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I Really Like The Word Smitten. Because At First Glance You Just Think Of Sappy Lovey-dovey Stuff But
I really like the word “smitten”. because at first glance you just think of sappy lovey-dovey stuff but also you have to remember this is a word that’s born of the word “smite.” a devastating word. a word that, summarized, means stricken. smitten means stricken as well — struck with devastating affection.
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More Posts from Delusional-angel
I just had a thought… working at the bakery within walking distance of the yandere art school. Freshly graduated from the culinary arts program, you are the store’s sweet heart with a sweet smile and chipper disposition. Who’s spending way too much on pastries to see you every day?
i've thought about putting a culinary arts program - but im not sure if it actually counts as art...and my only reasoning for this is because of an anime (Magic-Kyun Renaissance) bc it's an anime about a magic art school and one of the characters becomes a master at pastries and cooking...it's a good show tho-
Narancia came with Guido, who wouldn't stop raving about this new sweets shop, and decided to see if the bakery had anything he'd like. He liked sweets and he was free at the moment. Just the display window had Narancia's mouth watering, all of the beautifully decorated cakes, light and fluffy cream puffs, crispy and golden tarts and pies, and so on. And then he met you - you were so...pretty. You smiled like an angel, you talked with a voice of silk, and you were so kind to everyone you helped. You even helped him pick out something he might like, settling on an orange tart. It was so delicious, he could of cried. You decided to chat with him since the bakery was kinda empty at the moment - you looked at him with such bright eyes when he talked about his different woodwork projects and his major. You just graduated the culinary section of the school and loved the neighborhood and general area so much that you made your shop here - and that you were pretty much making everything he saw in front of him. Oh, he would definitely be coming back - he wanted try the orange pound cake and he wanted to keep talking to you. Narancia comes by everyday to order some orange dessert and talk to you - you even give him samples of secret creations since he came by everyday. Don't be surprised when you're given a brand new wooden rolling pin, with such detailed carvings to make an imprint on the pastry dough. Narancia couldn't help but let his mind wander off...Taking you out of that cramped kitchen and into his house, baking and smiling for just him.
Guido is quite the foodie, especially loving Dolce and different cakes. He saw that you just opened up and decided to swing by after buying some supplies for his newest project. His stomach rumbled with just the smell of freshly-baked cake wafting into the air. And then he sees the cutie who was running the place - he remembered seeing you around the cafeteria area but you mostly stayed in the culinary section of the school. He regretted not talking to you earlier - You were so sweet and kind, helping him pick out the most delectable strawberry cake and laughing and beaming with pride when Guido complemented your cake. Guido definitely comes by often - to either eat cake or a quick pastry or to just chat you up. He was gonna tell Pannacotta about this place...But decided not to. He just wanted to be in your eyes a little longer. Like seeing you press a strawberry past his lips and smiling and giggling like an innocent angel...Oh, how he wanted to protect this smile. Guido even finds excuses to go to your bakery, just to see his sweet little chef. He'll definitely try to sweeten you up and try to get you to go out with him, it'll ease his mind even when he sees you chatting with the other male customers or that person you work with - Squalo.
Ghiaccio is a secret sweet tooth, he doesn't wanna deal with the bullshit he'll get for liking such sugary sweets. So he goes in private to different bakeries and shops for his fix. He just happened to walk by a display window of rather delectable macarons and tarts and decided to stop in. He's rather cold and uninviting, going straight to the point and ordering what he wanted. Ghiaccio watched you run around in the back kitchen since it was just you tonight, chattering and asking Ghiaccio. Letting him know that you just graduated from the school and opened your shop because you liked the area so much. Ghiaccio found it odd that you were so eager to learn about him - asking if he went there, what his major was, what he planned to do afterwards. No one really ever asked him or was interested, since he was usually reprimanded from his family of lawyers that he wanted to be an artist. It was just weird to have someone genuinely interested in him. He'll come back, but he says its because they were really good macrons. You even see him light up at the taste. He swings by for his usual order and it's usually quiet, but he begins to warm up to you. His heart throbbing when you just smile at him or listen to him rant, or even when you told him you just made a fresh batch of the macrons he liked because you knew he was coming in today. Ghiaccio felt...Loved. Like he could be himself with you. He'd cuss himself out for thinking romantic thoughts of you and melt at the thought of even just kissing you and seeing you smile just for him. But...the unexplainable rage he felt when he found out you mostly had a staff of men. His teeth ground and anger filled his brain when he saw that man, Carne, dare to touch his filthy hands on you or to even talk to you. He didn't belong there, none of them did...In fact, none of these cretins deserve to even be around you. You were his special person.
