| dawn :] | they/them | lesbian | π₯
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I Think One Of The Biggest Worries I Have When Posting A Fanfic Is When I'm Doing My Taglist And One
I think one of the biggest worries I have when posting a fanfic is when I'm doing my taglist and one of you changed your names so your profile doesn't show up

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I'm SO happy you noticed that taylor reference!! I love maroon so I thought it was perfect :]
P.S, there's a playlist made for this series if you'd like that too
"...because it feels like it will."
| W.M ( -> N.R )
Undeserving of a Love Like Yours, Chapter 4
Chapter Warnings: Staying underwater in a bathtub for a couple seconds, relationship problems, avoidance, distancing, alcohol, getting drunk.
Summary: Everything in your world starts to fall apart.
Series Summary: When you're stuck in a complete hole of confusion and hurt with the one you thought you loved most, a certain redhead finds her way into your life.
Word Count: 5.1k
Category: Angst. Full on aaaaangst.
A/N: this was...a lot. and unlike anything I've written before, but hooooo! I love how it turned out. I was a little late, but I hope you enjoy it <3
| Started on 19/01/2024, 2:28 PM |
| Finished on 05/02/2024, 8:18 PM |
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
<- Chapter 3 Chapter 5 ->
"When did your heart stop beating as it once used to for me?"

|βββββββββββ α’ βββββββββββ|
Light broke through the window, dawn visiting the sky with the sun. The bed was empty of either of your bodies. Dust could be seen floating around in the sunlight that came in the room.
You were up and about, already having finished showering and wearing your clothes. Wanda on the other hand, had gotten out the house even before you awoke.
Your feet takes you to the kitchen, the dim lighting adding nothing but only sleepiness to your still low energy. Even though you got your rest and showered.
You open the pantry to grab two slices of bread, to then put in the toaster after making sure the timer was set right. The watch on your wrist tells that it was 7:43 AM. You still had time.
As you waited for your bread to toast, you went to make a drink in your mug. Your thoughts drift to the brunette as you do so, not being able to help it.
Wanda had slowly started to not be present. You could say it's work, you could say she's busy or tired, but it was starting to be unavoidable to think about.
With you starting up work again, it being a weekday once more, you weren't sure if you were glad or not. It'll either be a distraction to not thinking about her at all, or more time alone to yourself to only be thinking about her.
A sigh leaves your mouth and you gently shake your head, trying to rid the endless thoughts in your head. Your hands cup the freshly made drink held within the warm mug, letting it sit on the cold marble counters.
Soon enough, your bread pops up from the toaster, and it was nearly perfect aside from the slightly lesser toasted parts. You probably need a new toaster.
Not caring much about it though, you grab a plate and place it on there, making your sandwiches easily for a morning breakfast. The minutes were going by a little quicker with every second you spent eating, and honestly, time was starting to look like its going against you today.
After you rush to finish the last few bites and put the plate in the sink along with your now empty mug, you go to the front door, phone and keys already in your pockets.
The drive to your workplace was a blur, your eyes were focused on the roads and your mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of everything and nothing as you tried to distract yourself with music.
You arrived soon enough and walk through the building, passing by co-workers, and many other people you didn't take mind to put a name to or even know.
Your work was pretty boring, sitting down at a desk with a plastic chair-- Yes, plastic, as there weren't any that were comfortable around the building except for the one in the boss's office.
The only thing that wasn't boring with it was being able to fiddle around with some spotlights and having fun with the colors. Your fingers move around the control board as you set everything up.
As time went by, you finished it up and let the lights do whatever you set them to do. Now, you had a choice to either sit and do something else, or do paperwork.
Although that sounded awful, you went to work on them instead, not wanting to be sore from sitting in the same position for the next few hours on your chair watching whatever show you downloaded on your phone while working on the lights.
The time went by, and you finished up most of it all, until lunch came by and it was time to get a break. You get up from your chair and leave the pen you were holding in your hand to lay upon the papers, going off in search for some food.
You made sure your phone was still in your pocket as you made your way out, your car still waiting for you outside. But, seeing as the place was close, you could just walk there. The sun shone down on you, the heat obvious both from your body warming up, and the bright yellow sunlight across the concrete sidewalk and other buildings.
After you went in the nearby cafΓ©, you started cooling down a bit, the ac within it easily helping you out. The place was starting to get packed, but you've always had a small little corner you're able to keep for yourself every lunch break.
You go up to the front counter, ordering a few things before you went to the empty table. Your order number was a bit far, but you didn't mind it as you stared out the window. Lucky the sun didn't filter in through the glass here, seeing as it was behind the building.
