| dawn :] | they/them | lesbian | 🥀
1529 posts
A Plan Gone...right?
a plan gone...right?
| N.R
Warnings: a small part of walking in the dark within a forest, but with lampposts!
Summary: When some complications come up as Nat does her plan of surprising you for your birthday, the two of you had to take a long journey before the clock strikes twelve.
Word Count: 5.8k
Category: Fluff
A/N: hi hi hi :] it's my birthday loves!! so of course I planned a special fic for you all (including me) to have! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
| Started on 30/12/2023, 9:50 PM |
| Finished on 07/12/2023, 3:46 PM |
Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
“Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back.”
- Dog Days Are Over, Florence + The Machine

|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
The two of you are in the Avengers compound, alone, seeing as everyone had either been busy with a mission, or out and about, using their free time for relaxing. Some are also simply hanging out at their own houses instead.
You see Nat staring off in a space on the wall, her hands holding the book she was reading. There was nothing on the wall or on the floor when you looked, so it was obvious she's deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" You ask gently, pulling her out of her thoughts while you move in the kitchen, cleaning up remnants of the cooking the two of you did earlier and having finished cleaning the dishes.
"Just...us," she says, her eyes flickering from the book and to you when she gets called back into reality. You smile, amused, but also a little concerned.
"...Mm, and...?" you hum, putting the kitchen towel back on its original place once you're done. She looks at you, staring a little, but her eyes were scanning your face for your emotions. The redhead takes a breath, holding it before talking.
"Well, since I've been really busy, I was thinking maybe we could spend some time outside together?" she asks, grabbing the bookmark she uses and placing it in between the pages to save her spot in the book. It's then placed on the coffee table in front of her.
"Like, right now?" Your eyebrows furrowed slightly while you slid your hands up and down your jeans, brushing off some crumbs that had stuck onto your skin.
"Yeah." You couldn't really deny her, because what she's said was true. But it was quite odd, because she could have asked earlier. Maybe the idea had come in her head just now, you thought.
"When the sun is going down?" You had a confused smile as you made your way over to her, going to lean beside her from the back of the couch. Her gaze was all on you while you talked.
"Yes?" She says naturally, as if she had asked in the middle of the day, while the sun was high in the sky and the wind would send a slight shiver down your spine.
But outside, the skies were blue and starting to mix with shades of red and oranges, clouds melting in some places. It was no longer the light blue color that had fluffy clouds laid over it earlier in the day.
Contemplating the decision, your eyes linger on the couch before they drift over to her. Her face is calm, but her eyes hold a look of hoping you'll take her offer.
"As long as we get ice cream or something." You shrug, your voice soft, and a smile raises on her lips. She gets up from the couch with the help of her hands and grabs her leather jacket hanging off the arms of the couch.
"I'm sure we will." She says, the pitch of her voice going up slightly to enunciate the last word of her sentence. Nat goes off to the hallways, with you following behind her.
You were curious, because she hadn't suggested a specific place you were going to go to, simply to spend some time out with you. The two of you arrive in front of the elevator, and the widow presses the down button with her finger. A ding was heard almost instantly, because the compound was so empty of anyone.
You step onto the elevator along with Nat once the doors opened, and she presses the parking floor button. Nothing but a comforting silence filled the quiet ride down. Although it did include some quiet whooshing from the fancy elevator Tony installed.
You arrive, and the doors slide open. You go out after the redhead, making sure your pace was slightly faster to catch up and walk beside her instead of a little behind.
When she arrives at her motorcycle, she grabs her helmet that she left on the seat and gives it to you, wanting you to have the security on your head. And she's rode on her motorcycle many times in emergencies without her helmet and turns out fine.
She checks that you have everything safely done. The latch of the helmet to secure it on your head, and that the visor was down. Nat then grabs out her keys from her pocket and inserts a specific one for the vehicle.
When it was twisted, she gets on the seat and looks to you as she waits for you to sit behind her and get comfortable. Once you were, she lifts the stand off the floor and then turns on the engine.
Making sure everything was good, and that you had your arms around her waist, she then slowly backs out from the small parking spot, turning the wheel and then driving out the garage.
The sun kissed your skin as soon as you went outside, while her orange hair elicits a slight glow in the sunlight.
You got on the main road, and you feel the wind hitting against every part of you even through your clothes. One of your favorite things whenever you went out with Nat was always this. Her being simply near you, just so close with your arms around her. The wind, watching cars passing by you without having to look out the window, and the feeling of the engines rattling to your bones.
