dailyyanaw - 𝒜.

93 posts

Por Que VOC AINDA Est Na Comunidade?

por que VOCÊ AINDA está na comunidade?

eu queria propor essa pergunta a você para fazer refletir por alguns segundos, pense bem, mas responda a si mesmo, e apenas acompanhe meu raciocínio.

TODOS, eu digo todos em maiúsculo, sem excessão de ninguém, TODOS aqui tem uma motivação para continuar na comunidade e usando áudios subliminares. você pode ser uma pessoa que boa parte da sua vida sofreu bullying por ser quem é e busca através dos áudios mudar isso, pode querer melhorar a sua vida escolar, estabilizar sua vida financeira, querer um parceiro(a) pois não quer mais estar sozinho, cansada dessa realidade e deseja mudar de vida, entre outros vários motivos, e todos eles são válidos e ponto.

mas, até que ponto você não se tornou obcecado por isso, você não consegue mais se imaginar sem subliminais, a um ponto que virou quase uma droga na sua vida, absolutamente você não confia em você por que antes tem que ouvir um áudio específico. exemplo: antes de uma prova você escuta um áudio mesmo ter estudado todo o conteúdo, ou não confia que seu crush não possa começar a gostar de você naturalmente…

acredito que tenha local de fala para falar isso por que simplesmente não consigo me ver sem subliminais ou lei da atração, mas eu reconheci isso e me pergunto: “até que ponto estamos verdadeiramente no controle de nossas vidas e até que ponto estamos nos tornando dependentes dessas práticas?”

este texto pode parecer paradoxal ou hipócrita, pois estamos discutindo a dependência dessas ferramentas enquanto as utilizamos para refletir sobre isso, além de que boa parte da comunidade aceita como fato que para ter resultados basta se amar e ter um ótimo auto conceito, mas como fazer isso se você sequer se entende? no entanto, é precisamente nesse paradoxo que encontramos espaço para autoconsciência e crescimento pessoal. reconhecer nossas próprias contradições e confrontá-las é essencial para uma jornada de autodescoberta.

sim, isso foi um texto de desabafo em partes, mas também para vocês refletirem sobre, não achem que quero dizer “ai se aceitem i eh sobre” NÃO. longe disso, o processo de aceitar quem a sua identidade é de longe a mais difícil e talvez dolorida, mas nem tudo tem que ser assim, quando você entende que é um ser único, você está vivendo uma experiência maravilhosa, vivenciar a vida.

enfim, espero que pensem bem sobre, eu sempre vou amar vocês, fiquem bem…

beijos do pedro~ 🤍

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More Posts from Dailyyanaw

6 months ago
( ) What Is Self Concept?

( ♡ ) what is self concept?

your self concept is what you think of yourself, how you assume yourself to be and your perception of yourself. your self concept influences your thoughts, actions and your overall reality. for example your self concept might be that you are attractive and people like being around you or maybe the exact opposite !

self concept plays a key role while manifestation. people who are new to manifesting don't understand it's importance but let me tell you, a good self concept is ALL you need to manifest your dream life

( ♡ ) how to change it?

change your assumptions about yourself ! it's as simple as that. assume yourself as the person you want to be, imagine you are already that person and start thinking of yourself positively. put yourself on that pedestal because darling you are literally the god of your reality and everything is your creation. the reality is NOTHING but a reflection of your thoughts so

change your thoughts = change your reality

that's how it works

( ♡ ) make it fun !

okay, let me tell you, you guys HAVE NO IDEA how fun it is to imagine your ideal self and then act like it, let's start by this:

what does your ideal self look like?

what is their face like?

what is their body like?

what are 5 adjectives that describe them?

what is their personality like?

how do they sound?

who are their friends?

how do people treat them?

where do they live?

what clothes do they wear?

what do they smell like?

answered the above questions? great! now assume you already are that person and go on with your life :)

( ♡ ) some self concept affirmations coz why not?

★ I know for a fact that the moment I desire something, the universe starts doing it's job to bring it to me

➩ I manifest whatever I want, however I want and whenever I want because I am the god of my reality

★ the 3D is basically my bitch, it's the literal reflection of my thoughts and desires. It conforms to them instantly

➩ my reality shifts in accordance to my desires. the moment I desire something, I shift to a reality where I already have that desire

★ I put myself on the pedestal because I know I am a queen. I know that I am worthy of love, respect, happiness and deserve to have all my desires

➩ I believe in myself and my ability to manifest because I am the god of my reality and everything is my creation

★ I am 'that' girl who has got it all in life. Isn't it amazing how I now have literally everything I've ever wanted before

➩ I am living my dream life, I've got the best that the infinity has to offer

★ I love myself so damn much and everyone else does the same !

➩ I am so attractive, rich, smart and lovable GOSH I love being me #selfobsessed

p.s. I'm making a self concept subliminal soon that has all the affirmations listed above ++ lots of more so stay tuned for that ;) istg y'all are gonna love it ♡

edit: it's up now !!