Your mind then drifted off, stuck on a certain thought ever since you saw the clock strike lunch time. You bit down on your bottom lip and your hand reached in your pocket to grab your phone.
As your fingers unlock it and go through the apps to then scroll in your contacts list, your mind reeled with every possible thing that could happen. You probably shouldn't. You know you shouldn't. But it's worth a try.
Your thumb hovers over her name for a short while, but you give in and tap on the contact, giving in. It switches to calling mode, and you put your phone to your ear, anticipation making your heart beat faster.
The dialing tone keeps sounding out, and you were starting to regret it, but hope lead on with every beep. You hoped it doesn't go to voicemail. And it doesn't.
"Hello?" Her voice comes through the phone clearly, and you let go of a breath you've been holding quietly, looking out the window, so your eyes don't just focus on the plain table. You gather your thoughts, turning them into words.
"Hey. Um, you have lunchtime free, right?" You ask, your eyes moving to the orders list. Your number was going up, but you had enough time to keep talking with her.
"I do...Why?" She asks, as if skeptical of something. Had she forgotten about lunch break? You didn't let the curious thought linger and instead fiddle with the paper in your hand of your order number.
"I was just...wondering, because I do, and well, do you wanna have lunch together?" You say casually, expecting a denial with the many times she has before.
"Sure. Sure, that sounds good." She says, and you raise your eyebrows in surprise. But your heart jumps at the agreement.
"Okay. I'll maybe..." You pause for a second, looking down at the time on your watch. It showed 1:15 PM. "...see you at 1:20 PM?"
"I can be there by 1:30 PM." Her voice elongates some words, probably also checking her own watch as she said it. You smile, happy with her answer nonetheless.
"Okay. See you here." You say quietly, trying your best to keep your cool, like anyone else in the cafΓ©. Although, they're probably pretty calm at the moment and not getting excited about something.
"See you." She didn't say anything else, and all you heard after was an end call tone. You pull your phone away from your ear, and right when you do, you notice the order list moving to your number.
You stood up, and went to grab it, thanking the cashier. When you sat back, you took a sip of your drink, but nothing more, thinking of waiting for Wanda.
As you waited, and waited, checking the time, your meal was starting to get cold and you were getting hungry. You took a couple bites here and there, enjoying your lunch.
Soon enough it was now getting to 2:20 PM. Your lunch break was ending soon, and you finished up the last of it, but not with someone you were hoping to spend it with. You check your phone again, in case you had somehow missed something even with the past few minutes you looked.
hey, are you coming?
if you have to cancel that's okay, just say it
Sent at 2:00 PM.
Sent at 2:14 PM.
No reply. Your hope was running short, and the cafΓ© was starting to empty out. You take another look at the empty seat in front of you, then to the window's view of the roads outside. There was no sign of the brunette you much so keep precious.
You sigh, and get up, holding your phone tightly in your hands before storing it back in your pocket. It wasn't much. She was starting to deny spending lunchtime with you, and today was the first in a while she accepted. But it's worse when you find some hope and it escapes from your hands.
You put on your headphones, playing some music as you walked back, knowing the rest of the day you had to just finish up work. Hours and hours passed by and you had to stretch so you wouldn't get sore. But you made it through the end. You always do. The sun was setting as you collected your stuff and exited the building, going to your car.
You soon enough get home, having driven on auto-pilot, which was quite dangerous, but you've made it back unscathed. Or, well, physically. Mentally? You weren't doing so well.
The lock of the front door clicks with the movement of your hands, that then glide off to let your legs be free of your shoes. The place was quiet. A usual greeting whenever you'd come home, but it's gotten quieter, an in between from that horrid silence and just the atmospheric quietness. A void that seemed to swallow you up whole within your mind, replacing the silence.
You sigh heavily, walking to the bedroom. Nothing else was in your mind to do but just to take a shower. Although with how draining a shower in of itself sounded to be, you had decided with another version; the bath.
Your bag and jacket was taken off and thrown gently on the bed as you went to search for some comfortable clothes in the closet. Shirt, another shirt, jacket...Wanda's jacket, hoodie, collared shirt, and then your hand lands on a comfy oversized shirt you'd wear at home.
Sweatpants was swiped off from another part of the closet and put on the bed, ready for you get into after you were done. You go into the bathroom, closing the door behind you and locking it, even though no one else was in the house. Habit, you supposed. Plus, safety.
You turn on the faucet at the bathtub, letting the water run hastily down. You made sure the drain hole was closed and the temperature was just right before turning it off, peeling off your clothes to then carefully climb in the tub.