Noriaki was tired, dealing with his pack of grade schoolers and teaching them how to paint, breaking up paint fights, and etc. He needed a pick me up. He was gonna get coffee, but saw the delectable sweets you had displayed in the window - maybe something sugary can help. He couldn't deny how charming and delightful you were, and the pastries you made were simply delicious - his favorites had to be the cherry tart and the cherry cheesecake. He was delighted to talk to you, and he had someone to talk about his rowdy kids to since you were so interested. Noriaki could tell you had it in for him as well, with how you looked at him and those sweet smiles - not to be a narcissist, but he had plenty of people look at him like that in the past when they were crushing hard. He'd order from you for his students when they were doing well or for events. But he mostly came by for himself, chatting with you and enjoying your presence. You must put something in these baked goods, because he felt like cupid struck and arrow into his heart...So much that you were in his mind 24/7...He could black out and realize he made such a beautiful panting of you, either with the sweet smile and looking all innocent...Or his mind wandering and painting more lewd things, something that looked like cream on your face as you smile and take it...Oh, how he wanted to break that sweet and delightful person...
The Break
Pairing(s): Fem!MC/Yuu/Reader x TBD
Summary: MC finally shuts down from all of her acts of helping with overblots and the countless favors/demands that are asked of her. When the Prefect of Ramshackle is the one who needs help, who steps forward?
I am not the best at labeling warnings or triggers but I can say that this story is laden with neglect, self-neglect, anxiety, possible depression and attempts to justify the above. There could be more labels that I can add but i’m unsure how to word them - so please exercise caution.
Quick Note: The reader in this story is largely based upon Cinderella, for multiple reasons (#1 being that I want to and #2 being that I absolutely love Cinderella and think she’s amazingヾ(•ω•`)o ) . If that type of character behavior annoys or offends you, I recommend skipping this!
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I noticed there's no Garou on your masterlist soooo: Garou and “I know you don’t want this, but I’m going to continue until you need me.” or “I’m not doing this because I hate you, I do it because I love you.” Kinda similar wording but either could be wildly different.
(I think I've written for him once or twice, I'm just a lazy fuck who hasn't updated the masterlist lol)
Garou/Darling: "I know you don't want this, but I'm going to continue until you need me."
TW: noncon/dubcon
He knew it was stupid to take them, he knew it. But they never made it easy for him to think clearly. He had been wandering the streets, looking for any place he could sleep without drawing too much attention. The alleys didn't look comfortable, but it was better than nothing. And just by chance, ____ had spotted him on the sidewalk and--noting his scabbed-over wounds and bruises from a bout with a Hero--immediately dropped everything to ask if he needed help.
He'd never had anyone ask that before, and he didn't know what to say aside from the first thing that had come to mind: "I'm starving." Surprisingly ____ had just smiled and taken him to the nearby Don Quijote to buy him a ready-made meal, some snacks and drinks, and some bandages and disinfectant for his cuts. "There's a capsule hotel a few blocks from here," they'd said, motioning for Garou to follow them. "But I've only got enough spare cash to have you stay for a night or two. Hmm..." ____ looked him up and down. "You don't give off any creepy vibes...I've got a couch that turns into a futon, if you want to spend a few days in my apartment."
Garou's stomach was so full from the noodles they'd bought him, and he didn't want to spend any more time out in the cold if he didn't have to now that he had felt nice and warm over the hour they'd spent in the convenience store. Without thinking about if this was a trap or if it was a good idea to trust a stranger so much, he'd agreed and followed them to his temporary home.
Weeks had passed since then, and he'd just finished the last box of cookies that ____ had bought for him as he lay on the ruined couch of Takeo's "hideout." His primary focus was on survival, but he kept finding that his thoughts always led back to ____. They had cared for him without any reason to. Hell, they were the closest thing to a Hero he'd seen so far and they were a weak little thing. If he'd really wanted to, he could've torn them apart with just a flick of his fingers in their apartment.
That little realization quickly snowballed into a desire to keep an eye on ____, just to protect them from anyone who might take advantage of their kindness. Garou insisted that it was just so he could repay the debt he owed them, and that was all. Still, his mind couldn't help but wander more and more whenever he watched over them from afar. They were so blissfully unaware of Monsters, Heroes, just working their boring little job and coming home to their apartment with a tired smile. Every time he saw it he wished he was back on their couch to see them smile from a closer distance, hear them talk about their boring uneventful day and ask him again if he wanted green tea or black tea with his Cup Noodles. Feel them pat his back when they thought he was asleep. Feel their warmth against his skin. Against his tongue and teeth.
His eyes widened as he stared at them through the window. Where the fuck had THAT thought come from? He'd been so shocked and strangely flustered by it that he'd left to return to the hideout and tossed and turned on his couch until he eventually fell asleep. He'd never felt much interest in other people (romantic or otherwise) unless he was sparring or fighting someone worth his attention. But he didn't find himself wanting to fight ____; after all, it would be more of a slaughter than a fair bout. He was feeling...something. Something that made his face warm and his chest tight and his cock twitching whenever he imagined seeing their face.