You take a look around with a tight grip on her, and the city was a lovely sight with the sun setting in the background. It was slowly turning to a shade of pink, the orange fading away.
Your mind took every second to preserve this in your memories the best, as you always had whenever spending time with her. Your head moves to rest against her back. She was focused on driving, but feeling the movement and slight weight behind her warmed her heart nonetheless.
As Nat drove, she gets a text from Wanda, her phone lighting up on the phone holder she had set up on her motorcycle. Her eyes darts down for a split second, before focusing on the road once more.
The message had said; Nat! We have a bit of a problem...We're still taking care of some things. You might have to stall a little.
You didn't see it, considering you were behind her, and you were more so focused on the scenery around you. It seems you were starting to near the bottom side of a small mountain.
Her bike scales a bit of it until she slows down at a good spot, where there were now sidewalks beside the road. The motorcycle comes to a stop, and she puts her feet down, also making sure to put down the stand.
You were a little confused, because there was still a bit of road to go, even if you've gotten to almost the top of the mountaib. She got off her seat, her hand lingering on her bike.
"Okay, from here on out we have to walk." She nods her head towards the small dirt path that had trees in the clearing, and fallen leaves on the ground.
"What? The road doesn't lead to where we're going?" You do love yourself a little walk, but the sky was getting dark. You get off the motorcycle as she did earlier, and it stayed still even with the road slanted just a bit thankfully.
"No, it's a bit of an isolated spot." She says, trying her best to brush off your question, walking away to the dirt path that was surrounded by green trees.
"The scenery is amazing, I promise." She raises her eyebrows and tilts her head slightly, waiting for you to give in.
"Well..." You were on your way to protest with her, considering the walk, but the path looked so alluring. Even though it was starting to get dark, there seems to be a few old lamposts further in on the path.
"Okay." At your agreement, Nat nods and turns to lead you down the path. You follow her along, your steps quiet on the dirt path.
As you walk, you look at the sky, the color going to a deeper color of blue. The crickets were also making noise somewhere in the woods, putting on a more comfortable atmosphere with the orange lampposts.
Nat would always keep you safe, anyway. She keeps her eye on you and alert of her surroundings while you walked together, but the path held little to no sign of danger unless you'd have tripped and fell.
"Whoaa! Nat, look!!" You out your hand on her shoulder, and she looks to where you were pointing. In the view ahead, she sees a few dim lights that weren't lampposts.
"Fireflies." She says in a whisper of awe, just as you were as you walked towards it and stared at the bioluminescent beings flying around gently in the trees.
If you had brought a jar then perhaps you would have been able to catch them, but nonetheless they are mesmerizing to simply look at.
As you continue walking on, there was a small lake, and you stay as close as you can to Nat, the darkness surrounding and on the lake slightly setting off your safety system, but the stars and the moon in the sky reflecting within the moving water manages to calm your nerves a bit.
It was a beautiful sight, really. If you were in the city, there were at least about one or two stars you could spot. Maybe the view would look a lot better in the daytime, and it would be a good spot to relax at.
Nat went walking forward, moving in the lit up path that lead to, well, you don't even know. Your eyes focused on her moving figure, and she turns her head to look at you for a second, giving you a reassuring smile as you made your way to the end of the path.
When you walked out the small forest, you then see a road. And almost instantly, you look at her bewildered, turning to her.
"We could have driven here, Nat!" You say, putting your arm up towards the road to exaggarate your sentence. And as it was like at the dirt path, the road of course has streetlights.
"The road earlier didn't lead to here." She reasoned, and you shake your head as she continued her journey to who knows where. Apparently the forest wasn't what she wanted to show you, you thought.
"Are we there yet?" You ask, only the streetlights illuminating your face as you followed her. It isn't as scary when you look at the view of the city from the mountain you're standing on. You could see every car light, and building thats lit on. She was right on the scenery being amazing.
"Nope." She says softly, her head looking straight, while her legs kept her moving on the side of the empty road.
"Why are we walking outside when it's nighttime?" You ask another question, her odd state making you quite curious on what this is leading to.
"The view is better at nighttime. Look at the stars." She reasoned once more, and this time you knew there must be something more she's keeping from you. But you just can't seem to put a finger on what.
You look up, admiring the glowing lights, but then something else glowing caught your eye. Your eyes drift down as you and Nat walked, and you see a small shop lit up just across from you.
You read the shop name and got to see a bit of the inside through the windows, and it was what seemed to be a bakery, or an ice cream shop, or both.
