devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!

any pronouns | anime | tv shows | anything queer tbh | fanfic | ya books | history and literature | anything worth obsessing over | the devil but in a fun way |

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Devilsbiggestmistakeblr - Mazy! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
I Am Asking You Once Again To Please Go Read @nomercyonlytears Noise Breaking
I Am Asking You Once Again To Please Go Read @nomercyonlytears Noise Breaking

i am asking you once again to please go read @nomercyonlytears noise breaking

also if you're following the story and aren't caught up please block the #noise breaking tag bc I can and do yell about it frequently.

5 months ago
There Is A Disease And That Disease Is Called NOISE BREAKING. Sketch Dump Feat. Clingy Johnny, Nighttime

There is a disease and that disease is called NOISE BREAKING. Sketch dump feat. clingy Johnny, nighttime reading and onions.

5 months ago
@mulhomynym23-blog, Ok Ok I Know My Man's A Dumbass But He's Good At Some Things AND BEING HOT SHIT ON

@mulhomynym23-blog, ok ok I know my man's a dumbass but he's good at some things AND BEING HOT SHIT ON A MOTORBIKE IS ONE OF THEM

@mulhomynym23-blog, Ok Ok I Know My Man's A Dumbass But He's Good At Some Things AND BEING HOT SHIT ON
@mulhomynym23-blog, Ok Ok I Know My Man's A Dumbass But He's Good At Some Things AND BEING HOT SHIT ON
5 months ago

This 90s Lawrusso's fanart is inspired by menocchio's Noise Breaking, which blows my mind every time I read it, I've been struggling with this fanart for a long time, hoping it's not too bad😉

This 90s Lawrusso's Fanart Is Inspired By Menocchio's Noise Breaking, Which Blows My Mind Every Time
5 months ago

extremely niche but hello lawrusso fans i am finally reading the tuning series and holy shit it’s incredible

5 months ago
devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!
devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!
5 months ago
We May Watch The Same Show But I Watch It Gayer

we may watch the same show but i watch it gayer

5 months ago
devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!
devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!
6 months ago
Someone Said Danyara Meets Sansaery Here It Is

someone said danyara meets sansaery here it is

6 months ago
devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!

devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!

Tbf, if the guy commits corporate espionage on a regular basis, goes drug running for his cousin, puts up with sexual harrowing from his boss and has lied in front of congress for his company…well, maybe he *is* earning the money.

6 months ago

class divide & struggle in haikyuu

haikyuu twitter has brought up the theme of class struggle in hq and it really got me thinking just how subtle and effective furudate is in portraying class divide throughout the story.

hinata is introduced riding a bike, seeing volleyball through a store TV (not his own like Hoshiumi, Ushijima, Kageyama), and years later he's still riding a bike up and down a mountain every day for an hour to get to school and practice. how the gyms in the public schools like nekoma and karasuno have stages because they're multipurpose, as opposed to the specific volleyball facilities that shiratorizawa and other private schools have. the bond that nekoma and karasuno have as being the public schools in their prefectures, being known as "scavengers", taking what they can get and fighting tooth and nail for it. THE DUMPSTER BATTLE.

Shiratorizawa Academy vs. Karasuno High. almost every other school (aoba johsai, shiratorizawa, kamomedai) having non-volleyball team-specific tracksuits and merch, while karasuno wears the generic "ics" athletic wear. star players like ushijima and hirugami having family that played pro-volleyball and got them started from a young age in professional spaces.

daichi's nightmare about the basketball team overtaking their gym and not letting them practice. kageyama noticing right away that the floors in the all-japan youth camp weren't wooden. takeda working overtime to try to get gyms reserved, practice matches organized, buses rented out. ukai still working at his grocery store his entire first year coaching karasuno (suggesting that karasuno couldn't afford to pay him enough).

karasuno having to adjust to the lights and the height of the ceiling at nationals, when all the other teams were used to it. karasuno renting out that little old inn for nationals, right next to the giant, 25-floor hotel that other teams were staying in. inarizaki intimidating their opponents with their huge student section, affording to literally transfer an entire student BAND from hyogo to tokyo.

