darkdreamtheorist - Dahs’ Nightower
Dahs’ Nightower

Realm of seclusion, forseer of realms unexplored, peered through nigh terrors. House of the Dark Dream Theorist, scrive of plagued visions

99 posts

Sling Set Extras (20 Sep, Last Of Marsupilamis Pt.1):

Sling Set extras (20 Sep, Last of Marsupilamis pt.1):

private chat w/Matt on Benton-Night’s computers

When I told him about Bluebottle’s decease in the 40 years since the Whale Sub Incident, heck even before that, I teased his knowledge of marsupilamis as I told him about my trip to Aguapiche, Bolivia with cousin Meg the cheetah, looking for Turnip tree beets for his hun-bun Jack O’Hare, their pulp and juice used as aphrodisiacs when ripe.

As we camped out beside a mature turnip tree, jamming to some samba station, a beet beaned me on the head and a distinct “Houba” was heard from the branches above us. I clawed up to the source, seeing the doc swayed to the rhythm of the night, then stopped once he saw me.

I heard Meg’s growling discomfort in her tent, doc thought the poachers were there ready to skin him. Vowing i wouldn’t rat him out if we were captured, I checked on my cuz back at the site, but not before Moira called me back to restock fresh paper for the printers. tbc

Sling Set, 20 September (Last of the Marsupilamis, part 1)

🐯: Heard of Dr. Bluebottle?

🏜🐺: Navy science shrimp, whale sub?

🐯: yep

Sea Monster Scoops Soft Serve Savings| Variety, Duckburg (September ‘89)

Need 2 file an update on his wanted status

🏜🐺: Can it wait? Sarge still bitter bout that APB Navy relayed on his escape near mid-atlantic. 📝 What do u know of him?

🐯: Cancel the search. He ded ☠️

🏜🐺: 😱 No Way! WHEN? HOW? WHERE?! What time?

🐯: 40 years, Bolivia, roughly 4:35 Central, stampede, least according to him

🏜🐺: 📝 Heavy ink. 😕😞 I’ll ask Lt. Biscuit to relay the intel to Adm. Grimmace—⚡️😵

🐯: 💢 Baskett & Grimitz, Lowbrow! ur slip-ups costing them taser money

🏜 🐺: 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 Got it, Jo! Wait how culd doc tell u his death when u said he ded? Why did he tell u? Itz cuz of Slink? tail buddies amiright?

🐯: 💯 real talk: What if I told u that Bluebottle wuz rly a Marsupilami dressed in dogman clothes?

🏜🐺: Those leopard-monkeys with the long tails that go “Hoo-Haa”!? 🫤 rnt those comic book critters?

🐯: “Houba”! Bubo’s his name btw. N theyre no cartoon. last of his kind. his fur, Navy Blue, prized by poachers n rich ladies rdy 2 line their coats. N yeah, my long ass tail wuz plenty trust to tell me

🏜️ 🐺: musta bn like family to see a fellow tail bud, mad respect ✊

🐯: 😭 Better than Megara 🐆I’ll say. C iz Like this: “Jacky Buns” 🏜 🐇 pre-ordered some Turnip Trees off a village in Bolivia, Aguapiche, ripe for liquid viagra, but fam biz roped him out, he asked her to get them around August after monsoon season

🏜🐺: And she roped u for the rough stuff while she got hubby pts 4da nips?

🐯: WITH SLINK ON MY NECK! T_T. I held the gear, she handled beauty

🏜🐺: Wut r Turnip Trees byw?

🐯: Edible trees, wit else? First their turnip shape seeds, then grow to huge ass baobabs in 14 months if left unearthed, n they span the Aguapiche plains.

🏜️🐺: Howdu meet the Marsup?

🐯: As we camped out by a clearing btwn these babs, I tund the radio 4 weather updates but got Mambo 40s, volume at 9. Almost messed Meg’s routine. Just then, I could swear I heard cheering n steps from above the tree, a faint “Houba” or two

🏜️ 🐺: 😮 The ‘Lami

🐯: xctly. Turnip bud conked me awake. climbed up searching for the noisy critter when I caught Bluebottle jitterbugging to the sounds of samba.

🏜🐺: u ask why?

🐯: Couldn’t help it rly. Something about him in this tree tho, he felt at home, as if he was returning to his roots so to speak. He couldn’t member much after becoming Bluebottle

🏜🐺: SUS!

🐯: ditto! Convo broke from a growl near camp. poachers, he thought, looking to skin him. I swore not to out him if they caught me or my friends on the campsite ⛺️.

🏜🐺: Oh my!

🐯: afk, OL Mo needs 🖨 📄, tbc

🏜🐺: KMP!