The warm water eased your tense muscles, the gentle small ripples visiting your skin as you moved to get comfortable. The bathtub was cold as you placed your hands on the sides, a big range in the temperature difference with the water.
Sounds of water tapping from the sink or showerhead every now and then echoes, reverberating off the walls. It was nice. Something to keep you company here and there even if your mind was hazy with thoughts.
Your eyes focus on a part of the wall somewhere in the bathroom, spacing off. You try not to do it for too long, knowing you'll only dig yourself a digger hole with thinking. Slowly, you take a deep breath in and sink into the bathtub, holding your breath in the water while bubbles went to surface.
You can feel the pressure heavy on your head. The water devouring you as you stayed down. After a few seconds though, you pull yourself back up, letting air flow back into your lungs and wiping your hair off your face.
It made you feel more alive, oddly enough, for something that's dangerous. Rather concerning if you thought about it more, but you brush it off and started to do more things, such as cleaning yourself off with some soap, the familiar scent filling the bathroom and making your exhausted soul relax just for a while.
Soon enough, you get out and dry yourself up, making sure the bathtub was drained of any water too. The cold air that visits you when you step out the bathroom, although even with a towel wrapped around your body, still stings your skin.
Your legs take you over to the bed, your hands moving on their own as you wore your clothes, the fabric covering your body and warming you right up easily.
Once you got done, you were right about to drop onto the bed, but then you look around the empty room. You end up staring at the flowers you got her in the corner of the room, sitting atop her desk. You clench your jaw slightly, and walk over to it. But you didn't do anything, really. Only your hand went up to gently touch the soft petals. You take in a deep breath before letting it go, your hand going into a fist as you let out your breath.
You turn away from it and walk back to the bed, shaking your head at your own movements and thoughts. You sat on the bed, the sheets soft on your hand. You then slowly drop down to lay your back against the mattress, your eyes looking up at the blank ceiling while your legs dangles off the edge of the bed.
With the seconds that go by, just as you were about to finally move to the pillows and lay comfortably, your phone dings with a notification. Your heart skipped a beat, and you freeze, a dreading feeling overcoming you.
You think it over and hesitate, not wanting to feel any worse, but having a gnawing feeling to check. But then you prop yourself up with your hands and grab your phone, the screen lighting up with your lockscreen as you clicked the power button.
The time shows up and a few other notifications, but one thing stood out to you most. A message. By who? Well, of course the one that's been on your mind for all of today. Your heartrate speeds up and you read the message.
Hey, sorry, I forgot to tell you I couldn't make it.
I'll try to make it home before you sleep though. Love you.
Sent at 7:34 PM.
Your eyes falter with any spark of hope you had left, and you click the power button once more, turning your phone off and slightly dropping it on the bed, it making a soft thump against the soft mattress. Your phone was fine and safe with the drop, but your heart surely wasn't.
Your throat swells up, and you hold your tongue against your teeth, trying everything within you not to let it get to you, but you slide off the bed and go to sit on the floor, your back resting against the side of the bed now.
A sniffle comes from you and your eyes well up with tears. You didn't want to cry. But with everything-- your lungs do a sharp intake of breath, and you squeeze your eyes shut, pulling your legs up to your chest and hugging your legs with your arms.
Your tears soon leak from your eyes, down to your cheeks and sobs left your mouth. God, of course you were crying. It was just a small thing. Or well, that's what your mind wants you to think. She's never left you waiting just like that.
A few more couple of minutes went by, with you letting out your built up feelings until you calm down a little more. You wipe away the mixed tears that were both from your nose and your eyes, both the skin of your hand and your arm filled with it.
They dried off though as you pulled yourself up off the floor and got back on the bed, your teeth capturing your bottom lip. So many muscles working to keep yourself moving, even though they got a rest in the bathtub, they were kept going even after.
But now, you relax a bit, shuffling to lay your head on the pillow. It was cold, so you go to grab the covers first and pull it over you. You curl up under them, your nose red from the crying. But your body got to rest as your once heavy breaths went softer with every minute.
|βββββββββββ α’ βββββββββββ|
The next day you once more awoke to empty sheets. Again and again. You were starting to question what exactly was happening, because it all seemed to be something rather than just your mind playing tricks on you.
Nothing much happened in the day. You worked at home, doing stuff on your laptop. Once you were done, you laid around relaxing while all at the same time being anxious. While the sun went down, the skies got cloudy, and just as the moon started to glow brightly, rain starts pouring down.
It was getting cozy, with the dim lighting. You watched a show on the tv, but wasn't really waiting on much, just scared of what you'll have to soon face.
