Acid Green Eyes Observed Carefully, Without A Remark Or A Conclusion Said Out Loud. So That's Where The

Acid green eyes observed carefully, without a remark or a conclusion said out loud. So that's where the foolish bravery came from. If one had survived too many encounters with death, they were bound to be overconfident and careless. Yet still kept his mouth running; ah not for long now anyways.
“Nah, the usual way is a warning shot just grazing the skin covering the jugular. And even that is reseved for those who are stupid enough to not steer clear of me when asked.” she wondered when will his skin follow his clothing.
Those haunting eyes eagerly drunk up every little gesture, dark satisfaction at the first dent in the larger than life overconfidence.
“Ay, ay ayy cowboy” the entity clicked its tongue with twisted playfulness, taking a step forwards.
“Nobody told you the Wrath desert is full of monsters, little one?”

Everything was dead. No sounds of other animals penetrated the supernatural pitch black darkness; deathly quiet and still, except the grass drying and disappearing as the tendrils of her shadows sought reach. The woman's body contorted gracefully, acid green mixing with the abyss swirling her higher, at least twice her original height.
“Or you thought you're the worst hiding out of here?” despite her state, the silent destruction, her voice remained calm only just above a whisper
She might have taken it a little too far, judging how the imp was...destined to die after being in her presence for a prolonged time, let alone touching her cursed bullet. Still, she had warned him countless times. He refused to heed them and dug his own grave, happily lying into it by himself. So the shade stayed looming as a ghastly last warning: run home and hug the ones you love one last time while you're able.


“I just want to be fucking left alone to do my fucking job, why is it so hard to understand?!” long fingers ran through her bone white hair in aggravation; was this really a hard concept?
“I don’t owe you an answer. You don’t know shit about me, my experience or my life. You assumed I don’t even recognize a curve in the barrel for the fucks sake.”
“Maybe because I don’t need to eat and want to practice my aim instead?” Karma raised an eyebrow, trying to keep shadows, mist at bay along with her temper … which was quite new. Then she noticed him fiddling with the bullet. What in the everloving fuck.
“DON’T TOUCH THAT!” she didn’t remember the last time she actually yelled at someone, the acid green bullet reflexively caught after tossed, then dissolving into nothing at last
“I take you as suicidal because everything about this, about me screams death yet you’re still here.” Karma growled, why can’t her efforts to not kill him even accidentally be at least appreciated the smallest amount?! Surely the atmosphere was screaming danger yet he was still pushing, still purposely getting on her wrong side and she couldn’t understand how someone could be so blind.
And it all went up in smoke the second he opened his mouth again. “You doubted me first. And I am pissed because you don’t respect my boundaries or wishes to be left alone. You don’t have to know the reason to back off when asked.” an indeed deathly silence followed before a dangerously calm “So now you doubt my marksmanship too?” Alright then.
“Want to see why? Then fuckin’ watch.” the dam broke at last, her talent getting insulted was simply too much. A few moments to calm her mind, she didn’t shoot out of anger. No that would only open the door for mistakes and miscalculations.
“Villám.” steady and calm, a nod towards the mare as a sign to begin. The ebony horse’s shill neigh echoed through the desert, making the entrance guarding hog move at the sudden sound coming from too close.
Slightly obscured by a rock, not like it was protection. A step forward turned into a whirl, the woman a shadowy mass for a second during firing, the movement altering the bullet’s course to curve right behind the rock for the boar to drop dead. The sound followed a second later.
Without protection, the remaining took off again, crosshair eyes taking them in for an estimate. Wielding two guns clearly showed incredible ambidexterity, there wasn’t even a second pause in the surgical precision shots. The last one was getting a little too far, Karma grabbed the faulty rifle, from Villám thankfully the bolt closed on the round now, a few quick strides and a wrong position if the weapon was working flawlessly. Breathe in, one last adjustment with determination blazing in crosshair eye, breathe out. The scurry of legs coming to a permanent halt.
Satisfaction flooded her at the successful hunt, easing her mind.
“ ‘Fancy’ bullets or a faulty rifle; doesn’t matter. Because it ain’t those what are special but me. Because I am the best marksman ever lived and rode across afterlife.” and with the previous demonstration she hoped she proved that statement true.
“Now leave. My…powers cause everything and everyone to wither in my presence. I can’t control it and you will die- where the fuck is your shirt.”