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Two months ago I tweeted about seeing Dr Bluebottle, one-off villain from 1987 Ducktales series, in the 2017 series, with a twist: What if he was secretly a Marsupilami? I mean you can see some resemblance can ya? With a few tweaks i mean it can b possible

sent to Ben Schwartz (@rejectedjokes) but its Henrieke Goorhuis who shud see this ask if he approves

Sure, they're not exactly the same, but I wouldn't think it far off the 2011 series comics do a similar take pic.twitter.com/dUTkA9sJd5

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Sling Set, 2 February (Last of the Marsupilamis, part 3–Summary)

One moistened mid-August, Joan and Megara flew to Bolivia to pick up rare tree turnips on a remote village in Aguapiche for her cousin’s boo Jack, Joan discovers the runaway Navy scientist Dr. Bluebottle and the suprising origins of this escaped convict. 

{About Turnip Trees (Brassica Rapa Andanosia):

hybrid species of edible beetroot grown in parts of South America, Africa and Asia after huge monsoons and during fog seasons

soft red turnips 8-14 weeks, thick n tall Baobabs 7-16 months if left on the ground

Discovered in 1916 after an Eswatini shepherd’s wild dog dug out bunches of turnips entangled in baobab roots

Trees grow turnip buds which bomb down on unsuspecting travelers}

  He was actually a Navy Blue furred Marsupilami named Blubo, a leopard chimp creature rarely seen in the wild, but their bright fur n prehensile tails were hunted down by poachers to line their rumpus rooms and socialites for apparel and accesories. 

  He returned to Aguapiche on the 40th anniversary of two misfortunes: his family’s disappearance and death of the real Bluebottle he was posing as, his life gone in a stampede of freed animals, which wasn’t on Blubo. His curiosity would endanger those around him,but never lead them to certain death, merely looking for ways to ease him and his animal pals. 

  He tracked the hunters back to their basecamp, looking for his family when his wandering eyes darted towards a sketch of his species in Bluebottle’s tent. From afar, a tweedy game hunter mistook Blubo reading his journal in the tent for Bluebottle in his Mar-Suit rehearsing his subject’s behavior when he recons the trees for more Lamis or other animals. Blubo panicked and wrapped himself in his own tail, the nerdy poacher calls out to a burly lead game hunter, alongside Dr. Bluebottle, they missed one. 

He was about to put Blubo in one of Bluebottle’s SOTA thumbprint ID cages with the other animals, later revealed to be Narnians, when he freed all four of his hands and clutched onto the cages, including one with an ornery rhino. The pull was straining him, he lost his grip as the buff poacher twanged his tail like a yo-yo pulling back, but not before Blubo unlocked all the cages with his fingerprints, which were near identical to Bluebottle’s prints. The locks open, then the stampede. the hunters scattered away, one portly poacher knocked the doc back and onto the path of the stampede. Blubo was just ready to follow his family in the commotion until…CRUNCH!!!! 

The last gasp of Bluebottle’s life traumatized dear inquisitive Blubo. He continued his research digsuised as him for 40 years, wearing his labcoat and clothes to conceal his blue fur and leg hands, he even concocted a formula to repress his wild side to look more dogmanish and cover his murder tracks. 

Years pass, he already believed himself to be the real Dr. Bluebottle, and while working under the Navy for their secret anti-radar whale sub, stole it and began seeking notoriety thru this mishap with Glomgold and McDuck’s Savings Game. Could’ve been his Marsupi heart wanted the attention to fund some research grants into searching for Marsupilamis like him while discreetly finding the family he presumably lost after that stampede on Aguapiche. 

  In fact, Seeing these Turnip Trees after escaping Navel custody unlocked forgotten memories of his life as a lasso-tailed leopard chimp, swinging on the branches and bungeeing for fruit and pranking predators while unveiling some wrenching reminders of the incident. He would’ve apologized to those poachers for killing and posing as Bluebottle if he wasn’t targeted by Glomgold, and that some of the poachers were using Circene to release their canine instincts and forms. 

Joan asked why he would pour his backstory on her, it was from her tail Slink’s size and :3 face that Blubo could trust Joan with his confession, both being long-tailed beasts. She aides him from a smudged leopardess (Meg after his Houba shriek disrupted her midnight makeover) and the feralized hunters returning to capture him with his rediscovered family, found alive not dead as he thought they were. Some hightail hijinks and repented sins later, Blubo sighed with contempt returning to spring & swing with his family & animal pals, relieved of a No-Shirt-No-Shoes life but keeps the doc’s lenses as primal cousins do. Just then, police choppers flydown and arrest the feralized poachers to the pound by Ed with the Alphas, Sgt. Basquait & Adm. Grimmitz. Ed got Slink’s comwatch message with Gene’s assist. Grimmitz informs Joan & Blubo he’ll confirm Bluebottle’s death in their files. Meg can give Mark the turnips, and Gene asks Blubo for cryptid research via comwatch.