As an hour or two go by with you sitting on the couch, you start to get sleepy, your eyes heavy. But right as you shut off the tv and was about to get up, you hear keys clinking near the front door.
You kept your place on the couch, your eyes keeping watch of it, but when you hear a struggle with the keys going in and not unlocking, you stand up, going to go open it for her.
You turn the lock and open it, behind it revealing Wanda who had seemed like she just got up from crouching to grab her keys.
"Hi." She says with a small laugh, smiling sheepishly as she held her keys between her fingers, showing them to you. "Slippery hands."
You didn't react much, only your lips moved to form a straight line as you stepped aside to let her in. She goes in and kicks off her shoes while you closed the door behind her, locking it.
As Wanda went to take off her jacket too, you walk more to her front, your mind only focused on what had happened yesterday.
"You didn't show up yesterday," you say in a whisper, the words coming out of your mouth without much thought. She turns her head to look at you, her mouth open slightly as she took in a breath in surprise but as if moving to say something.
"I got caught up in doing stuff and I...forgot." She puts her keys in her pockets, turning fully to you. That was when she saw your face, how different you seemed than the soft look you'd usually look at her with.
"We had lunch break, Wands." The nickname slipped from your mouth easily, especially in the situation of the confrontation. Your voice was gentle, but stern, and full of emotion.
"I know, but so much is going on and..." she trails off as she looks away from you, and you had hoped she'll go on, but instead she purses her lips and her eyes travel back to you, a breath of a sigh leaving her mouth.
"Come on, it's going to be New Year's soon." Your eyes widen a bit at the mention, having forgotten it was going to be the start of a new year from the weeks you've been lost in. She puts her hands up as if to gesture before she reaches in a bag she had brought home, grabbing something.
"I got us wine." She pulls out the bottle of wine, a small smile playing on her lips as she raises her eyebrows. Surprise was on your face before you furrow your eyebrows, seeing where she was going with this.
"Right...but we should really talk." You say, your eyes following her movement as she walked off to the kitchen, grabbing some wine glasses and popping open the wine.
"Soon, Y/N," she said sternly herself, focused on pouring the drink down in the glasses as you made your way to where she stood near the kitchen island.
"Now, are we going to party or are you going to ruin it?" She finishes up, grabbing a glass full and holding it out for you, her face obvious with expecting you to go with the first choice.
Your eyes flicker from her and the glass, before lingering on the glass. A breath leaves your body through your nose gently and your hand impulsively reaches up to grab it. It was a moment of weakness and you took it.
She smiles and hums, grabbing her own glass and taking a sip. You too, although you took a bit more than she did. The liquid easily ran down your throat, although burning slightly.
"You know what I think we should do?" She sounded out, her eyes looking towards the watch, counting down the hours until New Year's came around. You follow her gaze, and there was around two hours left.
You hum in question, looking back at her. She smiled wider and goes to the drawers nearby, opening one. You gazed curiously at her, wondering what exactly she was up to.
"We should play some Uno." She holds up the box that held the cards, and your eyebrows rose, but finally your lips raise up too slightly.
She goes over to the living room, sitting down on the couch and setting up the cards. You follow behind her, sitting on the bean bag nearby the couch as you wait for your set of cards.
The two of you start the game, it starting off slow until it moved to a few Unos and fails. You had one too many reds now, and really you were starting to hate the color.
She calls out Uno, and you had two cards left. You hoped she didn't have a yellow, seeing as she's been going with your last few reds and blues, but not a yellow.
As it was her turn, she cheers and whoops, throwing her last card onto the pile of uno cards you two played. It was a wild card.
"I won!!" She says, putting her hands in the air, and you had your mouth open in shock, looking at her with an unbelievable expression.
"That's not fair! You're using a wild card." You put your hand out, gesturing towards it. Sure you've seen this strategy before, and even used it yourself, but it definitely frustrated you most times.
"It is fair!" She laughs, drinking more from her glass and finishing the last drop of wine in it, leaving it back on the coffee table next to the stack of cards.
"Nope!" You say, grabbing the pile of Uno cards and gathering them, putting them together properly once more for another match.
"Is!" She exclaims with a smile and a tilt of her head, watching you shuffle the cards when you got them all.
Soon after a couple more rounds, and a couple more wine refills, the two of you get drunker as time inched to New Year's, your happiness only there because the alcohol riled you up.
"How'd we end up on the floor, anyway?" She asks, laughing, and her words slurring as you had your feet in her lap, your back laid on the floor while hers was against the couch.
"Because we are extremely drunk. That's how." You say through a giggle, putting up your index finger as if to make a point.