How many times have Striker met people who said they were death incarnate?
How many have said they’d be destroying everyone who crosses them or try to fuck with them?
He’d lost count by now and with his constant brushes against death he’d lost some feeling to it, a sad reality when one is hunted nearly 24/7 and with a bounty that would get even the most loyal of allies to contemplate where to stick the knife. It was old hat for the cowboy that raw unkempt rage in others as a sign that they weren’t able to control their talent, yet it was a more curious and pleasant smile that crept over his face when he noticed how skilled she was.
He was about to answer her about -the best marksman- but he was cut short at her explanation about powers of withering, only to again when given the opportunity, having to look down at himself and notice his shirt had disintegrated itself off of him. “Oh… guess that rottin’ boar was a lot worse for mah clothin’…”
The scars littered his torso on full display, perhaps a sign that he was accustomed to death, and point to why he was less afraid than most common folk when facing someone who has the rage to spare and a gun to shoot.
The effects of the withering were lost on him, he knew what she said, but he couldn’t understand as she and her horse were okay, and he was not having any ill effects of it, though he’d give his pants a little touch. It felt rather old, even though he had just bought them last week.
“Maybe it’s best ah head back to mah saloon…” He’d place his hands on his belt, it was dry, and it was one of his favorite ones too, he’d keep it oiled and balmed every day almost, he had no idea what was going on until he’d see a part of it start to chip. He’d look around them, the grass did seem a bit drier around where she had been and cleared his throat before starting to take a few steps back, in fear of losing more clothing and ending up naked on the way home.
“If it’s ya doin’ consider this a friendly gesture of me not chargin’ ya for messin’ up my clothin’, but ya got a fancy way of tryin’ to get folk away from ya.” Acted as if the whole -get the fuck away from me- part was just friendly banter, but the ability to ruin his clothing had crossed a line.
He’d soon be on his way back home, having to get to Bombproof asap so he’d get to the tailors before closing, and of course, try to get news on this new lady that’d be roaming the Wrath Ring.
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More Posts from Deathshadowed

Dunakavics. Yes that's my contribution
How to not summon the currently dormant two warlords: say Hungary is part of the Balkans.
spicy enemies to lovers prompts
not safe for tumblr.
“ is that an actual gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? “ “ neither. “
“ or maybe, i’m trying to create a distraction… “
“ you need a distraction. “ “ i need a release. “
“ if you don’t touch me, i think i might die. “ “ seems like a win to me. “
“ don’t be a tease… “ “ for you my love… “
“ your touch alone… “
“ listen, it’s okay if – “ “ stop talking. “
“ don’t speak, or this will be over sooner than it began. “
“ bend over. “ “ why, is the sight of my face really that repulse? “ “ it’s for your own good. trust me. “
“ you know… considering how you treated me tonight… you could kill me right here and now, and i wouldn’t even try to fight back. “
“ don’t be such a grump. “
“ i find you so unbelievable attractive i can barely
“ i won’t stop before you’re on your knees, begging for my touch… “
“ you’re going to kill me, aren’t you? “
“ do you want death? “ “ i want to [screw] you. “ “ same thing. “
“ you’re incredible. holy fuck… “
“ touch me. “ “ beg for it. “
“ come inside. “ “ the house, or you? “
“ you’re really going to leave me here, naked and tied up? “ “ if i don’t hear the sound of you screaming my name in the next ten minutes, i’ll come to shoot you in the head myself. “
“ [screw] me like you mean it. “
“ there’s tension, and i would like to release it. “
“ you know, if you want to see me naked, you can just ask. “ “ okay. take of your clothes. “ [long pause] “ wait, are you serious right now? “ “ dead. “
“ i hate you so fucking much. “ “ then show it. annihilate me. “
“ you hate me, huh? because your body’s quite responsive to my touch. “
“ are you sure you want to do this? because, you know… “
“ the way you’re touching me… “ “ quite good for the soul, ey? “
“ you’re about as useful in bed as you are in battle. “
“ my love, walk away while you still can. “
“ don’t remove your hand… “ “ but love… the chase is so much more fun. “
“ i’m warning you now, love. you won’t be able to walk away. “
“ you’re quite cocky. “ “ and you love it. “
“ you’ll see me in any man you touch, and when his fingers trace your body, you’ll close your eyes, wishing it was me… “
“ get on your knees and let me treat you. “
“ let’s play nice for one night, ey? “
“ there’s not a lot i would do for you. expect maybe, get down on your knees. “
“ get on your knees and show me what you’re capable of. “
“ just shut the fuck up and kiss me. “
“ get up. “ “ but… “ “ get up. “
“ you’re not leaving. “ “ i’m sorry? “ “ you’re not leaving. ever again. “
“ i need you. now. “ “ can’t get enough of me, ey? “
“ you’ll look for me in any man that you see… and you’ll hate yourself for it. “
“ do you touch yourself at night, thinking of me? “
“ hate-sex is quite good for the soul. “
“ you know… when you touch me like that… i forget
“ don’t flatter yourself. you’re simply nothing more than a means to an end. “
“ with your mouth on mine, there’s less bullshit coming out of it. “
“ get me off. “
“ don’t be selfish. “
“ i’m not a bargain ship. “
“ get on your fucking knees. “
“ don’t fucking speak. “
“ your kisses are so much better than i ever could have imagined… “
“ if you as much as even think about coming before i do, i’ll slit your fucking throat. “
There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.
Franz Kafka
Tumblr what the fuck.

Not like I don't appreciate the lingerie recommendation but MAYBE, just MAYBE don't put anything child related under a fucking light BDSM lingerie??