delicateartisantrash - "D.A.T. Art Tho"
"D.A.T. Art Tho"

18+ Blog; Drawing - Writing - PoetryKo-fi: & Drawing for:Transformers, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch I will accept drawing prompts for just about anything; Doesn't have to be afandom love of mine. I love drawing pretty much anything-- plants, animals, cars & machines, people, robots, comedic comic scenes, etc etc etc.

313 posts

Chapter Drop: Gladiators Of Kaon, Ch 8

Chapter Drop: Gladiators of Kaon, ch 8
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

New chapter released! :3

I had way too much fun writing this one.

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More Posts from Delicateartisantrash

7 months ago

Comic: Ask-A-Bot RP Blog - “Drawing Prompt”

(Full-size the picture if Tumblr ate the resolution I beg)

edit to add sauce because i was so excited i forgot to make this a reblog fuk:

Comic: Ask-A-Bot RP Blog - Drawing Prompt

(“Dat Rambles” is my tag for personal posts if you don’t wish to see me yabbering about my life or posting silly comics for RP blogs i interact with because they give me glorious serotonin and giggles)


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7 months ago

Well today is a disaster. After capturing a loose Gizmo who stepped paw in the bird room because some ducking how i managed to leave both the downstairs and the but room doors open, then i had to take a staple from Gizmo he was TRYING TO EAT, now I'm at the veterinary clinic next to a car accident (not my accident, it just happened right outside the building and it's big windows by us) with Bingo on my lap because some ducking how i either left Echo's door open or he opened it himself and I'm pretty sure it was my fault exclusively and while i was relaxing and reading from the dizziness of moving too fast to catch a cat after everything else this week, Echo was busy attacking her and i ignored their vocalizations the first two times because i thought they were just being fussy and than when i went upstairs for something else hahahahaaa I'm the worst fucking animal mom in the world because both Bongo's feet are mangled and she's got blood on her face and this is the third time my mistakes have led to her getting hurt and brb while i scream into the blood for a while because the vet clinic just to walk in the door is $200 just to LOOK at her plus the other fees plus they don't offer payment plans so here's hoping they have good news not time to start an only fans account

Lightshow your problems and plotlines were supposed to stay fictional not mirror my life

(Bird-mom Venting)

Not me blasting 20 of the 13 spoons of energy i woke up with today, because I ache all over and needed to rest and yake it slow and easy aaaaand... the middle of getting my birds corralled for breakfast and settled, Echo (Indian Ringneck) is acting funny for his usual behavior at breakfast. I thought perhaps my routine and well-being being off was provoking it, and then i saw movement in my peripheral and both my birds attention shifted


like literally the basement door to my apartment has a little slide lock on it so I can ensure kitties cannot open the door by figuring out the doorknob, and also because doing that means NORMALLY paying attention and not forgetting to ensure the door is fully actually shut not just almost shut aiabfiwoeofnyvidbe.

*screaming crying vibrating in place*

And i think i might have actually teleported across the room after Echo took flight, and Gizmo promptly went "what the fuck was THAT WOAH" and turned to trot after him towards the livingroom and i

Channeled energy i haven't used since the last time i had to yeet over and grab my baby Bongo (green cheek conure) off Echo's cage because she is so pretty and so emotionally aware and astute with PEOPLE because she was hand raised and taken from her parents by people and AAAAAAAAH SHE JUST STOOD ON HIS CAGR TO LET HIM ATTACK HET LIKE A CONFUSED GOLDEN RETRIEVER.

i did not faint this time after crisis was averted, however. That was good. Last time after I got Bongo off Echo's cage and the blood stopped with cornstarch over her confused beeps, told my mom who to call (thank the Gods for good Zoos with good exotic species veterinarians) and I think i passed her off not let her fly over, and then i promptly blacked out. Not from panic, though that didn't help, the panic actually came after i came to sitting up and someone telling me i passed out and THEN i panicked because i realized i was utterly useless in a crisis situation but at least i got everything critical accomplished and passed off to those who could (Bongo was okay, one expensive vet trip and my forever sorrow she's now missing one talon but it healed remarkably well)

I never feel more like a failure as a bird or cat or anything mom, as the viscerally real and tangible moments when my babies get hurt or could have gotten hurt.

Whooooooo weeee. Okay. Yeah.i just had to scream about that for a hot minute there because i got everyone settled, everyone is fine, Gizmo heard me raise my voice in full No Nonsense Mom Emergency Command hollar (the kitties are the newest members of our family) for the first time ever, and Echo finally went in to eat his breakfast.

Now I'm shaking and chilling with oatmeal and tumblr and wow okay imma just. Sit here for a bit. O w.

(for context, those of you new to my blog, i have chronic issues that cause problems with balance and paina nd just kind of existing on the physical plane in general weeeeee, so thr things i am not suppossd to do that i used to do all tbe time, include moving fast, standing up quickly, and turning pr moving my head too quickly. All of whi h i just did l. Weeeeeee. That is why i mentioned blowing all my spoons of energy. That one crisis save just killed most my plans for tbe day vut also wow it was more effective than any coffee or energy drinkcould ever be on waking me the fuck up.)

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7 months ago

Leaking Spark Cover Art

Leaking Spark Cover Art

Why did I paint Knockout in an automotive paint that is REALLY FRAGGING HARD TO PAINT *screams in glitter and lighting*

anyhow, enjoy this little doodle from my fanfic, Leaking Spark.

Timelapse speedpaint video below the cut:

Not my strongest piece but idc, I’m proud of myself for doing a full background and an actual house with actual details instead of obscure suggested shapes. \o/ wooo!

Edit to add Fic link:
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

CoverArt: Gladiators of Kaon

CoverArt: Gladiators Of Kaon

(Fanfic link below the cut)
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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7 months ago

Challenge Accepted Actually Became a Challenge

(If you don't want to see my personal posts, my tag for them is "Dat Rambles")

My incredulous face is the face of: When you accept a drawing prompt for who you know as a popular character, then promptly realize that there exists exceedingly few screenshots of the specific VERSION of the character you wish to draw and the only ones you have found are not as helpful as you need for drawing a new character design for the first time and now feeling the need to make it REALLY HECKING GOOD because there exists so few REALLY HECKING GOOD pictures and this idiot deserves some good pics for idiot fans like me to drool over.

So off I go to watch an entire series just to find my own screenshots of this dork. Earthspark Transformers, you have finally dragged me over to your side of the fandom.

Challenge Accepted Actually Became A Challenge

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