You moved to sit up and shuffle to sit beside her instead of laying down, her gaze focused on the time. You smile, looking at her lovestruck, although drunk. You then whisper, "I love you."
But she only went with, "Andddd...Happy New Year's!!" She puts her hands up and turns to you, going in to kiss you on your lips. Your eyebrows raise in surprise, but you take it.
That was how that night turned out. You both went on, and danced, and did other things until you fell asleep. The morning was ruined with a horrid hangover, but you managed, somehow. Wanda just spent her day by going with sleeping longer.
And then, in the span of months, the relationship you built so carefully with love and passion, through four months, started to fall down. All along with your heart. Slowly. Oh, so slowly.
You started to only see her in the middle of the nights, whenever the bed dips and you wake up just slightly. Most times she wouldn't even bother to go close to you and pull you close. Just keeping her distance.
On some random day, you decide to break and pick up your phone, being unable to deal with any of it anymore.
You go through the grueling process of going to your contacts and searching her up once more, your fingers not hesitating to tap on the call button.
And as you wait, you hear the calling noise sound out. That sickening. Call tone. But after just a few more, she picks up.
"Hello?" She says, and you could hear a bit of her sokovian accent coming out. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion. She only did that when she was angry or something, but you went on with your plan.
"Wanda, we need to talk." You say, although slightly calmly, you were certainly trying your best to keep yourself grounded than splutter out all the words and questions in your head.
"Yeah?" She says in a breath, and you can hear something in the background. You assume she dropped something, because it sounded like clutter.
"Why are you being so distant lately?" You slowly ask, and she went silent. It left you sitting in your thoughts as to what exactly she was doing on the other side of the call.
Probably thinking about her next words. Probably 'busy with work,' probably this, probably that. Then you hear her take in a breath.
"...I think we need to take a break." She says suddenly. You were expecting it. Not that sentence, and certainly not that straightforward. You were expecting her to say, 'We need to break up.' But your mouth would be open slightly either way.
This was happening on a phone call. Of all the times you could be together, and she decides to do it over the phone. Sure, you rang her up, but it was to go in the direction of communication, not to do something a little extreme.
"What? Wanda, what we need least of all is a break. Honestly, we need more time together than less." You say in disbelief and scoff, knowing you had spent less time than you ever had the start of last year.
"Communication. We need that. Please, we've been through this before." Your voice came out more gently, and a little shakily, your thoughts having gone to the past but not lingering.
"I tried spending time with you. It's just...I don't know, Y/N." She said in frustration, and your eyes roll slightly then move around the room, looking at every furniture here as you tried to make sense of the situation and find more words to say to her.
"What do you mean, you 'don't know'??" You question. She was either just as confused of her emotions or feelings just as you were or, she was holding something back.
"I love you, you know that. But I...don't think we can work right now." She said urgently at first before transitioning to a slower pace in her talking. Your eyes well up with tears, and it took everything in you not to straight up hang up the phone. You had to deal with this even through the tears while talking to her. You took a deep breath.
"Talk, Wanda." You say, and she goes quiet once more. This time, perhaps out of guilt. The silence was deafening, and you had nothing to focus on except for the hardwood flooring and the carpet.
"I...think I'm falling out of love with you." At that, your heart drops. Her voice was shaky too, and full of emotions. Way more than you've ever heard for the past few days.
"What...?" The word comes out in a breath from your mouth. It didn't feel real. This didn't feel real. Your heart didn't even feel like it was beating anymore. Was this one of your nightmares? Well, it's a real one, that's for sure, with the texture of the couch felt against the skin of your hands.
"I don't wanna fight with you and...you're making no sense." You look up and sniffle, trying your best not to let yourself cry while still on the call. Wanda was silent.
"But okay. If that's what you really want." You nod continuiously, your voice obvious in sounding like you're about to tear up. And you were.
"I'll see you later, Y/N." She said. You didn't even get the chance to hang up, the ending tone sounding out and echoing. The silence wasn't a welcome back at all. A welcome to hell? Maybe.
You sat with your shoulders slumping, processing what had just happened, and you finally break, crying once again.
The rest of the day was filled with dread and like your heart was getting beat and shattered to a million peaces. You had retreated to the comfort of your bed, laying in it and letting your tears stain the pillow you laid your head on.
You slept all alone.
But you'd do it over and over again for her. Just because you believed it'll pass with time. Just because...you didn't want to let go yet. Just a little longer.
You only saw her once in december. And it wasn't even really december anymore, it was new year's day. Plans that started every now and then, though rare, was getting cancelled.
She seemed like she was getting sick to her stomach every time she met you face to face once more. Either that or your mind was tricking you.