The dream he'd had that night didn't help either. He had finally become the monster he'd always wanted to be, a terrifying mass of sharp fangs and claws with a menacing feral aura as he tore and slashed at everything that blocked his path. ____ was the only being that didn't run away in fear or tried in vain to attack him; instead, they'd walked slowly to him and carefully placed a hand on his snarling face before smiling sweetly. They discarded some of their clothes and then lay on the ground in front of them in only their underwear, beckoning him to come down and join them. Garou leaned down to pin them underneath him, tore their last bits of clothing with one of his claws, and licked a long stripe down their cheek before biting down on their neck. Just as he was about to mount them and fuck them senseless--
He'd woken up, sweating bullets with a hard-on straining against his pants. Fuck. Fuck, he needed to do something about this. He had started to pull down his pants and had only given his shaft a few pumps. Still, just fucking his hand and letting his imagination wander wasn't enough. He wanted ____'s warm body around him, to hear them whine and beg for him to fill them up and look at them panting underneath him while he pins their ankles over their head to mate with them like a fucking animal.
Garou growled in frustration and pulled up his underwater and the waistband of his pants, still half-hard. He wiped the precum off of his palm and headed out to break into ____'s apartment while they were at work. If he was going to do this for real, he'd need some time to prepare.
The first signs of guilt started to tug at the back of his mind when he entered their apartment once again. He had no idea if ____ wanted him like that or even felt anything outside of sympathy or pity for him after they'd found him wandering the streets. Was he really going to repay the person who'd been so kind to him by hurting them like this?
He sat on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to keep his thoughts from racing and think clearly. I want to be a monster, but this is...different, he thought. But monsters take what they want, don't they? They have the strength and power to do that, and then kill anyone who tries to get in the way. I want to do that. I want to BE that. He noticed a small framed photo of ____ with a friend on a nearby table and stared at it. Monsters don't fall in love though, assuming that's what I'm feeling right now. But I bet lots of them have mates. That's what I want. I want ____ to be my mate. I can still protect them and make them mine, even when I've finally become a monster.
He made his final decision and resolved himself, and headed to their bedroom to lie in wait for when they came home in an hour or so. If he was going to become the first human monster, then ____ would become the first human mate for him.
____ had only just locked their door before they got the feeling that something was off in their apartment. Nothing looked out of place, and they couldn't hear any signs of someone inside, but there was still something in the air that made their hair stand on end. They narrowed their eyes and reached for their phone to enter the emergency police number into the keypad, and as they cautiously walked through the house their finger hovered over the dial button.
Nothing in the kitchen. Nothing in the living room. Nothing in the bathroom. As they headed towards the only room left in the apartment, they held their breath and found themselves shaking slightly with every step forward. They had only gotten a few steps inside before a strong pair of arms grabbed them and quickly knocked the phone out of their hand. ____ tried to scream, but the intruder had already clapped a hand over their mouth before pinning them to the bed. ____'s eyes widened when they recognized the person looking down at them with shining golden eyes that made them shiver.
"Don't scream," Garou ordered quietly. "Or I'll have to make you quiet." He tightened his grip around their jaw and they whimpered. They reluctantly nodded and he moved his hand from their mouth to pin both of their arms above their head.
"Why?" ____'s voice was wobbly and thick with tears that were already threatening to spill. "I just wanted to help you. Please, Garou, don't do this. You don't have to--"
Garou's clothed cock brushed against their thighs as he started to rut against them. He had wanted to hold back long enough to explain why he was doing this, but after feeling their warm body squirming underneath his he couldn't take it any more. He tried to comfort them a bit by slightly loosening his grip on their wrists and caressing them with his thumb; when he leaned down to sloppily kiss them, he felt their tears as they wet both his and their cheeks.
He finally broke the kiss to pin their sides with his legs and hold them in place while he pulled their shirt off over their head and tugged their pants off. He was ready to pin their arms down the second he felt them try to escape or fight back, but all ____ did was cover their face now that their arms were free. He finally tore their panties off of them, leaving them completely naked and trembling before removing all of his own clothes as well. If he was going to claim ____ as a mate, he didn't want a single part of their bodies hidden from each other.
Garou clasped his hands around their wrists and slowly pushed them back to either side of their head so he could see their face again. As he rutted against their pressed-together thighs, smearing a thin layer of precum into their soft skin, he moaned and moved down to kiss and nip at their neck. "I know...you don't want this," he said haltingly, groaning when the head of his cock slipped between their plush thighs. "But I'm going to keep going until you need me, just as much as I need you." He used one free hand to pry their legs apart and pressed a thick index finger against their entrance; the two of them hissed as he explored their incredibly tight and velvety walls. He was unbearably warm before when he thought about touching them, but now he felt like his hand was melting inside of his mate's core.
Garou kissed their neck again as he continued to finger them, and when he bit down on their collarbone with his sharp canines they winced and cried out. He licked and gently kissed the wound as a small apology for getting to excited, but he also noted how their walls had clenched around his finger after he'd bitten them. Maybe he wasn't the only one that would enjoy him making his dreams come true.