demonboydaydream - Alive is a State of Mind
Alive is a State of Mind

rio | they/he | 21 | pure of heart, limp of wrist

835 posts

Demonboydaydream - Alive Is A State Of Mind - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

the fact that none of the night at the museum movies were rated over 50% by critics is a reminder that some ppl don’t know how to have fun. the first two movies were flawless. a night watch guard has to babysit museum displays that come to life, complete w old school villains and endless historical crossovers? incredible concept, incredible execution

7 months ago

The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download

The BBC is releasing over 16,000 sound effects for free download
Happy Mag
The BBC have released their incredible, expansive library of bizarre and obscure sound effects, all available for free download.
7 months ago

yo does anyone else feel CONSTANTLY guilty? like you’ve always done something wrong but you don’t know what it is?

7 months ago

we do need to revisit the wording of "you can't have your cake and eat it too" because i don't think it clearly enough conveys that it's more that you can't simultaneously retain a cake and also get to consume it (which would render you cakeless). for years i was like But why's my cake....?

7 months ago

reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions

7 months ago

He is bugs

He Is Bugs
He Is Bugs

Puffy sleeves and blues Senator Palpatine is matching the Euops genus of leaf-rolling weevils

He Is Bugs
He Is Bugs

Camarotus singularis and the chancellor’s spectacular sleeves

He Is Bugs
He Is Bugs

What in the world? Frog legged beetle Sagra Fulgida.

He Is Bugs
He Is Bugs

The Emperor is a pale imitation of the humble stag beetle. Lucanus Cervus.

He Is Bugs
He Is Bugs

What a brilliant color! Agrypnus agrillaceus.

8 months ago

Can we please stop it with the “the only transmasc music is whiney ukulele shit”??? Like first of all just say Cavetown we know you mean Cavetown. Second off, Cavetown is a good artist and shaming people for liking his music is weird and gross. Third off, there are way more transmasc artists out there yall just don’t care enough to look. (Ex. Ryan Cassata, Noah Finnce, The Oozes, just to name a few).

8 months ago

"Hard lemonade" it's called a lemon, dipshit!

8 months ago

i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.

8 months ago

Coming soon: my poison ability

8 months ago
8 months ago

Please take a minute to read our story in Gaza, after I lost my home for the third time, we lost our work, and we are in a tragic situation.

This sums up my daughter's situation with her four siblings. She cannot continue living without your help. Donate, share the story and send it to your friends. Any small amount helps save my children's lives, share now on your account.

The campaign has been verified by Nabulsi

Donate to Help the Munna Tashmali Family Rebuild Their Home and Future, organized by Asma Zubairi
A Family's Heartbreaking Struggle The Munna Tashmali fami… Asma Zubairi needs your support for Help the Munna Tashmali Family Rebuild Th

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8 months ago

ed zitron, a tech beat reporter, wrote an article about a recent paper that came out from goldman-sachs calling AI, in nicer terms, a grift. it is a really interesting article; hearing criticism from people who are not ignorant of the tech and have no reason to mince words is refreshing. it also brings up points and asks the right questions:

if AI is going to be a trillion dollar investment, what trillion dollar problem is it solving?

what does it mean when people say that AI will "get better"? what does that look like and how would it even be achieved? the article makes a point to debunk talking points about how all tech is misunderstood at first by pointing out that the tech it gets compared to the most, the internet and smartphones, were both created over the course of decades with roadmaps and clear goals. AI does not have this.

the american power grid straight up cannot handle the load required to run AI because it has not been meaningfully developed in decades. how are they going to overcome this hurdle (they aren't)?

people who are losing their jobs to this tech aren't being "replaced". they're just getting a taste of how little their managers care about their craft and how little they think of their consumer base. ai is not capable of replacing humans and there's no indication they ever will because...

all of these models use the same training data so now they're all giving the same wrong answers in the same voice. without massive and i mean EXPONENTIALLY MASSIVE troves of data to work with, they are pretty much as a standstill for any innovation they're imagining in their heads

8 months ago

people need to realise that a poor little meow meow must be a character who has committed atrocities you cannot poor little meow meow a good guy that’s not how this works

8 months ago
demonboydaydream - Alive is a State of Mind
8 months ago

stop blaming everyone for all of your problems. pick one sports team you hate and blame them for everything

8 months ago

having a king bed sounds scary what if you try to put the fitted sheet on and get lost in there and die like a caver

8 months ago

I’m watching this reality show with my brother that’s like a blacksmithing competition and some of these people look exactly like you’d expect blacksmiths to look and others look like the person in movies that blacksmiths would kick out of the tavern.

8 months ago
Can You Believe It Guys, Dashcon 10 Yr Anniversary, Just A Week Away

can you believe it guys, dashcon 10 yr anniversary, just a week away

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8 months ago
CONNIE PANZARINO At A Pride March In Boston Circa 1990

CONNIE PANZARINO at a pride march in Boston circa 1990

(...) “Trached dykes eat pussy without coming up for air.” Connie Panzarino, a longtime disability activist and out lesbian, would attach this sign to her wheelchair during
Pride marches in Boston in the early 1990s. Shockingly explicit, her sign refuses to cast
technology as cold, distancing, or disembodied/disembodying, presenting it instead as
a source and site of embodied pleasure.
“Trach” is an abbreviation of tracheotomy, a medical procedure in which a breathing tube is inserted directly into the trachea, bypassing the mouth and nose. Someone
with a trach, then, can, in effect, breathe through her throat, freeing her mouth for other
activities (another version of this sign is “Trached dykes french kiss without coming up
for air”). From a cyborgian perspective, this sign is brilliantly provocative and productive. It draws on the pervasive idea that adaptive technologies grant superior abilities,
not merely replacing a lost capacity but enhancing it, yet it does so in a highly subversive
way. The message here isn’t about blending in, about passing as normal or hypernormal,
but about publicly announcing the viability of a queer disabled location. It’s disnormalizing, adamantly refusing compulsory heterosexuality, compulsory able-bodiedness, and
homonormativity. As Corbett O’Toole argues, it challenges the perceived passivity of
disabled women, presenting them as actively pleasuring their partners, thereby graphically refuting stereotypes linking physical disability with nonsexuality.

the cyborg & the crip by Alison Kafer

8 months ago

she sum es est on my sumus estis till I sunt

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8 months ago

Well give me some alcohol and call me a hemiacetal because I'm feeling unstable

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8 months ago

packing all my mutuals a bowl unless you don’t smoke in which case it is soup in your bowl

8 months ago

1930s news about a trans woman: Well I'll be curfuffled young Corlotta Jhonson has transformed herself from a dandy into a dame and what a Bombshell she's become. And How!

1930s news about trans men: Wanted dead or alive this young lady who started wearing trousers, the tomboy terror known only as The Crust is wanted for snorting the President's personal stash of opium and has slain nearly every senate member in a pistol duel.