Your body subconsciously moved every now and then, searching for the warmth of another body next to you, but there wasn't one, and your body had found your own warmth by curling up instead.
end of chapter 4. </3
Series Masterlist <- Chapter 3 Chapter 5 ->
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@may-z3 @ludasgf @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @justanotherteenpoet @fxckmiup @dmenby3100 @natashasilverfox @wandsmxmff @simp-erformarvelwomen @marvelwomen-simp
LOML (affectionate)

the floor.
| T.S
Warnings: small tiniest bit of R worrying, and just tay picking you up and waking you up in an unexpected, but gentle way, if that needs to be counted as a warning :]
Summary: Considering you couldn't go to sleep anywhere else, your chosen option was the floor of the living room. Taylor comes home and finds your sleeping figure against the wood, making her confusion and concern grow.
Word Count: 1.3k
Category: Fluff
A/N: love love love you all, hugs to all of you<3
| Started on 26/05/2024, 1:07 PM |
| Finished on 03/06/2024, 12:16 PM |
Main Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
βAs long as you're comfortable, sweetheart."

|βββββββββββ βΈβΈ βββββββββββ|
The sounds of keys clinking against each other echoes throughout the house as Taylor steps in, having come home from work. She takes her shoes off and closes the door, looking around.
When there was no indication of you at all coming to greet her, a curiosity grows in her, but she assumes you're possibly napping in the bedroom.
Then, just as the blonde started to walk forward to the living room, she froze, blinking. Her head turns to look down at your figure, asleep on the floor. Or passed out. She certainly hoped not, because her heart rate was now speeding up a little.
She gently drops everything, putting her bag and keys on the couch to kneel down next to you, worry etched on her face. Your face was peaceful at least, and you were, thankfully, breathing gently, her eyes going over the rise and fall of your chest.
"Hey. You okay?" She asked gently, almost in a whisper as her hand reaches out to carefully move a stray hair away from your face and cup one of your cheeks.
A small sleepy groan elicits from you at the touch and voice awaking you to a stir. At the small sound you let out, Taylor let out a breath of relief. You were only sleeping.
She then smiles, realizing you were oddly enough, sleeping on the floor. She's never witnessed you having done that before, but even so, your face still seemed adorable to her.
Taylor's teeth gently sinks into her lower lip, and she leans in closer to your ear, wanting to tease you in your half awake state, "Why are you sleeping here?" she whispered, her breath on your skin. You jumped at the feeling of her warmth and the sudden closeness of her voice, moving away from her slightly just as your eyes barely open. She giggled softly, pulling herself back to return your peaceful space you once had simply seconds ago.
You took in a breath, exhaling it out slowly. "I couldn't sleep," you murmured, your sleepiness obvious within your voice as you shifted slightly to get comfortable again, now feeling the small soreness in your body. Taylor's gaze softens, and her hand drifted down to gently intertwine with yours, her shoulders relaxing.
"Sweetheart. And you thought the floor was the best spot to sleep?" She asked softly in a whisper, her eyes transfixed on your form. You shrugged slightly, your eyelids having fallen to a close once more.
"Come on, lets get you to bed, baby," she whispers, her hand grabbing on the couch so she could push herself up to stand, but then she noticed you weren't moving to follow her at all.
A sigh gently escapes her lips, but she smiled softly. You definitely weren't going to be getting up anytime soon. Taylor shuffles herself to sit beside you, her arm carefully moving under your legs.
Once one of her arms hooked under your legs, her other one held your body and she made sure your head had some support before picking you up in a bridal position.
"I've got you, darling," she whispers, holding you close and making sure not to jostle you too much as she slowly stood up, grunting quietly as she felt an ache in her hand, but shifted until she could hold you comfortably.
You hummed in confusion, having not expected the change of height, your eyes just barely open. She chuckles softly at your sleepy state, then made her way to the bedroom.
Since you were already lifted up in her arms, you accepted it and closed your eyes again. When you arrived, Taylor gently lays you down on the bed, taking her patience carefully as she made you comfortable, but then saw you stirring, making her movements freeze.
"Mm...sorry..." you mumbled quietly, your voice a whisper as your eyes flutter open. You took a deep breath, having felt the sleep took away your oxygen.
She tilts her head, curious and concerned. "Hm? What're you sorry for, baby?" She asks softly, kneeling down at the edge of the bed so she's the same level as you, her hand reaching out to gently brush your hair away from your face.
You pouted, and she smiles softly, her heart lightening with love. No matter how tired she was from her day, she couldn't ever be tired of you, who always waits for her back home.
"You just got back from work...you're probably sore and tired." You whispered slowly, having gathered your words within your half asleep mind. The husky voice you had was further evidence of it.
