A Colorado based company that specializes in men's intimate apparel, fetish harnesses and much more. Over 90% of the pieces made are custom. There are limited edition pieces that can be found on our etsy site under ODDD. IF YOU LIKE THAT YOU SEE PLZ TELL US!
353 posts
A Throw Back From When We Made A Harness With A Matching Beret, In A Camo Print For An Event. If You

A throw back from when we made a harness with a matching beret, in a camo print for an event. If you bieleve in your self all things are possible! 🌈🌍 In honor of my late friend *** Model Ryan Meyers Photography by @robertarice *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #Pride #pride2019 #pridemonth (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTszdvhGZZ/?igshid=jlvkfkktvsvi
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Setti g the pouch on a pair of undies is such a rewarding step. It means we're almost done!!! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #twinks #twunk #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #black #red #circuitsaturday #jeffvance (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw5Yiz7H-TN/?igshid=q1r1h03ygy5g

Progress shots from @djsinnag 's vest. Upcycled shawl/scarf. We think this one went a step beyond. Wait till you see the reverse side! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #owningyoursexuality #unisex #scarvecinversion #shawlconversion (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxi7b8CBoii/?igshid=5tq5ojzhfjhn

Progress pics from the Pride faux vest custom made for @djsinnag. Pictured are the pocket welts. Fun fact: We love making these soo oddly satisfying when they are dose! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #gaypride2019 #glbtq #equality #lovewins #unisex #gaypride (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzL54gyhbCa/?igshid=135ckkf2uxjsb

Another look we made for pride 2014! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #pickofday #twink #twinks #twunk (at Civic Center Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByseLlLhUJW/?igshid=mt7eitse21zb

More progress pics of the Tim Drake cosplay, we hope you enjoy. This last few weeks have been a tad challenging here at Denver ODDD. Hope you don't mind the break. We will be back up and posting on a regular basis here shortly! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #roughlastfewweeks #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #black #red #cosplay #robin #timdrake #holeybatman #progresspics (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdVD2yAja5/?igshid=11afhvnixnosq