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https://linktr.ee/d1nerrr 20 years old she/any | pfp by banditrubi and banner by artofavillainess on insta

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Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek

ladies, gentlemen and other distinguished guests! the cosplay is halfway done. a sneak peek 😝

thanks to @jjlovesbunbunc for taking the pics

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More Posts from D3n1r

1 year ago
Crying I Love Him Sm
Crying I Love Him Sm
Crying I Love Him Sm
Crying I Love Him Sm

crying i love him sm

1 year ago

zoro's inability / unwillingness to conceptualize a world without / after luffy in fics already feels like coughing up a ten pound blood clot and then i remember he says shit like this in canon and i actually pass out from blood loss and die

screencaps of one piece episode 1026, the first featuring luffy, zoro, and kaido. the second is a close up of zoro. the caption reads "If you're gonna invite my captian to hell, I'll come along as well!"

like genuinely why would he say this to me .

1 year ago

Inktober day 15: Dagger 🗡️

Inktober Day 15: Dagger
1 year ago
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek
Ladies, Gentlemen And Other Distinguished Guests! The Cosplay Is Halfway Done. A Sneak Peek

ladies, gentlemen and other distinguished guests! the cosplay is halfway done. a sneak peek 😝

thanks to @jjlovesbunbunc for taking the pics

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1 year ago

Buggy Headcanons

So, needless to say, a certain guy has absolutely rotted my brain to it's core. Thought I'd share a bunch of random, miscellaneous headcanons for you all to enjoy.

Mostly inspired by LA!Buggy, but honestly at this point the Buggy that lives in my head is a chaotic mix of LA and Anime.

MDNI. Mostly SFW, but some NSFW content under the cut.

He knows how to sew. And he's actually pretty good at it. Not just for fixing inevitable holes in clothes or rips in sails, but he's actually quite skilled at it.

Despite being flirty and charismatic as hell, this man CANNOT take a compliment back from his s/o. Will always catch him off-guard and turn him into a flustered mess. "Stop staring." "I want to drown in your eyes, Bugs" "Blech, don't be gross!" "You're so  beautiful it's not fair" "SHUT UP! GO GET YOUR EYES CHECKED!"

Love Language is Physical Touch. Buggy's silly clown brain crashes and shuts down as soon as he hears Words of Affirmation directed back at him (however this doesn't stop him from whispering tooth-rotting sweetness to his s/o when he thinks they're asleep late at night)

Bi-King but is without a doubt a Tits Man™. I don't make the rules.

Has a nipple piercing that is very, very fun. However the real surprise was discovering his tongue piercing.

Very prideful about his flowing blue hair. Always has something going on with it, whether it be little braids or twisting some gold or treasures throughout. That being said he is a whiny brat when it comes to untangling that mess. Will eventually huff and stomp his way over to his S/O and flop his head in their lap, whining until their fingers gently ease out the knots before going in with a brush. 

The man is an absolute SLUT for a scalp massage. He will literally melt into a puddle. It's the quickest way to calm him down from an absolute meltdown.

He definitely has a favorite scrunchie for pulling his hair back. It's lilac in color, and most definitely doesn't match the shirt his S/O was wearing the night they met. No he's not sentimental, shut up. 

He really misses swimming. It's been so many years since he was last able to, that he's gotten used to the reality of the situation, but every so often the pang of longing to dive in really cute deep. It bothers him way more than he would ever admit. 

Likes having his hair pulled. One time his S/O tugged on his ponytail playfully when they were looking over a map, and the next thing they knew they couldn't walk properly for three days. 

Switch for the right person. His first instinct is to naturally be more dominant, but once he's found that safe space with his S/O, he willingly submits. The first time he lets his walls down enough to let his S/O take charge he swore he's never come harder because of how blissfully he was able to turn his brain off.

After some time with his S/O he eventually discovers that intimacy doesn't always have to be sexual. And he's very good at it. A lingering touch, holding hands, absently playing with their hair. His favorite indulgence is bathtime. The man has so much pent up energy and gets frustrated when he doesn't know how to let it out. Sometimes this results in shutting down and (unintentionally) shutting his S/O out. What's the best way to get him out of that big beautiful brain of his? A hot bath, bubbles and skin-to-skin contact with his love as their hands massage out the tension in his neck and wash his hair. Words are very hard for Buggy, but low whispers of affection and true gratitude will slip out amongst the suds as his makeup washes away.

Is a natural at sailing and navigating. When they were kids on Rogers crew, Buggy had more natural talent for actually running the ship while Shanks drew natural leadership and charisma. After everything fell apart, and Buggy grew into leading his own crew, he channeled some of what he observed with Shanks and made it his own. 

Will go days without eating when he's too caught up in his own head or preoccupied with a scheme. Loses track of time easily and needs to be reminded to eat before he passes out.

Absolutely not a morning person. Do not talk to him before he's had his coffee if you value your life. 

Has those big, loud, scary Dad Sneezes™

If he's especially tired, or really drunk, he is prone to leaving a limb behind. It eventually finds its way back by hitching a ride with another crewmember (Cabaji usually keeps an eye out for a wayward foot or arm hanging about). 

Buggy HATES the cold. 

Talks to the stars. A little habit of his from his childhood on Rogers crew. When he needed some space he climbed up into the Crows Nest late at night when the rest of the ship is asleep. Here he whispered his secrets, dreams and wishes to the stars. He doesn't believe in god, but he believes the stars were definitely listening when they sent his S/O into his life.