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Dream Come True Yan!succubus X Reader Pt. 1
dream come true ♥ yan!succubus x reader pt. 1

This short fantasy series is inspired by and dedicated to the lovely @iingezo on one of my favorite holidays—their birthday!
On the fringe of your most indulgent fantasies hides a seductive shade biding her time until she could wait no longer. The lines between fantasy and reality blur in just the right way when you wake up in a dream come true. Can you escape or will you give in to a woman too good to be true? Close your eyes and drift away. Let her take your hands and your heart.
Elegant fingers massaged your scalp with tender care. The scent of Chinese roses and tree peonies was in the air, and you could hear a low melodious voice. Your head rested on something soft and every now and then you would feel something akin to a feather brush against the tip of your nose. You could lay there forever, more relaxed than you had ever felt in your life, but you chanced a peak anyways. A long tendril of deep blue hair was the cause of the feather light touch. Navy tresses framed her heart shaped face, soft waves spilling over her shoulders. Thickly lashed eyes dark as obsidian gazed upon you as her glossy violet lips opened into a small ‘o’ of surprise. Pearl white teeth flashed for a moment, once sharp and alarming but then, normal and squared before you could react. The only things that nearly obscured your view of her enchanting visage was an ample chest clothed in an antique lace negligee reminiscent of something worn on a honeymoon. She was something out of your wildest dreams and you smiled slightly, sure that this was one.
“Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty.” The true beauty crooned. Her fingers gently caressed your cheeks as she gazed down at you with something akin to adoration. How you deserved such a thing was lost on you, but you wouldn’t deny it if she was offering. You weren’t an idiot. Her voice was music to your ears and as much as you wouldn’t mind laying in her lap this was a dream, and you would surely be well rested in the morning. You rolled over and out of her lap, not noticing how her sharp nails as black as pitch lightly grazed your skin as if she was trying to pull you back in place. Sitting up, you could fully take in the striking stranger. She threw her nearly navy locks behind her shoulder, exposing the full contours of her bust and waist. With lightly toned arms and the legs of a dancer, she was both admirable and enviable.
Finding your words, you tried to take charge of this dream. “Wh-who are you?” You tilted your head as you gazed into her eyes meaningfully. They were like the depths of the ocean—something unfathomable and worthy of both fear and wonder. She smiled as she extended her legs in front of you and crossed one over the other in your lap. The short skirt of her negligee drifted upward as she did, but you didn’t take the chance to peek which she noticed this with mild disappointment. “I’m yours,” she extended the back of her hand towards you, “But if you must, you may call me Aurora. A pleasure.”
Feeling lighthearted in this dream, you took her hand in yours, “Y/n. The pleasure’s all mine.” You placed a chaste kiss on the back of it and she giggled coquettishly.
“You learn fast.”
You took it as a compliment and looked all around you. You both sat on a plush bed with comforters made of the finest threads and scattered with Chinese rose petals. It was a canopy that floated with no strings, and you realized light pink clouds drifted all around you. The skies were streaked in peach, lavender, and canary yellow casting a warm glow that backlit Aurora’s hair and gave her a halo. “Where are we?” You looked around incredulously. You had always imagined something like this but to be here and aware was a whole new thing. A bright smile nearly split your face in two and she gazed at you lovingly.
“We’re wherever I want us to be.”
She extended her arms and suddenly you both were in a cave with glowing stalactites with colors that flowed like those within a lava lamp. Green, yellow and orange fireflies lazily drifted around you both, and you could see a crystalline spring not too far off and surrounded by glowing moss and candles. Stalagmites of white and rose gold ensconced the bed you both now sat on, and you didn’t have much time to enjoy the scenery before you were somewhere else. You now drifted in an ornate boat across a vast emerald ocean. You could see islands of lush foliage and white sands in the distance, and cute sea creatures brushed up against your floating vessel wanting to be petted. Aurora sat across from you, your legs intertwined, as she held an exotic drink in one hand. When you caught her eye, she giggled again and splashed you with the other. “Seriously?” You splashed back and her giggle became a full laugh. Her white negligee was plastered to her skin more than ever as she tossed the drink away and splashed you with full force. You couldn’t let her get away with that and continued the assault. One thing led to another, and you both were clasping hands and throwing each other over the edge.
You landed in a grassy plain beneath a baby blue sky. The scent of tulips and sweet grasses tickled your senses. You looked over at her and she tossed onto her side, one head resting on open palm. As you chuckled, she continued to gaze at you lovingly, training her eyes to not miss a single detail.