it's the reason that there's something specifically annoying about ushijima when we first meet him, something off-putting as we see hinata and kageyama watching shiratorizawa practicing for the first time in their fancy gym at their huge school. something infuriating about hearing ushijima talk down to hinata and basically dismiss karasuno as a threat entirely. when ushijima says aoba johsai is "infertile soil", hinata thinks, if they are infertile soil, then I Am Hinata Shoyo from the Concrete. and our concrete school, despite all odds, despite lack of resources and funding and reputation, will still beat you. i don't have what you have and yet i will still make it to the top!!!!!!!

7 months ago
As We All Know. The Trojans Are Living In A Sports Anime, The Foxes Are In Riverdale (enjoying The Triumphs

As we all know. The Trojans are living in a sports anime, the Foxes are in Riverdale (enjoying the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of collegiate exy), and Jean Moreau is y/n in a My mom sold me to One Direction fanfic

7 months ago

Aaron and andrew have the ultimate bros before hoes pact and both of them chose hoes

7 months ago

There are a lot of contrasts between Neil and Jean's point of view but my favourite is the fact that Neil is not aware of physical attraction as a concept while Jean is attracted to everyone he meets and REALLY pissed of about it.

7 months ago

Neil: *staring non-stop at Andrew*

Jean: *not so subtle and looking at Jeremy every chance he got*

Kevin: If I were attracted to a blonde man, I'd keep that to myself.

7 months ago

Listen, you know why Andrew loves Neil? Why Neil Abram Josten was the one Andrew would allow into his inner space, to allow growing roots where Andrew keeps the remaining fragments of his heart?

Because hardly anyone respects Andrew's boundaries. Renee does. Bee does. Wymack does. Andrew respects his own boundaries to the point of enforcing them at knife point.

But Neil? Neil Abram Josten?

He views Andrew's boundaries as sacred.

Renee, Bee, and Wymack would view crossing Andrew's boundaries as disrespectful at best and a violation at worst. They earned his trust that way.

But NEIL???

Neil views crossing Andrew's boundaries as a fucking sin. As blasphemous. A devoted disciple would sooner spit in their God's face than Neil ever conceiving of crossing Andrew's boundaries.

Some people would look at you erecting brick walls covered in barbed wire and would start looking for a good crack to aim a sledgehammer. Some people would watch you lock a door and try knocking, just once, to see if you'll open it for them. And some people would watch you draw a line in the sand and never dream of stepping over it.

Neil parked his ass on the other side of Andrew's barbed wired multi-layered brick wall surrounding his concrete bunker and stayed there, running his mouth. And when Andrew revealed the hidden door, Neil smiled, stayed put, and kept talking.

Andrew didn't fall for Neil because Neil wouldn't come in.

He fell because Neil waited for Andrew to come out, waited for Andrew to extend his hand, and waited for Andrew to lead him inside by his own volition.

And that's why Neil was the one who earned Andrew's "Stay".

7 months ago

It’s so funny going from Neil’s asexual pov to jeans definitely NOT asexual pov

Neil: Kevin is tall and has a tattoo

Jean: pretty boy with a soft smile and beautiful green eyes

Neil: Renee is a women and has hair

Jean: a force of hope and beauty, an anomaly in a world that’s ugly and bleak. She is the sun.

Neil: Jeremy is the captain of the Trojans and he smiles a lot for some reason

Jean: his bleach blonde hair frames his tanned freckled skin, his broad shoulders and tiny waist give way to his thicc thighs and ass

But also the reverse

Neil: Andrews strong unwavering frame and honey colored eyes

Jean: the tiny goalkeeper

7 months ago

was it casual when you stopped me from running before you even knew me, then became the reason I stayed?

was it casual when you touched my back on your way by, fingers light enough to give me goose bumps?

was it casual when I pressed your palm to the ugly scarring across my abdomen and your eyes dropped to my shirt like you could see the marred skin through the dark cotton?

