I Need To Get Something Serious Off My Chest And I Need Serious Help So If Anybody Can Give Me Some Advice
i need to get something serious off my chest and i need serious help so if anybody can give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated
i have really bad sensory issues in both sound and touch
my dad doesn’t really understand that, as he’s part of the older generation where mental health and sensory issues weren’t really a thing
i just had a panic attack after 1 hr of being outside due to my hair not wanting to be put up nicely and my shoes just didn’t feel right along with someone trying to talk to me the whole time
my dad got really upset at me, as he has been every time i tell him about my sensory issues
i had a panic attack at my school’s fair and i was with him and he got upset at me for wanting to leave
he also likes to blast his sports out in public even when people are around because he “doesn’t care what people think about him”
when i asked him if he could turn it down he got even more upset at me
what should i do
@chick3nbot1000 @wildernezz
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artist of the month: sung hanbin // bad boy
I think something is missing from this picture
that something is ANYBODY ELSE IN SIGHT

(I heard one of the NBC commentators laughing partway through the race and saying, "I think I just saw a photographer zoom out." Because you HAD TO to get the other swimmers into the same shot!)
i love d (as in an actually relationship)
but i also love h, j, s, g, s, y, m, t, x, k, i, e, j, y, j, l, q, etc.
@wildernezz can vouch plzz
You fucked up.
But look on the bright side.
At least you didn't "youtube essayist releases a 4-hour video on plagiarism and half of it is dedicated to exposing your channel, followed a day later by another youtuber releasing a 1-hour-40 minute video about the lies you just made up, and there's almost no overlap between the two" level fuck up.
i love how my commentators went 'GREAT start for zhang boheng' and my man is making this face at the score-