You wiped some tears and finally turned to look at her, catching her intense gaze. “I don’t know if this is rude or not…”
Her teeth were sharpened and sparkling in the light. “Anything, darling.”
You couldn’t sugarcoat what you meant. This was a dream, sure, but this woman felt more real than anyone you had met in a long time. She was an enigma and you needed to know more.
“What are you...?”
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More Posts from Delusional-angel
MC:I don't need a prideful man, I need someone who's not afraid to cry in front of others while he speaks his thoughts out
Satan:Lucifer's out of the picture
Belphie:that means less competitio-
MC:I also don't need someone who killed me once.
Lucifer:what was that phrase again? Oh right, "sucks to be you"

tagged by @collinnmckinley (thanks! ♥️) on this picrew
tagging: @just-the-hands, @delusional-angel, @sorugao-bandgeek and @akumugan if you're up for it!!
I noticed there's no Garou on your masterlist soooo: Garou and “I know you don’t want this, but I’m going to continue until you need me.” or “I’m not doing this because I hate you, I do it because I love you.” Kinda similar wording but either could be wildly different.
(I think I've written for him once or twice, I'm just a lazy fuck who hasn't updated the masterlist lol)
Garou/Darling: "I know you don't want this, but I'm going to continue until you need me."
TW: noncon/dubcon
He knew it was stupid to take them, he knew it. But they never made it easy for him to think clearly. He had been wandering the streets, looking for any place he could sleep without drawing too much attention. The alleys didn't look comfortable, but it was better than nothing. And just by chance, ____ had spotted him on the sidewalk and--noting his scabbed-over wounds and bruises from a bout with a Hero--immediately dropped everything to ask if he needed help.
He'd never had anyone ask that before, and he didn't know what to say aside from the first thing that had come to mind: "I'm starving." Surprisingly ____ had just smiled and taken him to the nearby Don Quijote to buy him a ready-made meal, some snacks and drinks, and some bandages and disinfectant for his cuts. "There's a capsule hotel a few blocks from here," they'd said, motioning for Garou to follow them. "But I've only got enough spare cash to have you stay for a night or two. Hmm..." ____ looked him up and down. "You don't give off any creepy vibes...I've got a couch that turns into a futon, if you want to spend a few days in my apartment."
Garou's stomach was so full from the noodles they'd bought him, and he didn't want to spend any more time out in the cold if he didn't have to now that he had felt nice and warm over the hour they'd spent in the convenience store. Without thinking about if this was a trap or if it was a good idea to trust a stranger so much, he'd agreed and followed them to his temporary home.
Weeks had passed since then, and he'd just finished the last box of cookies that ____ had bought for him as he lay on the ruined couch of Takeo's "hideout." His primary focus was on survival, but he kept finding that his thoughts always led back to ____. They had cared for him without any reason to. Hell, they were the closest thing to a Hero he'd seen so far and they were a weak little thing. If he'd really wanted to, he could've torn them apart with just a flick of his fingers in their apartment.
That little realization quickly snowballed into a desire to keep an eye on ____, just to protect them from anyone who might take advantage of their kindness. Garou insisted that it was just so he could repay the debt he owed them, and that was all. Still, his mind couldn't help but wander more and more whenever he watched over them from afar. They were so blissfully unaware of Monsters, Heroes, just working their boring little job and coming home to their apartment with a tired smile. Every time he saw it he wished he was back on their couch to see them smile from a closer distance, hear them talk about their boring uneventful day and ask him again if he wanted green tea or black tea with his Cup Noodles. Feel them pat his back when they thought he was asleep. Feel their warmth against his skin. Against his tongue and teeth.
His eyes widened as he stared at them through the window. Where the fuck had THAT thought come from? He'd been so shocked and strangely flustered by it that he'd left to return to the hideout and tossed and turned on his couch until he eventually fell asleep. He'd never felt much interest in other people (romantic or otherwise) unless he was sparring or fighting someone worth his attention. But he didn't find himself wanting to fight ____; after all, it would be more of a slaughter than a fair bout. He was feeling...something. Something that made his face warm and his chest tight and his cock twitching whenever he imagined seeing their face.