"Did we really walk all the way here for ice cream?" Once you were in front of the shop, surprisingly, it was still open. The redhead opens the door and walks in, holding it open for you while you followed her.
"It's good ice cream, but no, we came for something else." Her hand lets go of the handle after you got inside, letting it slide smoothly back closed. There was someone cleaning up a table, while another stood at the cash register, doing their job. It must be the end of their shift soon, you thought. Until you two probably came along.
"You're really not gonna tell me, are you?" You ask her once more, unconvinced of the fact that she only brought you to walk this far to see fireflies, or the lake, or the stars. Although it is endearing.
"Don't worry, its just a few feet away now." One corner of her lips quirks up, talking with you with a small smirk. Cheeky.
She walks up to the staff member at the front. They were wearing a cap, and their uniform. Nat orders her ice cream, along with yours after she asked you what you wanted.
There were some pastries, too, and you decided on getting one. The worker gets back to the cash register to hand you both your ice cream and a bag of the pastry. Nat pays them, and then goes to find a seat with you.
Since they were all empty, you simply chose whichever one looked the most comfortable. The two of you sit down, the ice cream a delicious taste to your mouthes.
As you enjoyed it, you open the bag, wanting to try out the other dessert you bought. When you took a bite, it quite possibly became your favorite. You might visit this shop every now and then now.
You hold it out for Nat to try, and she takes it. She has a taste, and hums in approval. Slowly, you finish your ice cream as she does for hers. Nat's eyes linger on your face, while seeming like she was trying to supress a smile. And she was.
Her hand reaches up to wipe away a small bit of ice cream on the tip of your nose, and you smile at the gesture.
Her phone dings and lights up, a new message coming up on the screen. You were curious, but you didn't get a chance to look as she took it. You put the last of your ice cream cone into your mouth, the pieces crunching away. She already finished hers.
"Who are you texting?" You ask after swallowing. Her eyes doesn't leave her phone screen until she sends her message and turns off her phone. Suspicious. Not in the cheating way, no obviously, Nat would never do that. But it was suspicious.
"It's Yelena. She's just wondering where we are." You squint your eyes at her sentence, not fully trusting it, but you did see Yelena's profile picture on the screen for a split second, so she's not lying, maybe.
"Yeah...speaking of, where are we going? I know you did not just make us walk all the way here for just ice cream." You raise your eyebrows at her before moving to lean against her shoulder.
"You'll see." One of her arms were around your body, embracing you in a side hug but also holding you protectively while you rested your head on her shoulder.
In the corner of her eyes, she sees the woman at the cash register staring for a little too long now, and she gives her a deadly glare.
"Well, do you wanna see where we're going or not?" She asks you, and you quickly sit up off her shoulder when she moved to stand up. You let a huff of a laugh and smile when her hand reaches out to help pull you off the seat easily. Your hand grabs the small bag of what held the dessert earlier, going to throw it in a nearby trash can, considering it was now empty.
Nat was already waiting by the entrance for you, and you go to her, walking back outside to leave the employees of the restaurant to rest. Outside was darker, but in a way, it still held a somewhat comforting atmosphere, what, with the many lights in the distance, and the moon greeting you two once more.
Nat was walking slow. Why was she walking so slow? She's the fastest whenever you had morning jogging. Maybe she was getting tired, too? You didn't mind anyway, your legs were starting to get sore.
When you get to your destination, her feet stops and you almost run into her, accidentally zoning out during the walk.
"Alright, and we have arrived." Nat said, her voice steady, but inside her nerves were on fire along with her heart beating faster. You look up, and see that she was looking at a house. From the windows, you could see that the lights were already turned on.
"To a...house?" You say, confusedly, assuming it's a stranger's house, or someone she or you know, or a house she got for you to hang out at, as you did sometimes on holidays.
"I mean...it's a beautiful house, but what?" She raises her eyebrows at you with a growing smile while you had your eyebrows furrowed, getting more confused.
"Okay, you have been acting weird ever since we went out. Just tell me what's going on." Your hands gesture at her as if to make her look and think about what she's been doing the past hour.
"I have a good reason for it." She says, taking a look at the watch on her arm. After about fifteen seconds or so, your phone dings with a notification, but you couldn't be bothered to look at it now, especially when Nat finally looked at you, but with an adorable face.
"Well...surprise, and happy birthday." She takes out a key from her pocket and gently grabs one of your hands, placing it in your palm. You blinked for a second, then for a minute or so until you registered what was happening, your eyes widening.
