as fulfilled in the bedroom before they met each other. Mars is usually the initiator and behaves like Venus’s knight in shining armor. They feel compelled to win Venus over. Venus in return feels completely in her feminine energy, but being chased after by Mars. Mars really make them feel like a woman. Not only is there simply a sexual/romantic attraction, there is mutual respect. Both parties do not mind going out of their way for one another. In fact they may want to team up and tackle projects together. People see the couple as an ideal match. They physically look good together and are charming. This is a good long-term aspect because when two people are sexually compatible it makes them less likely to wander outside of the relationship. Candle lit love making and passion are all the name of the game. If there are any negative contacts connected to this one, then beware of jealousy. You don’t need to be around each other 24/7. Give each other some room to breathe or this can turn platonic.

Venus square Mars there is either an immediate repulsion or attraction towards one another. In many cases it is both. The way that the Mars person advances on the Venus person can make them flat out uncomfortable. However that is where the tricky-ness occurs with this aspect. There is a fine line between dislike and like. Love and hate. They irritate the hell out of each other sometimes, which ironically fuels the attraction. Venus see’s Mars as aggressive or inconsiderate. Mars sees Venus as soft and beautiful physically, but Venus is overly sensitive or does not react how the Mars wants when they pursue. Mar’s wants to dominate and conquer Venus, so they can come off as desperate or overbearing. It can take longer then the conjunction/opposition for these two to form a relationship of any kind because of how much they drive each other crazy. They can be be that couple who has some fiery, epic arguments. Screaming at each other in a very public place. All because one of them said/did something the other person didn’t approve of. Other people will take notice of the tension between them, especially in the beginning. Some issues this contact also ensures is sexual disharmony. They are attracted and horny, just at different times. When they do have sex it’ll be aggressive and passionate. Think of Brad and Angelina in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Loud make up sex isn’t uncommon.

Moon conjunct Mars in synastry is a baby maker aspect. This is because of the impassioned physical responses from both parties. There is a great deal of libido responses when around each other, making them more fertile. The moon persons emotions are drawn outward, making them feel vulnerable initially in front of Mars. the mars can go into fits when the moon becomes overly sensitive or emotional. At the same time there is a lot of understanding about what both people are attracted to in an intimate relationship. The moon in the beginning is intimidated by the mars yet finds their domination and strength to be very sexy. It causes much steam. The kind which burns underneath the skin. This attraction is primal and instinctive. This aspect puts both people in heat. They want to engage in sexual activities or mate. The sex is likely to happen quickly. Mars does the chasing and wants the Moon person SO badly. Both planets feel primal and primitive traits of animal and man. There can be an animalistic quality to the sex. It is common for the Moon person to want to have the Mars children. The female in this contact can become more fertile like those mentioned above. Mars makes the moon feel safe and protected. Mars is indeed protective of the moon. They go into total warrior mode when anyone messes with their lover. Although they may respond heatedly to each other, any outsiders should beware trying to pull that nonsense. This is another good long-term contact to have if there’s other positive aspects. Similar to the Venus/Mars conjunct, there is great sexual relief and satisfaction.

Moon square Mars in compatibility normally brings on irritation at first interaction. They feel this irritation which lends to sexual emotions. Moon square Mars causes friction naturally on its own, that just puts people on edge. There can be an attraction, with other supporting aspects. So when there is a romantic attraction involved, these people will seriously annoy the hell out of each other, but they do love each other. Their interactions in the initial beginning of the relationship will be emotionally hot and perhaps feisty. There can also be interactions to do with manipulation. The Mars person can physically manipulate or be more aggressive which makes the Moon cower back. Overtime the Moon will fight back which is where the square energy really comes in. The Mars can pick and poke at the Moon so the Moon eventually will begin having outbursts. They can feel like the Mars is emotionally abusive in some extreme situations. Normally however it can just simply be the Mars teases the Moon, and finds them to be overly sensitive. They sometimes wish the Moon was not so sensitive. There can be a lot of sex in beginning of relationship because of the level of friction aroused when around each other. In the beginning this can be kind of sexy to have. It’s definitely an aspect which brings pure emotional responding to each other, especially in the heat of the moment. Both parties need to watch out for manipulating each other to get what they want. It’s not about each other’s individual selfish needs, it’s the needs of both parties that matter. This aspect can drain two people over time and other people around them. Each other’s parent’s can definitely be a stress. The Moon persons mother can interfere in the relationship perhaps and Mars gets angered by this. Or vice versa. Regardless of the fighting and heated moments, there is obviously love for each other even if they are at war. The War is always started by petty things said and done too, so try not to be completely immature with this aspect. It can tend to make people act in childish ways simply because the other person drives them nuts.
Astrology observations pt2 || Planets in their detriment
NOTE: the interpretation of these are solely on the planets. harmonious/inharmonious aspects can change the translation of these planets.
these are based on personal observations as well as acquired knowledge from books, websites, and other observation posts.