She clicks her tongue gently, melting at how caring and thoughtful you were. "Don't be sorry, I want you to be comfortable. And I'm okay. There's nothing to worry about," She assures you, her thumb gently rubbing back and forth on your cheek.
"Besides, if I was so tired, I would have just slept on the couch beside you...or just join you on the floor." She shrugs, gazing at you with her warm love as you blinked at her.
"...I would tell you to go to bed." You said, your shoulders going down in sadness, not wanting her to be sore from the mentioned locations. The care that both of you held for each other was the sweetest balance.
"And I would still sleep near you, anyway." She replied back, her fingertip lightly booping your nose. She then kisses your forehead ever so gently, before pulling away, standing up.
You pouted when you saw her walking towards the bathroom, but she gives you a reassuring smile. "I'll be right back. I'm sweaty and smelly, baby." She says, scrunching her nose before disappearing into the bathroom.
After a few minutes of hearing the shower run, and staring at the ceiling or gazing off to where the bathroom was, Taylor soon came out, a fluffy towel wrapped around her body.
You smile softly at her, seeing her pinkish tinted cheeks from the warm shower, to which she lightly blows a kiss towards you, making your cheeks mirror the color, so you hid your face using the pillow and your hands.
A soft familiar chuckle sounds out near you, and with the dip in the bed, you turn out the pillow and move just a few of your fingers to peek, in front of you, the blonde with her pretty blue eyes, gently gazing down at you as she leaned against the pillows.
"You're so cute, baby. You know that?" She says, sliding her hand up your arm to run her fingers through your hair with her compliment, even though she knows it'll only make you flush harder.
"Don't hide your beautiful face, love," she whispers, gently and carefully pulling your hands off your face after some urging, seeing your rosy cheeks and crumpled corners of your eyes from that soft smile of yours.
"It needs some kisses from these lips," she murmurs, laying a soft kiss on your lips, your nose, then peppering them all over your skin, giggles sounding out from the two of you.
"Tay!" You whine, trying to move away from her loving attack with an added gentle push on her chest, and eventually, she relents, pulling back with a glimmer of joy in her eyes.
She lays down properly next to you, the smallest, cutest giggle escaping her mouth once again. Her arm drapes over your waist, and she pulls you closer, leaving one last kiss somewhere below your earlobe.
You snuggled close to her, nuzzling into her chest as the rush of energy from the tickling of lips slowly faded. Meanwhile, her thumb was drawing small little circles on your waist.
She hums gently, moving her hand slowly in a soothing pattern. With a tilt of her head downwards, she lightly brushed her cheek against your hair, closing her eyes.
After some shifting, you got a little more comfortable, then wrapped your arms around her too, squeezing slightly.
"It's okay, I'm right here," she whispers, pressing her lips affectionately to your head as she felt you relaxing further, your breaths growing softer.
Soon, the night fades, the two of you comfortably in each other's embrace, and asleep with two synced beating hearts.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@dmenby3100 @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @escapereality4music @fawnedolly @justgayloringeverthrone @lovelyy-moonlight @stevecore @midastouch013 @liloandstitchstan
| T.S
Warnings: Unable to sleep in a car, R being sleepy, sleeping problems
Summary: Having the problem of not being able to sleep anywhere that isn't in your bed causes for concern. So, Taylor drives you home safely and helps you into bed while you were barely able to stay awake.
Word Count: 1.1k
Category: Fluff
A/N: I never mentioned it, but I have a sideblog for wallpapers and edits if you guys like that :] its @likestarlightx, I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy, and doing other fanfics, but I'm gonna be posting whole loads more of fluff and wallpapers soon enough!<3
| Started on 11/12/2023, 9:06 PM |
| Finished on 14/05/2024, 4:15 PM |
Masterlist | T.S Masterlist
"You'll be okay, sweetheart."

|βββββββββββ βΈβΈ βββββββββββ|
You stare out the window, watching every scene pass by with a blank mind. You could barely think, from the certain restlessness sitting within your body.
Taylor notices this. Your quietness was normal, but unusually more silent. Though, she continues to drive, her eyes focused on the roads.
You sink a little deeper in your seat and try to close your eyes, the darkness enveloping your vision.
...But after waiting for what felt like an eternity, with the streetlights passing by a hundred times, you give up and open them up once more, only this time, half open.
Your eyes tiredly move to look at whatever was in front of you and space out into it. The window, the dashboard, the handle, that compartment for items and drinks...the window.
You sigh softly, but it didn't make much noise. The car gently stops to a red light, and Taylor's eyes glide over to you before she tilts her head slightly to see your figure.