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2 years ago

Sling Set, 2 February (Last of the Marsupilamis, part 3–Summary)

One moistened mid-August, Joan and Megara flew to Bolivia to pick up rare tree turnips on a remote village in Aguapiche for her cousin’s boo Jack, Joan discovers the runaway Navy scientist Dr. Bluebottle and the suprising origins of this escaped convict. 

{About Turnip Trees (Brassica Rapa Andanosia):

hybrid species of edible beetroot grown in parts of South America, Africa and Asia after huge monsoons and during fog seasons

soft red turnips 8-14 weeks, thick n tall Baobabs 7-16 months if left on the ground

Discovered in 1916 after an Eswatini shepherd’s wild dog dug out bunches of turnips entangled in baobab roots

Trees grow turnip buds which bomb down on unsuspecting travelers}

  He was actually a Navy Blue furred Marsupilami named Blubo, a leopard chimp creature rarely seen in the wild, but their bright fur n prehensile tails were hunted down by poachers to line their rumpus rooms and socialites for apparel and accesories. 

  He returned to Aguapiche on the 40th anniversary of two misfortunes: his family’s disappearance and death of the real Bluebottle he was posing as, his life gone in a stampede of freed animals, which wasn’t on Blubo. His curiosity would endanger those around him,but never lead them to certain death, merely looking for ways to ease him and his animal pals. 

  He tracked the hunters back to their basecamp, looking for his family when his wandering eyes darted towards a sketch of his species in Bluebottle’s tent. From afar, a tweedy game hunter mistook Blubo reading his journal in the tent for Bluebottle in his Mar-Suit rehearsing his subject’s behavior when he recons the trees for more Lamis or other animals. Blubo panicked and wrapped himself in his own tail, the nerdy poacher calls out to a burly lead game hunter, alongside Dr. Bluebottle, they missed one. 

He was about to put Blubo in one of Bluebottle’s SOTA thumbprint ID cages with the other animals, later revealed to be Narnians, when he freed all four of his hands and clutched onto the cages, including one with an ornery rhino. The pull was straining him, he lost his grip as the buff poacher twanged his tail like a yo-yo pulling back, but not before Blubo unlocked all the cages with his fingerprints, which were near identical to Bluebottle’s prints. The locks open, then the stampede. the hunters scattered away, one portly poacher knocked the doc back and onto the path of the stampede. Blubo was just ready to follow his family in the commotion until…CRUNCH!!!! 

The last gasp of Bluebottle’s life traumatized dear inquisitive Blubo. He continued his research digsuised as him for 40 years, wearing his labcoat and clothes to conceal his blue fur and leg hands, he even concocted a formula to repress his wild side to look more dogmanish and cover his murder tracks. 

Years pass, he already believed himself to be the real Dr. Bluebottle, and while working under the Navy for their secret anti-radar whale sub, stole it and began seeking notoriety thru this mishap with Glomgold and McDuck’s Savings Game. Could’ve been his Marsupi heart wanted the attention to fund some research grants into searching for Marsupilamis like him while discreetly finding the family he presumably lost after that stampede on Aguapiche. 

  In fact, Seeing these Turnip Trees after escaping Navel custody unlocked forgotten memories of his life as a lasso-tailed leopard chimp, swinging on the branches and bungeeing for fruit and pranking predators while unveiling some wrenching reminders of the incident. He would’ve apologized to those poachers for killing and posing as Bluebottle if he wasn’t targeted by Glomgold, and that some of the poachers were using Circene to release their canine instincts and forms. 

Joan asked why he would pour his backstory on her, it was from her tail Slink’s size and :3 face that Blubo could trust Joan with his confession, both being long-tailed beasts. She aides him from a smudged leopardess (Meg after his Houba shriek disrupted her midnight makeover) and the feralized hunters returning to capture him with his rediscovered family, found alive not dead as he thought they were. Some hightail hijinks and repented sins later, Blubo sighed with contempt returning to spring & swing with his family & animal pals, relieved of a No-Shirt-No-Shoes life but keeps the doc’s lenses as primal cousins do. Just then, police choppers flydown and arrest the feralized poachers to the pound by Ed with the Alphas, Sgt. Basquait & Adm. Grimmitz. Ed got Slink’s comwatch message with Gene’s assist. Grimmitz informs Joan & Blubo he’ll confirm Bluebottle’s death in their files. Meg can give Mark the turnips, and Gene asks Blubo for cryptid research via comwatch.

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