𓋼𓍊 Aries/Scorpio Venus- may struggle maintaining a harmonious relationship which can lead to them changing their relationships quite often. aries venuses might posses an either fiery or more grounded energy thanks to the cardinal energy. scorpios on the other hand might be emotionally reserved, and only truly love very few people around them if any, the rest they keep around depending on what they can access from them (very manipulative). Given their possible relationship insecurities these two venus signs will seek for someone going at the same pace and someone with the same mindset, which realistically is hard to find. when they do think they’ve found it, they might later find out they were in fact wrong. When they do get in a relationship they might become possessive as a result of possible insecurities.

𓋼𓍊 Taurus/Libra Mars- these natives might need extreme motivation to get things going, like a 9-5 they don’t like, but the security and responsibility of it keeps them on their toes. these mars signs could also lack sense of security in their actions, which could leave them wondering whether they were right or wrong and as a result they might not fight for themselves as hard as they should. it is important for them to have a big support system that reassures and validates their actions when conflicts arise.

𓋼𓍊 Gemini/Virgo Jupiter- these natives have a hard time seeing beyond logic explanation, they could experience something and until they don’t find logic behind it they won’t be satisfied. get fixated on many things but never seems to finish or find a final answer to any of them. is not that they’re unable to finish them, they’re just no longer interested to. closed minded towards otherworldly subjects, or tries very hard to understand it.

𓋼𓍊 Cancer/Leo Saturn- these natives lack discipline but want it. they might vent to you that they do not like their current monetary situation and are looking to make some changes in that aspect of their life, but the next day you see them spending all their money on clothes. they know this is wrong but will still do it. they may be prone to control people and situations because they think they know what’s best for everyone. however, they do not like people telling them what to do lol. they might be prone to burnouts easily and immune system problems.

𓋼𓍊 Sagittarius/Pisces Mercury- struggles to find something that feels “right” for them, when they do find it they mostly have to work harder than everybody else to catch up. problems with communication; either started talking late or have problems expressing themselves as they get older. prone to saying things that don’t make sense upfront which will make them have to explain themselves often. this might create insecurities that will lead them to express themselves less. this is the reason why I think so many great writers have these placements, they can just erase and reword their writing without being judged for it.
- fyodor dostoevsky, jane austen, james joyce, victor hugo, emily dickinson

𓋼𓍊 Capricorn Moon- find it difficult to be vulnerable, this translates to needing or wanting material security to make sure they won’t need anyone. do not like to rely on anyone for emotional/financial support even if they really need it. despite all this, they are very emotional. the difference between them and their sister sign cancer is that they are not expressive with their emotions or act on them. something I have noticed is that they are not as workaholics as people might expect them to be, however when they work, they splurge on the money they make or might be stingy with it, as either one of these actions brings security to them. most of the times they don’t feel loved by either one of their parents even if they’ve both always been present in their lives.

𓋼𓍊 Aquarius Sun- natives are hard to describe for me because I have not met many of them, I feel like most hideaway at home lol. one thing i’ve noticed is that they cry a lot and are unapologetic about it. these people shine bright like their sister sign leo, the difference is they don’t want to so they avoid situations where they have to or when they are put in these situations they have to make sure their presentation is flawless. however in day to day life they do not really care how they’re perceived. they’re the ones that go to school in pijama pants. they also oftentimes seek some form of validation with other people, which is why they change partners often. very physically beautiful, but doesn’t seem to know or act on it.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope y’all have a wonderful day.