"...Why don't you sleep, sweetheart?" Her voice comes out gently as ever, naturally overlaying the silence that once surrounded you.
You bit your lip gently. "Can't," your whisper was quiet as you fidgeted with your hands, and she just about heard it. Concern etched on her face, but the lights had turned green, making her focus back on driving, her eyes on the road.
You couldn't sleep in a car. Not ever. Maybe little naps here and there if you really got tired, but it was near impossible. You couldn't really take a quick nap anywhere actually, if you wanted to be really honest.
The humming of the car was all that made sound now. She keeps glancing back to you every now and then to make sure you were okay, but seeing as it was just a few more minutes from home, she was calm enough to let it be.
Your mind was fuzzy, and you could feel your eyes getting tired. Taylor notices you slumping further into your seat, and she reaches over to gently place her hand on yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We're almost home, baby."
When she finally pulls into the driveway, she sighs softly in relief and looks at you with worry. But you were yawning softly, clicking off your seatbelt, to which her gaze softens to.
Her hand goes to open her car door and she gets out, walking around to your side. You were already opening the door yourself, slowly getting up with the push of your hands against the seat.
Taylor watches you for a moment, but seeing the fatigue you had, she slips an arm around your waist, offering to help support some of your weight.
You lean into her, grateful for her help as she closed the car door. She keeps her eyes on you and made sure to be careful on your walk to the front door.
Taylor grabs her keys from out her pockets and inserts it into the keyhole while you were blinking your eyes, fighting to stay awake as your vision was in a haze.
She pulls you in with her once she had the door open, grabbing the keys back. You leaned against her shoulder, your eyes momentarily closing.
The blonde closes the door and locks it to ensure the safety of your home, then turns to face you, her arm still around your waist. She smiles softly, knowing you were exhausted.
Gently, she pulls you forward, guiding you up the stairs with you close against her, your body practically mushed to her side. The way she felt you growing heavier on each step told her you were on the verge of falling asleep.
Just as you reached the top of the stairs, you misstepped through your sleepiness, and her eyes widen, but she quickly catches you with a sharp breath, both of her arms now around you as she firmly kept ahold of you.
You gripped onto her, your body alerting itself of the sudden movement when she helped you regain balance. Taylor then laughed softly, shaking her head at your adorable sleepiness. You quietly laughed yourself, but almost nervously as you realized how dangerous it was to be walking like this.
"Come on, lets get you to bed before you fall asleep on your feet," she whispered, looking forward to see the bedroom was another few more doors away within the hallway. She lets out a quiet breath, then returns her gaze to you.
With you about to black out, she decides to lean down and put your arms around her neck, then lift you up with both of her hands under your thighs. You let out a confused hum, but hugged her like a koala bear, your eyes closed.
Her lips gently raised up as she looked at you, but she continues her journey, holding you close until you were in the bedroom, which, she really should have done before going up the stairs.
Once she reaches the bed, Taylor places you on the edge first, then slowly let your back fall down to the mattress, pulling your legs up too.
Just as she was about to move away, you stir lightly, a small sleepy groan coming from you. She gently tucks a stray hair behind your ear, smiling softly. "I know, baby." she whispered, walking to her side of the bed to slide in next to you.
She snuggled herself behind you, and was going to put her arm around your stomach, but you had rolled around to face her, your face pouty as you went closer to her, your arm falling atop her.
She chuckled softly, but returned the embrace, her hand going to your back and gently moving in a soothing motion, her own eyes closing as she leaned in to put her cheek against your hair.
Just as both of you were about to fall into a deep sleep, a notification sounds out from either one of your phones, making Taylor reach over you to silence it, not wanting anything to bother you, especially not when you were so tired.
When she felt you shift slightly, nuzzling closer into her and seeing that you still weren't in slumber, her hand rests on your back once more. "Shh...sleep, sweetheart," she whispers, her voice soft.
Taylor continues her soothing motion on your back, turning to gently kiss the shell of your ear, as it was the closest skin to her lips she could find.
Soon, in seconds time, your breathing got softer, a clear indication you were finally getting some rest. She lets out a gentle sigh of relief, and pulled you ever so gently closer.
Her eyes closed once more, also tired from the day she had, and the shows she's been doing. But it was all worth it, when she gets to spend time with you like this. Her body relaxes, and she slowly joins you in your sleep, your legs intertwined.
taglist <3 - join here! :]
@dmenby3100 @wandsmxmff @tia-thesimp @marvelwomen-simp @natsbiggestfan1 @fawnedolly @justgayloringeverthrone @lovelyy-moonlight @magela