desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune
Desert Rose's Dune

♡ She / Her ♡ 21! Honestly, you will find a bit of everything here. Mainly Sans!

138 posts

Desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune

desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune
desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune
desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune
desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune
desertrose244 - Desert Rose's Dune
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More Posts from Desertrose244

2 years ago

*Is hyperventilating

*Punching kicking screaming

'Yeah, I'm good.'

Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.
Quaritch's Awakening Scene.

Quaritch's awakening scene.

Better quality, longer gifs can be found here.

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2 years ago
Peachy Keen! By @sunnybeewriting Is 14K First Chapter To A Story I Am Already Absolutely In Love With!

Peachy Keen! by @sunnybeewriting is 14K first chapter to a story I am already absolutely in love with! We love an MC with a boat load of lovable personality, and even better side characters! (Margot I love you)

Peachy Keen! By @sunnybeewriting Is 14K First Chapter To A Story I Am Already Absolutely In Love With!
Peachy Keen! By @sunnybeewriting Is 14K First Chapter To A Story I Am Already Absolutely In Love With!
Peachy Keen! By @sunnybeewriting Is 14K First Chapter To A Story I Am Already Absolutely In Love With!
Peachy Keen! By @sunnybeewriting Is 14K First Chapter To A Story I Am Already Absolutely In Love With!

The fic is also posted on Tumblr! So you don't even have to leave site to read it, what excuse do you have?!?

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2 years ago

I spent ages on this cute drawing of my dream where it was just watching a movie on a couch with Paps and Sans and paint crashed so now its gone WHY WHY WHY

I Spent Ages On This Cute Drawing Of My Dream Where It Was Just Watching A Movie On A Couch With Paps


*how 'bout we do something else? SAVE yourself the stress

I Spent Ages On This Cute Drawing Of My Dream Where It Was Just Watching A Movie On A Couch With Paps

*PAINT too bad of an idea now is it?

I Spent Ages On This Cute Drawing Of My Dream Where It Was Just Watching A Movie On A Couch With Paps

*this is getting pretty sketchy now.

*how bout a time out?

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2 years ago

This is Cringe. (Sans x Reader)

(1k words)

You cringed at this... feeling. 

How pathetic. You have fallen in love with Sans the skeleton, and you have a feeling it won't go away any time soon. It's not like it ever went away, when you tried to surpress it for god knows how long.

You shouldn't be this way. You shouldn't crave for him. He is just some fictional character. Why do you have romantic interest in him anyways? He isn't even human like to begin with, and people see him as someone that is 'unattractive'.

It doesn't help the fact that some people associate being this way as "dumb" or "childish" worse, people would think you are...


There is a familiar skeleton in the corner of your vision, he is at the end of the room, while you were still sitting on your bed sulking at your own miserable thoughts. He was staring at you, his sockets are half lidded, yet slanted to make a sad look, he usually never break his smile, yet he has a frown on his mouth.

"are you.. ok?"

You look towards your imaginary friend.. You immediately spoke.

"I wish I didn't like you." 


You look away. There was nothing there anyways... This is stupid. Why are you even speaking to him someone who is not even here.

You heard the skeleton sighed.

"... i know." 

An awkward silence took place between the both of you. No. It's not 'both of you'.. It's just.. you.

You heard the skeleton cracked his knuckles and seemingly stretching his body. He groaned by his own movements.

"ya know. i got a question for ya'."

Your body perked from the sudden break of silence.

"i wanna know, why are you feelin' this? you're not doing anything bad, you're not hurting anyone, it's not like you're forcing people to like it either."


It was an easy question, you answered to the voice.


"Because.. it's 'cringe'.. It's not like.. sans would ever like me back."


"heh. well, you can always imagine himself doin that. side's sans is not real, is he?"


You look back to the figure there was a longing, something that makes you want to wish that was not the case, yet wanting to distance yourself for ever wanting it in the first place.


"Even if he were real he probably don't like me either, so I shouldn't like sans to begin with.."


"tch, kid,"


He shook his head, and then raised his point finger/phalange.


"first of all, there is no possible universe where sans is real. so lets throw that argument out of the gate. because 'it doesn't matter'."


then the middle phalange raised as well.


"second, there are benefits for sans being in a fantasy, you can shape em' in different ways, because 'why the hell not'."


Finally. He raises his index finger.


"third, before you argue back, there is nothing wrong with that. i mean, you should trust me, cuz' i'm the judge over here. heh."


He puts his hands back on the pockets of his hoodie.


"and judgin' based on your face and posture.. you just wanted someone to be there for you. cared for you, or maybe.. you want to care for sans and give him affection that you think he deserves, do you know how much people say that about their fictional 'waifus'? you're not alone, bud, and there is others like you.."


"Yeah but.. you don't look 'appealing' to most people. Most people think I am weird for liking someone that's """ugly""" as if it's their business.. as if the only way to fall in love is to 'be sexy' and 'hot'. People don't understand that I relate to your personality, that I sympathise with you, that I think you are really funny.. most people think.. that I'm..."


Before you could finish, he intervened your thoughts.


"why should you care? you just like something that not everyone likes, not everyone will understand, and that's ok, i mean, more of yer'self for sans, right?"


He winked. You shudder and broke the gaze of him for the second time.


"Even the creator of you, feels bad that I have a crush on you. Why shouldn't I feel bad for myself?"


"so what? ever heard of death of the author? yes his input does matter in some cases considering he is the creator, but it's not anyones business to tell you shouldn't like a character, and i'm pretty sure he meant it in a light hearted way."


"But... it won't be 'the real you'."


"... who gives a shit on what 'the real sans' is?"


"I do."


The skeleton figure slowly walks towards you.

"everyone has different interpertations of me, everyone always disagrees on what sans would, and wouldn't do. would sans be an edgy vengeful guy, who would kill you, after you kill papyrus? or is he just some guy that is silly as hell that makes fart jokes, and annoy you? would sans be giving you a pep talk about how cringe culture is dead? who the hell knows,"

He shrugs.

"well 'cept tobes' course, but uh, it's not fun if he gives away all the answers, it's why speculation is fun, well, as long as you don't force your 'fandom beliefs' onto other people. not everyone will think the same way, and that's ok."


He finally is in front of your body, his phalanges reach out to your chin, to pull him to see his face. Still having a frown, filled with concern for you.


"i don't want you to feel bad for something that.. won't ever matter in the end. heh. we only have so little time here, so why not enjoy something that makes you feel nice, just for a bit?"

You smiled. He's right.. it doesn't matter. It's okay, and you know you're not hurting anyone aswell. Seeing that sparkle of acceptance in your eyes, he copied your face, and smile back.

"so... would 'the real you' have a crush on sans deltarune from the hit indie game undertale?" He winked, and teased you.

You rolled your eyes and chuckled.


Yeah.. maybe.. you would.

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2 years ago

Ah yes, my first and only fict crush, truly the love of all time lol

Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol
Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol

Sansnomally/ sans x reader doodles under the cut.

Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol
Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol
Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol
Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol
Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol
Ah Yes, My First And Only Fict Crush, Truly The Love Of All Time Lol

Sans revenge ->


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