→ click me

6 months ago
 Taerii's Formula To Become 'THAT' B*tch Who's Got It All In Life

★ ꤫࣪ 🛒 ͟﹢࣪ taerii's formula to become 'THAT' b*tch who's got it all in life <3

first off, tell me what version of yourself comes to your mind when you hear the phrase "got it all in life". list down every single detail about them & what they have to qualify for the title "that b*tch" ─ it can be anything; beauty & brains, fame & wealth, power & glory or maybe all of those combined !!

then go down to more details, "beauty" - what kind of looks do you want? what does your ideal self look like? what kind of clothes do they wear? what is their eye colour? what is their body like? and anything else you could think of.

moving on to the next category, "status" - wealthy/rich/upper middle class/billionaire/famous/not so famous etc etc, "personality" "friends" "partner" and basically add more categories as you like !! [ the more the better ]

now here comes the fun part,


make your ideal self an "alter ego" ;))

y'know how Hannah Montana has two lives? YES. don't think of your ideal self as someone you 'want' to be, think of it as YOUR *OWN* SECOND LIFE YOOOO

think of her as an 'idealized' version of yourself. give it a name, ( mine's "crystal/krystal" LMAOO )

don't think of her as something you're trying to become, think of her as a person who already exists within you. finally, all you need to do is embody her 😋

now, to slowly let your alter ego become your only ego ( basically to become your ideal self )

play pretend. act the way your alter ego would act, think the way your alter ego would act, do stuff your alter ego would do, say the things your alter ego would say, feel the way your alter ego would feel !!

does your ideal self feel insecure while taking pictures? nope. so go get that confidence and pretend you already ARE your alter ego ;)

=͟͟͞♡ the secret is this. you think of your ideal self, you pretend you're her and you become her.

now that's MY formula, the rest is up to you ;)

[ remember: there are no rules whatsoever, you're limitless and anything is possible !! ]

6 months ago
( ) Let's Talk About 'failed' Manifestations

( ♡ ) let's talk about 'failed' manifestations

you tried so hard and did everything 'correctly' but you still weren't able to manifest what you wanted

you know who's responsible? YOU

the law NEVER fails, get that inside your head.

you don't doubt if the law of gravitation will fail you and you'll end up floating in mid air do you ?

EXACTLY !, similarly the law of assumption NEVER fails

failure is NOT an option and there is NO correct way to manifest

( ♡ ) "why didn't I manifest my desire then?"

*drumroll please*

look what we have here, oh ! it's YOU

the law of assumption simply means that whatever you assume to be true is reflected in your reality

you didn't manifest your desire because you YOURSELF assumed that the law might fail you

and BAM, it did.

( ♡ ) it isn't that hard tbh, you just have to assume that the law works and it WILL work !

there is NOT A SINGLE CHANCE of it failing

it WILL work no matter what that's the whole point

that's why it's called a 'law' and not just a theory tsksksk

so when you're assuming that the law of assumption doesn't work, it's actually working lmao- yeah kind of a hard concept to grasp but that's just how it works

your assumptions = your reality

I don't make the rules here 🗿

6 months ago
( ) Get Off Your Damn Phone And Get On With The Game.
( ) Get Off Your Damn Phone And Get On With The Game.
( ) Get Off Your Damn Phone And Get On With The Game.

( ♡ ) get off your damn phone and get on with the game.

- you spend your whole day lying on the bed, scrolling through manifestation pages, in hope to find a 'method' that works for you or to give you 'hope' through success stories or to make you feel good about yourself or maybe to learn how to manifest 'correctly' or whatever might be the reason.

well guess what? you DON'T need 893727 methods to manifest, you were BORN with that in you.

wanna know how to manifest? tell yourself what YOU want to hear.

( ♡ ) manifestation is your very nature, you were born with the ability to manifest and you've been using it unconsciously ( default manifestation ) and consciously ( deliberate manifestation ) ever since you were a child. you think you can't manifest? you've been doing that your WHOLE life hun-

stop trying to find 'methods' because there is no correct way to manifest, you set the rules and you create the limits

you don't need to read 1426295 neville books to learn how to manifest, it is your very nature <3

so my only tip for you is to stop scrolling through manifestation success stories, methods, motivational posts etc., and start applying what you already know :D

and remember: if you can imagine it then you can have it

6 months ago
Instant Manifestation . .
Instant Manifestation . .
Instant Manifestation . .

instant manifestation .˚ ᵎ┊͙. 🎀

( ♡ ) have you ever looked at loa success stories on the internet and went like "how come they manifest things so fast and I can't?" "what am i doing wrong" "why can't I manifest?"

that's it. that's what you're doing wrong.

- you're limiting yourself by telling your subconscious that you 'can't' manifest anything

the success stories aren't meant to make you think "aw man, I could never" but to make you think "if they can, so can I"

( ♡ ) the key to instant manifestations is the feeling of knowing it's youts. knowing that you're the one in charge, accepting the fact that your thoughts create your reality and acknowledging your power as the creator.

you try one method for 1 day and go like "why isn't my desire showing up?" "this method doesn't work"

NO. you're the one telling yourself you don't have your desire yet.

the true state of knowing means that you fully accept the fact that your desires are already yours regardless of what the 3D shows

the 3D will simply reflect that thought and eventually you'll have what you desire

manifestation can be INSTANT if you stop limiting your power, just live in the wish fulfilled. It's yours and nothing can change that.