You looked at the house with lit windows in front of you, then back to her, and to the house once more, not believing she had done such a thing, but oh, your heart was doing leaps within your chest when you realized.
"Nat. No way." You look down at the key in your hand. One that holds the way to unlocking a house just for the two of you. And one that might lead to your entire heart and love for her pouring down.
"It's our house." She nods, happy that she got such a reaction out of you. Her eyes were completely focused on you.
"I didn't wanna drive here because there were still some preparations needed, and we would've arrived before they were finished." She says. Nat knows how much you've been wanting a house of your own with her that you two could live in. You've been talking about it and has discussed it with her, but you didn't expect it to come today.
"I also wanted to show you when the clock hit twelve." She holds up her arm, showing you the time. Technically this wasn't in her plan, but with the time spent of your small hike and the two of you hanging out at the ice cream shop, it seemed perfect.
"You still could have just asked me to go later in the day!" You let out a small chuckle, and she raises one single finger at you to stop you from going any further.
"To be fair, we were originally supposed to arrive when the sun was still setting." She explains, making sense of the whole weird situation. She had to deal with being nervous at first, and then she had to stall time for you somehow. You raise a brow at her.
"It came up while I was driving." She shrugs and smiles sheepishly. You smile back at her just the same amount, rolling your eyes just slightly.
"I can't believe your idea to add more time was to take a walk in the forest with me." You were amused to say the least. Yes, god, you're the happiest person in the world right now to get such a birthday present from her of this, but teasing her is so fun.
"The lake looks better in the daytime! I promise," she says, laughing. "But now we're actually here, so let's go in." Her tone was excited, as if she hadn't gone in the house before. But she was thrilled to see your reaction to it, and happy that you're happy about it.
"Yeah!...I need to sit down," you say, remembering the key in your hand again but then your legs started to get sore, and your mind also needed you to sit down to process what's happened for a moment.
"Do you need me to carry you?" She teases, putting her arms out slightly to ready herself carrying you all the way to the house. You turn away, going to walk towards it.
"No, I can make it. It's not like I'll trip and fall or anything." And right as you said that, one of your foot accidentally gets stuck on a small rock as you walked, making you almost fall, but you manage to regain your balance quickly. Nat had her arms around your body already, preparing to catch you.
"You were saying?" She raises her eyebrows at you, tilting her head as she leaned forward. But her eyes held a small look of concern. You give her a tight-lipped smile, but your hand goes to intertwine with her. Well, if you fall down now she'll go down with you. I'm joking. It's sweet and endearing, the two of you walking to where you might live the rest of your lives.
You arrive at the front door with her beside you, and you take a deep breath, moving your hand that held the key to insert it in the keyhole. It fits perfectly. Nat's hand goes to embrace your hand that's holding the key.
Her warmth on your skin and how she looked at you like you were the whole world made you want to preciously store this special memory even more. You twist the key with her, and a click was heard.
Slowly, you open the door and walk in with her. Your heart was beating in anticipation. The light hits your face and you squint your eyes for a second, being in the darkness for so long making it blinding. When you fully got in with Nat, you blink until your eyes got used to it.
The place was beautiful. Oh, so beautiful, and cozy. But why was the lights on? Did she leave them on before she left? Or--
"SURPRISE!!!" The whole Avengers team jumps up, some from couches, some from behind the island of the kitchen and one, from the stairs.
"Oh my god!" Your reaction came quickly, jumping from their sudden appearance. Your eyes widened at every person you saw. Even Nat was surprised, even if she expected it. But she got over it quickly, and smiled almost at the same time as you did.
"What are you all doing here?! Did you plan this?" Your face was bright with joy. And you were frozen at the entrance still. A breath of a laugh comes out from your mouth, shocked over everything happening.
"Yep! In courtesy of Nat." Wanda says, her eyes set on her steady hands holding a...birthday cake?! It even had candles lit up and everything. And it was your favorite flavour. The direction she was walking in was towards you.
"We're actually just here for the cake." Stark says, gesturing towards the dessert, his eyebrows raising before he smiled.
"I'm kidding, you guys can do whatever alone. We only brought the cake for you two and its getting late." He adds on to his sentence, and you shake your head at him while Nat rolled her eyes playfully.
"...But Yelena did kind of steal one slice." Wanda quietly says to you as you blow on the candles with one missing after you had your wish in mind. The cake was obviously missing a piece, but you didn't mind.
"Aw, боже мои (my god), you snitch!" Yelena says, almost about to curse Wanda out in russian, but holds back. She was holding a black cat in her arms, and your eyes brightened up even more when you saw it.
