dailyyanaw - 𝒜.

93 posts

:( :::[::]::: ) :( :::[::]::: )

:( :::[::]::: ) :( :::[::]::: )

✧:・゚( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ・゚✧:・゚( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅ ) ・゚✧

let's talk about ➝ living in the end / being in the state of wish fulfilled 🪐🎀

☆ [ p.s. yes your girl is back ;) ]

okay so Imma be straightforward with y'all, living in the end is basically "acting as if you already have whatever you desire" - explained in it's simplest form

to do so, all you need to do is to think how you would think if you already had what you desire

let's say you're trying to grow taller: then instead of whining about how it's all genetics or height increase is definitely a myth or whatever, get into the mindset of a person who already has that desire ‼️

think how you would think if you were already tall, if you were tall you wouldn't spend the whole day comparing your height to others, would you? if you were tall you wouldn't bother even thinking about your height, would you?


living in the end and detaching are inter-linked

If you adopt the mindset of "the wish fulfilled" then it makes the whole manifestation thing easy as a cake !!

some points:

1. time is just an illusion, it's simultaneous. the past exists RIGHT NOW and so does the future, so by assuming it's already yours; you aren't technically "lying to yourself" 🤷🏻‍♀️ because if you believe that you'll have your desire in the future then you're technically affirming that it's here right now and vice versa

2. the 3D ( reality ) isn't an illusion, it's real but malleable. whether or not to ignore it is your personal choice, though most people choose to ignore it because it doesn't really matter as it's simply a reflection of the 4D plane ( imagination )

3. living in the end is completely optional, before you start coming at me

loa states :-

your assumptions = your reality

so, you assume you get results without living in the end = you'll get results without living in the end

tbh everything I say in my posts is pretty much optional, because the basic law is what's stated above!!

so my job is not to tell you what's right and what's wrong, but to tell you my opinion <3

you're limitless

xoxo, taerii

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More Posts from Dailyyanaw

6 months ago
( ) What Is The Victim Mentality?

( ♡ ) what is the victim mentality?

have you ever said to yourself "why can't I manifest my desires? why am I struggling? why is life so unfair?"

then you are suffering from a severe case of 'victim mentality'.

you feel like you are a victim, you feel like nothing goes your way and you always fail

THIS is the victim mentality and fun fact: it doesn't serve you any purpose because you are NOT the victim. you literally create your reality and by thinking that you're a victim, your reality is reflecting that thought

how to overcome it?

stop. stop right there. stop thinking that you're a victim and stop thinking that you are helpless. BELIEVE in yourself and trust yourself. have faith in your power to manifest because believe it or not, manifestation is real. the law of assumption is real. if you assume that it's not real, then the law of assumption will make sure it's not

STOP doubting yourself and START believing in yourself because YOU ARE NOT the victim, you are the operant creator of your reality, you get to decide what happens here.

why do we struggle then?

why are you struggling when you KNOW that you are the creator of your reality? why are you still struggling when you are AWARE of the infinite power you hold? why are you anxious of your desires not showing up in the 3D?

only YOU can answer that question.

because everything is YOUR CREATION

you don't like the way you look? you don't like the way people treat you? you don't like your grades?


what to do now?

your reality right now is the product of your past thoughts. but you STILL have the power to change it. you are limitless

don't like your looks? assume you look like the ideal version of yourself

want to change your past grades? manifest it

want to date your celebrity crush? know he's already yours

don't want to live here? shift to another reality

don't want your parents to be strict? EIYPO ( everything/everyone is you pushed out ). assume they treat you the way you want them to


stop reacting to the 3D because it's just the creation of your past thoughts and let go of your victim mentality because it doesn't serve you any purpose

the reality is nothing but your consciousness, you can change anything and everything about it that you wish to. everything is your creation

11 months ago

“ai, eu não tenho resultados? o que estou fazendo de errado?” – vem cá que eu te explico!

primeiramente quero deixar claro uma coisa aqui, subliminais NÃO tem regras, aqui na l nossa comunidade fazemos colocando afirmações positivas por trás de ambientações sonoras que tem como propósito modificar algum aspecto seu ou da sua vida, mas muitas pessoas usam as afirmações como lei da atração, afirmando durante o dia que em suas vidas tem tal coisas e conseguem manifestar elas, o que eu quero dizer com isso? você molda as regras de como usar subliminal ou afirmações positivas, não seja escravo das afirmações, coloque elas ao seu favor, dito isso podemos prosseguir.

agora, tópico sensível, você sabia que você tem resultados instantâneos só de ouvir um áudio pela primeira vez? 😱 “ai mas como assim pedro?” você pode não perceber porque subliminais trabalham muito com padrões mentais, MAS, ao por exemplo ouvir um áudio de beleza seu subconsciente já está encaminhado para tal objetivo, ele já sabe que você é uma pessoa bonita e inconscientemente começa a se valorizar mais. o PROCESSO possa sim demorar, mas é FATO que você terá o que deseja manifestar.

então relaxa, cada pessoa é diferente e a jornada dela dentro da comunidade não deve ser comparado, isso só causa retrocesso a si mesmo. espero que eu tenha ajudado vocês, deixem suas dúvidas ai em baixo! amo vocês 🤍