The dream he'd had that night didn't help either. He had finally become the monster he'd always wanted to be, a terrifying mass of sharp fangs and claws with a menacing feral aura as he tore and slashed at everything that blocked his path. ____ was the only being that didn't run away in fear or tried in vain to attack him; instead, they'd walked slowly to him and carefully placed a hand on his snarling face before smiling sweetly. They discarded some of their clothes and then lay on the ground in front of them in only their underwear, beckoning him to come down and join them. Garou leaned down to pin them underneath him, tore their last bits of clothing with one of his claws, and licked a long stripe down their cheek before biting down on their neck. Just as he was about to mount them and fuck them senseless--
He'd woken up, sweating bullets with a hard-on straining against his pants. Fuck. Fuck, he needed to do something about this. He had started to pull down his pants and had only given his shaft a few pumps. Still, just fucking his hand and letting his imagination wander wasn't enough. He wanted ____'s warm body around him, to hear them whine and beg for him to fill them up and look at them panting underneath him while he pins their ankles over their head to mate with them like a fucking animal.
Garou growled in frustration and pulled up his underwater and the waistband of his pants, still half-hard. He wiped the precum off of his palm and headed out to break into ____'s apartment while they were at work. If he was going to do this for real, he'd need some time to prepare.
The first signs of guilt started to tug at the back of his mind when he entered their apartment once again. He had no idea if ____ wanted him like that or even felt anything outside of sympathy or pity for him after they'd found him wandering the streets. Was he really going to repay the person who'd been so kind to him by hurting them like this?
He sat on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to keep his thoughts from racing and think clearly. I want to be a monster, but this is...different, he thought. But monsters take what they want, don't they? They have the strength and power to do that, and then kill anyone who tries to get in the way. I want to do that. I want to BE that. He noticed a small framed photo of ____ with a friend on a nearby table and stared at it. Monsters don't fall in love though, assuming that's what I'm feeling right now. But I bet lots of them have mates. That's what I want. I want ____ to be my mate. I can still protect them and make them mine, even when I've finally become a monster.
He made his final decision and resolved himself, and headed to their bedroom to lie in wait for when they came home in an hour or so. If he was going to become the first human monster, then ____ would become the first human mate for him.
____ had only just locked their door before they got the feeling that something was off in their apartment. Nothing looked out of place, and they couldn't hear any signs of someone inside, but there was still something in the air that made their hair stand on end. They narrowed their eyes and reached for their phone to enter the emergency police number into the keypad, and as they cautiously walked through the house their finger hovered over the dial button.
Nothing in the kitchen. Nothing in the living room. Nothing in the bathroom. As they headed towards the only room left in the apartment, they held their breath and found themselves shaking slightly with every step forward. They had only gotten a few steps inside before a strong pair of arms grabbed them and quickly knocked the phone out of their hand. ____ tried to scream, but the intruder had already clapped a hand over their mouth before pinning them to the bed. ____'s eyes widened when they recognized the person looking down at them with shining golden eyes that made them shiver.
"Don't scream," Garou ordered quietly. "Or I'll have to make you quiet." He tightened his grip around their jaw and they whimpered. They reluctantly nodded and he moved his hand from their mouth to pin both of their arms above their head.
"Why?" ____'s voice was wobbly and thick with tears that were already threatening to spill. "I just wanted to help you. Please, Garou, don't do this. You don't have to--"
Garou's clothed cock brushed against their thighs as he started to rut against them. He had wanted to hold back long enough to explain why he was doing this, but after feeling their warm body squirming underneath his he couldn't take it any more. He tried to comfort them a bit by slightly loosening his grip on their wrists and caressing them with his thumb; when he leaned down to sloppily kiss them, he felt their tears as they wet both his and their cheeks.
He finally broke the kiss to pin their sides with his legs and hold them in place while he pulled their shirt off over their head and tugged their pants off. He was ready to pin their arms down the second he felt them try to escape or fight back, but all ____ did was cover their face now that their arms were free. He finally tore their panties off of them, leaving them completely naked and trembling before removing all of his own clothes as well. If he was going to claim ____ as a mate, he didn't want a single part of their bodies hidden from each other.
Garou clasped his hands around their wrists and slowly pushed them back to either side of their head so he could see their face again. As he rutted against their pressed-together thighs, smearing a thin layer of precum into their soft skin, he moaned and moved down to kiss and nip at their neck. "I know...you don't want this," he said haltingly, groaning when the head of his cock slipped between their plush thighs. "But I'm going to keep going until you need me, just as much as I need you." He used one free hand to pry their legs apart and pressed a thick index finger against their entrance; the two of them hissed as he explored their incredibly tight and velvety walls. He was unbearably warm before when he thought about touching them, but now he felt like his hand was melting inside of his mate's core.
Garou kissed their neck again as he continued to finger them, and when he bit down on their collarbone with his sharp canines they winced and cried out. He licked and gently kissed the wound as a small apology for getting to excited, but he also noted how their walls had clenched around his finger after he'd bitten them. Maybe he wasn't the only one that would enjoy him making his dreams come true.