"YOU GOT US A CAT?!!" You didn't even care about the slice of cake nor was it even on your mind the second you laid your eyes on the small adorable fluffball wrapped up in Yelena's arms.
When Wanda moved aside to let you see it more, you almost ran straight to it, careful not to accidentally bump the cake in her arms.
You got in front of Yelena, and close up, you could see the fur shining the lights in the house. The cat must have had the cleanest bath earlier. You touch it with even just a slight brush on the head, and it was the softest thing you've touched.
With how close you were, you could hear the purring. Eventually, its eyes start to open, revealing a pair of soft yellow eyes. Nat walks up from behind you, staring at your interaction with it.
"Her name is Liho." Natasha says softly, watching the black cat's tail move smoothly while it watched you, blinking and taking in the new face in front of it.
"I love her!!" You say, adoring the new small friend, your hands holding its head delicately. Liho closed her eyes once more, and the purring felt against your hands made your heart melt.
"...And I love you!!!" Your hand drifts off the cat's head, going over to your side as you quickly ran over to hug Nat tightly. She blushed slightly and smiled, but trying not to show it too much, especially in front of the entire team.
Yelena continues to hold Liho, looking at the warming interaction the two of you had.
"Aw, how cute. But I did most of the work here while your girlfriend was relaxing with you! I had to take this little cat to the vet and everything and get her a collar." You let out a small giggle at her while Nat rolled her eyes once more.
"Well, relaxing, sure, if that's what you call hiking all the way here is." You say jokingly, and Nat looked at you with her mouth open slightly.
"That's how she managed to stall you?" Wanda asked, a small chuckle making its way out her mouth.
"It was a small walk! And I treated you to ice cream after." She says, defending herself from it. The ice cream was delicious, after all.
"There is an ice cream shop nearby?" A tall blonde with a deep voice asks. Or, well, Thor. You give him a small wave, and he waves back with his hand that wasn't holding the Mjölnir, smiling.
"Yeah! Everything's delicious there. I don't know if it's still open though." You say, warning Thor that he could be up for major disappointment if he went and is greeted with a closed ice cream shop.
"Ah, I will set that as my next destination then," he says anyway, craving far too much for an ice cream at the moment.
"What are you, a GPS Navigator now?" Another blonde says. Clint was on the stairs, sitting on it casually as if the couch didn't have any free space. Well, that was him anyway. He sits in the vents sometimes, so it isn't surprising.
Yelena laughs loudly, while Wanda giggled softly. Tony just let out one "Ha!" and Nat tried to suppress her laugh. She looked adorable with that smile.
As the room calmed down and some started talking to the other, Yelena bumps her shoulder with yours lightly, since she couldn't really move her arms.
You look, and she holds out Liho, the cat's small paws hanging off her hand. Nat was sat down on the couch talking with Wanda, so you and Yelena are alone in the interaction.
"You want to hold her?" she asks, knowing you would full on accept her offer because you've been saying how you want to get a cat while she was aiming for a dog, in which, she is soon getting one, meaning the both of you will have a pet.
"Yeah!" You say in the giddiest voice. She carefully gives you the cat, making sure it was in your arms properly. Liho had closed her eyes instantly as soon as she felt the warmth your body held.
"You know, we haven't done one last thing yet." Wanda says, standing up after finishing her conversation with Nat.
"Everyone!" Wanda announces, causing everyone to stop talking and turn their heads to look at her. "In 1, 2, 3," she counts, you looking at her curiously while everyone seemed ready and changing their gaze to you instead.
"Happy birthday!" They all said at once, making Liho perk up at the sudden noise, but calm back down and lay comfortably against your arms once she realizes no danger is near.
"Thank you, all of you," you say, with the biggest smile you've had yet. Your face musces were going to ache from how much happiness it's been doing recently.
"How did you all even plan this?" You wondered curiously, noting the amount of people in the house and that they had all managed to do it without accidentally spilling it to you.
"I got the cake." Thor says proudly. Somehow the cake was perfect, and nothing went to a disastrous road. Or, well...at least to the cake.
"It was a little chaotic." Tony squints his eyes, showing his teeth in his slight look of somewhat grimace. Everyone else was focused on the conversation, keen on finding out what's happened this time.
"No. No, it wasn't," he denies, blinking and tucking his lips into his mouth. He knew he was wrong, but he hated to not win an argument or let Tony ruin his pride of being able to get the cake.