Ai, Eu No Tenho Resultados? O Que Estou Fazendo De Errado? Vem C Que Eu Te Explico!
Ai, Eu No Tenho Resultados? O Que Estou Fazendo De Errado? Vem C Que Eu Te Explico!
Ai, Eu No Tenho Resultados? O Que Estou Fazendo De Errado? Vem C Que Eu Te Explico!
6 months ago





first of all, you need to realize that NOTHING is permanent here. you can EASILY change your appearance no matter how drastic the change is. EVERYTHING is possible because YOU create your reality

( ♡ ) a common myth held by lots of people while manifesting is that "manifesting physical appearance changes takes time"

NO. physical appearance changes are AS easy and quick to manifest as any other desire

there is no fixed time to manifest appearance changes, you can grow 15 cm overnight if you say so !!

nothing is fixed here. you can LITERALLY change your genetics by manifestation !!

just assume that you already look like your ideal self and that's it. get into the mindset of having your ideal appearance. the moment you desire something, KNOW that there are infinite realities and infinite versions of you that already have what you desire

so by getting into the mindset of having your desires, the reality will SHIFT to give you your desires

( ♡ ) not seeing results in the 3D?

the only reason for that is the assumption that you're not seeing results in the 3D.

believe it or not, you ALREADY have your results

PERSIST in the assumption that you already have your ideal appearance even though there is no evidence in the 3d for it

if you are beautiful and attractive in your imagination, then you're beautiful and attractive period.

the 3D ( reality ) just reflects the 4D ( imagination ) so focus on changing the 4D and not the 3D

you don't need proof in the 3D to know that your desires are yours

the moment you desire something, it takes form in the 4D plane

but if you PERSIST in the assumption that the desire is yours, then it'll take form in the 3D too

that is how simple it gets, you think of your desired appearance, you persist in the assumption that you already look like it, and you become it

you can change EVERYTHING about your reality

the 3D is like play dough,

you can mould it the way you like to create what you desire <3

anything and everything is possible if you think so

6 months ago
 Taerii's Formula To Become 'THAT' B*tch Who's Got It All In Life

★ ꤫࣪ 🛒 ͟﹢࣪ taerii's formula to become 'THAT' b*tch who's got it all in life <3

first off, tell me what version of yourself comes to your mind when you hear the phrase "got it all in life". list down every single detail about them & what they have to qualify for the title "that b*tch" ─ it can be anything; beauty & brains, fame & wealth, power & glory or maybe all of those combined !!

then go down to more details, "beauty" - what kind of looks do you want? what does your ideal self look like? what kind of clothes do they wear? what is their eye colour? what is their body like? and anything else you could think of.

moving on to the next category, "status" - wealthy/rich/upper middle class/billionaire/famous/not so famous etc etc, "personality" "friends" "partner" and basically add more categories as you like !! [ the more the better ]

now here comes the fun part,


make your ideal self an "alter ego" ;))

y'know how Hannah Montana has two lives? YES. don't think of your ideal self as someone you 'want' to be, think of it as YOUR *OWN* SECOND LIFE YOOOO

think of her as an 'idealized' version of yourself. give it a name, ( mine's "crystal/krystal" LMAOO )

don't think of her as something you're trying to become, think of her as a person who already exists within you. finally, all you need to do is embody her 😋

now, to slowly let your alter ego become your only ego ( basically to become your ideal self )

play pretend. act the way your alter ego would act, think the way your alter ego would act, do stuff your alter ego would do, say the things your alter ego would say, feel the way your alter ego would feel !!

does your ideal self feel insecure while taking pictures? nope. so go get that confidence and pretend you already ARE your alter ego ;)

=͟͟͞♡ the secret is this. you think of your ideal self, you pretend you're her and you become her.

now that's MY formula, the rest is up to you ;)

[ remember: there are no rules whatsoever, you're limitless and anything is possible !! ]

6 months ago
( ) Let's Talk About 'failed' Manifestations

( ♡ ) let's talk about 'failed' manifestations

you tried so hard and did everything 'correctly' but you still weren't able to manifest what you wanted

you know who's responsible? YOU

the law NEVER fails, get that inside your head.

you don't doubt if the law of gravitation will fail you and you'll end up floating in mid air do you ?

EXACTLY !, similarly the law of assumption NEVER fails

failure is NOT an option and there is NO correct way to manifest

( ♡ ) "why didn't I manifest my desire then?"

*drumroll please*

look what we have here, oh ! it's YOU

the law of assumption simply means that whatever you assume to be true is reflected in your reality

you didn't manifest your desire because you YOURSELF assumed that the law might fail you

and BAM, it did.

( ♡ ) it isn't that hard tbh, you just have to assume that the law works and it WILL work !

there is NOT A SINGLE CHANCE of it failing

it WILL work no matter what that's the whole point

that's why it's called a 'law' and not just a theory tsksksk

so when you're assuming that the law of assumption doesn't work, it's actually working lmao- yeah kind of a hard concept to grasp but that's just how it works

your assumptions = your reality

I don't make the rules here 🗿