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Taerii Back At It Again Brrr

taerii back at it again brrr

Taerii Back At It Again Brrr

β­’Φ΄Χ„β˜†οΉ manifesting an SP

sp stands for 'specific person'. it can be a partner, a friend, a neighbour, girlfriend/boyfriend etc.

- you may have checked out several posts about this topic but imma break all that info down and share how I manifested lots of people 🀭 ( new students/classmates/a k-pop band )

𖀐 creating an SP //

- have a clear picture in your mind about what you want your sp to be like; their appearance, status, age, personality, background story, how you meet them, when do you meet them, where do you meet them, your relationship with them etc.

basically mentally prepare a whole wattpad scenario of how, where and when everything takes place etc. !!

try to visualize about them whenever you're free, don't worry and KNOW that they're on their way to you <3

𖀐 self concept xx //

- I highly recommend working on your self concept because often people that manifest their sps become insecure and start questioning if their sp will like them or not !!

so you need to work on your self concept about love, accept yourself the way you are, love yourself and know you are deserving of love <3

- try to change the way you *THINK* the world views you, flip those negative thoughts around

if you're worried that your sp might not feel the same way towards you then remember that everyone is you pushed out. your sp will think of you the way you think they will, so a good self concept helps a lot !!

- if you think you're unattractive then affirm "I'm attractive and pretty in my own way and everybody loves me the way I am"

- if you think you're not good enough then affirm "I am perfect the way I am, they will change their standards to love me and I don't have to change myself because I'm amazing"

basically know that you deserve love the way you are ^^

𖀐 know that your sp is yours //

think, assume, decide and persist.

decide that your sp will appear in your life the way you want, know that it's not impossible to manifest an sp.

you can listen to subliminals, affirm, visualize etc. but know that it's not needed once you know exactly what you want <3

let the law do it's thing and ry not to stress over it, trust the process ;)

𖀐 personal success stories //

͟͞=🦷 ˚⁎⁺˳ if you think manifesting an SP is impossible, then I'm here to share how I manifested 2 SP's and a wholeass k-pop band πŸ’€

- a few years back when I DIDN'T even know about the law of assumption, I always wondered what it would be like to have a new boy in our class; and finally have a boy bestie !! I even made up a whole backstory of where he's from, when he meets me etc.

and guess what. guess TF WHAT.

that *exact* imaginary person took admission into our school in the exact year I had imagined-

I didn't notice at first but when I found out that HE WAS LITERALLY FROM THE EXACT PLACE I IMAGINED MY SP TO BE FROM

I WAS *SHOOK* ( beyond shook πŸ’€ )

rn we're really good friends exactly the way I had imagined 😭

time taken: around two years ( *only because I had imagined him meeting me after two years from that time* )

method: visualising ( more like daydreaming because I didn't know loa was a thing back then )

- I remember when I was a 9 year old I always imagined a band of 4 really pretty and talented girls from *another* universe and basically they could travel between different universes and shi + they had their own animated avatars/show thingy too

and after a couple of years aespa debuted πŸ’€πŸ‘

like the members are exactly how I imagined they'd be bye

time taken: 4/5 years ( I wasn't manifesting this I just liked to make up random scenarios lmao )

- here's a *really* quick one,

one morning I got on the bus and on my way to school, I randomly thought "it would be so fun if a cute new boy took admission in our class lmao" ( I swear the thought only lasted for like 5 seconds and then I completely forgot about it ) AND DUDE WHEN I REACHED MY SCHOOL THAT VERY DAY I FOUND OUT A NEW BOY TOOK ADMISSION IN OUR CLASS-

this was very surprising because we rarely get like 1 or 2 admissions in years πŸ’€

time taken: 30 minutes

methods: just thought of it once, listened to a subliminal the night before ( my god mode sub 😭 )


goodluck manifesting


taerii πŸ’‹

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More Posts from Dailyyanaw

6 months ago
( ) "damn- I Literally Have The Perfect Self Concept, The Perfect Mindset And I've Been Doing Everything

( β™‘ ) "damn- i literally have the perfect self concept, the perfect mindset and I've been doing everything correctly.... why can't i see my results then?"

THIS. this 'ASSUMPTION' that you don't have your results yet is the reason you're not seeing them.

you need to REALIZE that your desires are ALREADY YOURS. they already EXIST. they are present HERE. creation is DONE. FINISHED.

( β™‘ ) no, I'm not forcing you to gaslight your current 3D circumstances or lie to yourself that you already have something that you don't because believe it or not this is ACTUALLY the truth. you actually HAVE THEM !!

because there are infinite realities and infinite versions of you that already have what you desire

you shift EVERY moment of your life, and by getting into the mindset of having what you desire, you will SHIFT to a reality where it's already yours

( β™‘ ) your results ALREADY EXIST in the 4th dimension, they are already there ! but you need to PERSIST in the assumption that they exist in the 3D too in order to actually see them

and fun fact: they can come INSTANTLY if you believe, the belief that 'it takes time to see results in the 3D' is nothing but an assumption

if you assume that the 3D conforms to your desires instantly then it will !

nothing can stop you ;)

6 months ago
( ) Another Problem Many People Face While Manifestation Is That They Think A Desire Is 'too Big' To

( β™‘ ) another problem many people face while manifestation is that they think a desire is 'too big' to manifest so it's 'impossible' or 'takes time'.

you need to realize that NOTHING is big or small for your subconscious mind, everything is equally easy to manifest

these so called 'big' manifestations are as easy and quick to manifest as the small ones

( β™‘ ) for example you want to manifest a mansion for yourself, you say to yourself "nah that's too big, it'll probably take years" and because your assumptions create your reality, your subconscious says "your wish is my command" and bam. It'll take years.

