A Colorado based company that specializes in men's intimate apparel, fetish harnesses and much more. Over 90% of the pieces made are custom. There are limited edition pieces that can be found on our etsy site under ODDD. IF YOU LIKE THAT YOU SEE PLZ TELL US!
353 posts
Can You Guess What's Cookin Now!? #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay

Can you guess what's cookin now!? #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #razorbacktop #jock #jockstrap #curiosity #mesh #meshtop #pickofday #picsofday #illusion #tatooillusion (at Denver ODDD)
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Few!! That was a ton of work. Well worth it tho. Just finished re-folding & organizing the fabric wall after the move. It's taken 2 days. Now it's all done!!! If your in town & would like a custom pair of undies or a top, or if your going to be in town please inbox us as we've to make something custom just for you! #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #cheeky #razorbacktop #booty #fabricwall #studio #pickofday (at Denver ODDD)
Would any of our fallowers like exclusive content we can't post on other sites?
Plz let us know know what your thinking!

Today in Denver it was cold and gloomy, we spent the day going threw the buttons on cards. About 80%of them are vintage. So intricate with such detail some of these are like walking down history it's self. #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #buttons #vintage #vintagebuttons #sewingessentials #sewingnotions (at Denver ODDD)

More progress!! #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #stretchlace #teal #oneofakind (at Denver ODDD)

It's good to keep busy, we love to see how the fabrics morph in to a finished pair of sexy goodness. Each as unique as the next, just like each person they are destined for! #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #Rockets #curiosity #mesh #oneofakind #picsofday (at Denver ODDD)