"Let's be honest, you asked the shop owner if he could make a giant sculpture of you, with fireworks, and big writing at the bottom, and all of it being cake. And you also added that you wanted it as your favorite pop tart flavour." Tony ranted, explaining the many things Thor's said he wanted on a single cake. At least you had an idea of what to do for Thor's birthday now.
"I'm sure the shop owner had a headache while arguing with you that it's too much." Stark scratched the back of his head slightly. Meanwhile, Thor had his mouth moving while he tried to think of a sentence to fire back.
"Okay, fine, maybe just a little...chaotic." He backed down, out of comebacks for words, possibly from being sleepy at how late it's getting, and also not wanting to cause a big argument on your birthday.
"I went to the vet with Yelena." Clint said, raising his hand as if he was in a classroom. Your hands were going through the soft fur of the said cat Clint and Yelena brought to the vet. That's where Liho got the bath that made her fur so shiny, you guessed.
"Oh, I set up the house and made sure everything was under control!!" Wanda followed along with her hand raised, too, a smile on her face. She did an amazing job of keeping things together, with everything going almost exactly as planned. Although Nat suspected something chaotic had happened during the time she had to stall you.
"I...uh, I didn't even really do anything, I just drove everyone here." Tony shrugs, his face tired from all the driving around he's done, but he was calm.
"And I, am the main planner, who is now looking at the time and saying that you are all now well over your time in visiting!" Nat stands up, urging everyone to now go out. They all follow her orders, not wanting to make a black widow mad so late in the night. They might all have nightmares haunted by her, possibly.
They all say their goodbyes, going through the front door one by one. You couldn't really imagine what just happened, but it's real. The cat in your arms, the furniture around you, and Nat standing at the door. The door of your shared home, closing it and walking over to you.
"You're amazing for all this," you whisper, and though it was quiet, she could hear you because she was so close to you. She rests her arms on your shoulders, going around your neck slightly.
"I couldn't have done it if you weren't so trusting of me." At that, the both of you laugh for a small few seconds, remembering how you followed her even though it was through a dark forest, and an ice cream shop.
"I'd go anywhere with you." You say, leaning ever so closer to her. Neither of you noticed until a small meow sounded underneath you, Liho still nestled within your arms. Nat looks down along with you.
She lets out an "aw," and steps back a bit to pet the cat. Liho was already familiar to her and to her touch, considering Nat's bonded with her over the past few days. Or well, years. She found the stray cat out in the street, until it followed her around and soon enough now became her little friend.
"I don't even have the words to say it..." You say, unable to make up a way to say just how much you adored her and all the things she did. Nat looks back up at you before standing up properly, a soft smile on her face.
"...You don't have to say anything." She gently says. Liho jumps out from your arms smoothly, and the two of you look at her go off to wherever, before focusing back on each other.
She puts her arms around your waist instead, her eyes traveling around yours, in search of what? You don't know. Perhaps just to figure out your thoughts.
"I love you," the words come out easily from your mouth. Oh, so easily. She wonders how you do it. But instead of words, she goes and slowly leans in and captures your lips with hers.
Although it was short, it was endearing. You pull away soon enough, and laid your head against her shoulder, your arms on her back. She carefully holds you, looking around at the home you two have.
"Let's go rest now, yeah?" Her hand tangles itself in your hair, going through it a bit. And she could notice your eyes already having that dozy, sleepy look.
The rest of the night was spent in a comfortable brand new bed, with you holding each other. The air was a comfortable cold, and Liho slept somewhere on the bed, near your legs.
You were careful not to accidentally hit her, but you probably couldn't anyway, since she laid on the blankets and your legs were under them.
A new morning later was in a changed life of yours. You still can't believe it wasn't just a dream.
A/N: okay! lets all pretend I did not just forget steve. I realized that like 95% of the way through finishing it :') he's just uh busy on a mission or sleeping I guess...?
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More Posts from Dawnoftime22
This is what "you look like your pet" means

Practicing backgrounds with the addition of the sneakiest of friends. Art blog: questionartbox
nat: are you wearing make up?
reader: oh, it's just eyeliner, do you like it?
nat: looks good, i guess.
nat, mumbling face-first into clint’s pillow: it looked so good.
clint: i know.
nat: i think i am not straight.
clint: i know.
clint: wait…
clint: …you doubt it?
staying close w people long distance really is about the mundane stuff. i get texts like "made quesadillas" "spilled mop water all over the floor :(" "lady on the bus has not one not two but three tiny dogs in her purse" andits like wow. i love you more than words can express