NOT because your subconscious isn't powerful enough to manifest big desires instantly, but because you YOURSELF assumed that it'll take time

( β™‘ ) your subconscious doesn't have eyes. If you think or believe something, your subconscious believes it too. it's all about what YOU believe and what YOU assume, that affects your manifestations.

if you assume you'll get 'big' manifestations instantly then you will !!

because there is no such thing as big or small for your subconscious to manifest.

you're limitless <3

6 months ago

why you should not:


Why You Should Not:

to 'try' and get your desires means that your purpose of affirming, visualising, listening to subliminals, scripting etc. is to somehow 'get' or 'achieve' your desires

( β™‘ ) You should never 'try' to manifest something because it contradicts the fact that it's already yours. Manifestation means recognising and assuming that something is already yours

But, if you're still 'trying' to get your desires then wouldn't that be a bit... off? especially since they're already yours?

While manifesting you are not 'trying' to get something, you are realising and deciding that it's already yours.

That is literally the way it is.

( β™‘ ) Trying implies 'lack'. but there's no lack in your reality. whatever you desire is already yours. there is no need to try. the purpose of listening to subliminals, visualising, scripting blah blah blah should be to simply remind you of your desires and help you remember that they're already yours.

you ALREADY have it. it's ALREADY yours.

accept it. stop trying. stop wasting your time and energy.

you're not trying to get your manifestations, you're just accepting and acknowledging the fact that they're already yours.

they're already done. creation is finished. even if you can't see it in the 3D, it is already there. It's yours. persist in the assumption that it's already yours.

6 months ago

"πŸ‘πƒ 𝐕𝐒 πŸ’πƒ" ೃ β€§β‚ŠΛš

which one should we focus on?

" "

( β™‘ ) the '3D' refers to your so-called 'reality' which we can perceive by using our 5 senses, the outer world. the 3D is NOTHING but a mere reflection of the 4D ( your inner self, your imagination )

your 4D creates your 3D so stop focusing on the 3D and sulking over the fact that you don't have your desires in the 3D yet

4D is the only thing that matters !!

NOTE: the 3D is NOT an illusion, the 3D is as real as it gets. But it is malleable and changeable. your 4D creates your 3D so it doesn't really matter :D

( β™‘ ) DON'T give power to the 3D. It's the old story. Accept it. Accept the fact that the 3D that you are experiencing right now is the reflection of your past thoughts. Know that you have the power to change it. This is why circumstances don't matter, your imagination creates your reality and that's a fact. The next time you look in a mirror and don't see results, smile and tell yourself "this is the old story, I don't give it any power over me and I'm already the version of myself I want to be regardless of the 3D evidence"

( β™‘ ) the 3D conforms instantly if you assume it does. the moment you desire something, it is created in the 4D plane. but the ONLY thing you need to do, to manifest that desire in the 3D is PERSIST. I CANNOT stress this enough. PERSISTENCE IS THE KEY.

assume you have your desires, and persist in this assumption.


6 months ago
( ) What Is Self Concept?

( β™‘ ) what is self concept?

your self concept is what you think of yourself, how you assume yourself to be and your perception of yourself. your self concept influences your thoughts, actions and your overall reality. for example your self concept might be that you are attractive and people like being around you or maybe the exact opposite !

self concept plays a key role while manifestation. people who are new to manifesting don't understand it's importance but let me tell you, a good self concept is ALL you need to manifest your dream life

( β™‘ ) how to change it?

change your assumptions about yourself ! it's as simple as that. assume yourself as the person you want to be, imagine you are already that person and start thinking of yourself positively. put yourself on that pedestal because darling you are literally the god of your reality and everything is your creation. the reality is NOTHING but a reflection of your thoughts so

change your thoughts = change your reality

that's how it works

( β™‘ ) make it fun !

okay, let me tell you, you guys HAVE NO IDEA how fun it is to imagine your ideal self and then act like it, let's start by this:

what does your ideal self look like?

what is their face like?

what is their body like?

what are 5 adjectives that describe them?

what is their personality like?

how do they sound?

who are their friends?

how do people treat them?

where do they live?

what clothes do they wear?

what do they smell like?

answered the above questions? great! now assume you already are that person and go on with your life :)

( β™‘ ) some self concept affirmations coz why not?

β˜… I know for a fact that the moment I desire something, the universe starts doing it's job to bring it to me

➩ I manifest whatever I want, however I want and whenever I want because I am the god of my reality

β˜… the 3D is basically my bitch, it's the literal reflection of my thoughts and desires. It conforms to them instantly

➩ my reality shifts in accordance to my desires. the moment I desire something, I shift to a reality where I already have that desire

β˜… I put myself on the pedestal because I know I am a queen. I know that I am worthy of love, respect, happiness and deserve to have all my desires

➩ I believe in myself and my ability to manifest because I am the god of my reality and everything is my creation

β˜… I am 'that' girl who has got it all in life. Isn't it amazing how I now have literally everything I've ever wanted before

➩ I am living my dream life, I've got the best that the infinity has to offer

β˜… I love myself so damn much and everyone else does the same !

➩ I am so attractive, rich, smart and lovable GOSH I love being me #selfobsessed

p.s. I'm making a self concept subliminal soon that has all the affirmations listed above ++ lots of more so stay tuned for that ;) istg y'all are gonna love it β™‘

edit: it's up now !!

β†’ click me