Mushroom And Fungi Sightings This Afternoon!

Mushroom and fungi sightings this afternoon!
I’m especially mesmerized by the little brown ones.
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somewhere lost in the clouded annals of history lies a place that few have seen, a mysterious place called the unknown, where long-forgotten stories are revealed to those who travel through the wood…
@giftober 2022 | locations: over the garden wall travel posters ( in|sp )

The Magnus Archives is a workplace comedy… @a-mag-a-day
"A Simple Love Poem" by Megan Falley
It is only September. I don’t know how many seasons I will be allowed to love you yet. What I do know is that you have flown one thousand Miles to stand in my kitchen, dropping chocolate chips into pumpkin pancakes like arranging freckles for the face of a perfect child. Feeding me the extra semisweet moles. I don’t yet know for how many years you might flip me pancakes for. If you will still love me when that blonde tree sheds her Hollywood wig. If we will make it to the season of the blueberries, but I don’t care. The tree is a pin-up girl posing outside my window and you’re only looking at me. Every latte in this city smells like the only fruit in the world we carve faces from. Tell me might that be something?

mike crew is like today i am going to be a walking transgender metaphor. sacrifices parents in an attempt to escape his past physically stalking him. despises being referred to with his full name. sends people who ask him prying identity questions to sky hell. short king. menacing aura. large scarf. characteristic scars. avid peruser of arcane tomes and frequenter of antique bookstores. just wants to be left alone to do his own thing