was it casual when I willingly got tortured for your sake?

was it casual when i hid your armbands under my pillow, or when I gave you back the mean to protect yourself even though I was advised against it?

was it casual when there was nowhere for me to stand except up against you, but somehow I didn't mind, was it casual when your body next to mine reminded me why I stayed, was it casual when I remembered this unyielding, unquestioning weight that could hold me and all of my problems up without breaking a sweat?

was it casual that for the first time in months I could finally breathe again, that your presence was such a relief it was frightening, because I hadn't meant to lean on you so much?

was it casual when "The next time someone comes for you, stand down and let me deal with it. Do you understand?" "If it means losing you, then no”?

was it casual when "You were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs” "I'm not a hallucination” "You are a pipe dream”?

was it casual when I plucked your cigarette off the sidewalk and stuck it between my lips and tipped my head back to meet your unwavering gaze and tapped two fingers to my temple in your mocking salute?

was it casual when I felt a half-second from losing my mind, but then you said my name and my thoughts ground to a startled halt?

was it casual when "You like me” "I hate you” "You never said anything” “Why should I have? Nothing will come of it"?

was it casual when "I want to see you lose control”?

was it casual when "Am I bothering you?” "Beyond the telling” "Interesting, last week you said nothing gets under your skin”?

was it casual when “But I trust you” "You shouldn't" "Says the man who stopped”?

was it casual when I took the pint from your unresisting fingers, stacked it on top of mine, and leaned in, but didn't dare to touch you until you gave me a green light?

was it casual when time was nothing, seconds were days, were years, were the breaths that caught between our mouths and the bite of my fingernails against my palms, the scrape of teeth against my lower lip and the warm slide of a tongue against mine? was it casual when I could feel your heartbeat thrumming against mg wrists, a staccato rhythm that echoed in my veins? was it casual when I wondered how a man who viewed the world with such studied disconnect could kiss like this? was it casual when I had forgotten what it was like to be touched without malicious intent?

was it casual when I didn't know if I could get my hands back in my pockets without brushing up against you, so I tucked them behind my back instead?

was it casual when “It is just a key” "You're a foster child, you know it isn't"? was it casual when I had toyed with your house key so many times I knew every dip and ridge by heart?

was it casual when "If you hit me again” "You'll what?"?

was it casual when I protected you by yanking someone away even though the agony that shot from my fingertips to the elbows almost took me off my feet?

was it casual when your expression was deceptively calm, but there was iron in your grip when you seized my chin? was it casual when you let go of me so you could tug my hood out of the way, when you dragged a finger along the lines of tape keeping the myriad of bandages in place as if looking for the best place to start?

was it casual when you froze with your hand a few scant inches from my face, when your expression didn't change, but there was a new tension in your shoulders that didn't bode well for anyone in the room?

was it casual when I knew better than to touch you yet but I got as close as I could and framed your face between my bandaged hands, when you could have easily pushed me aside, but after a short pause you got settled again?

was it casual when "Am I at ninety-four yet?" "You are at one hundred"?

was it casual when "Get away from us, If you make me repeat myself you will not live to regret it”?

was it casual when "Did they tell you who I am?" "They didn't have to, I choked the answers out of Kevin on the way here”?

was it casual when "If you tell me to leave, I'll go” "You're staying with us. If they try to take you away they will lose”?

was it casual when "I have to go, I don't trust them to give you back"?

was it casual when "Can I really be Neil again?" "I told Neil to stay, leave Nathaniel buried in Baltimore with his father”?

was it casual when you threw yourself out of the goal like all of hell was at your heels?

was it casual when "I thought you knew how to run” I thought you told me to stop running” "Survival tip: no one likes a smart mouth” "Except you"?

7 months ago

homophobes are not allowed to use computers because the inventor of the computer was gay

7 months ago
Hot Girl And Potato Looking Boyfriend
Hot Girl And Potato Looking Boyfriend

Hot Girl and potato looking boyfriend

7 months ago


I’m trying to make a point to a friend

7 months ago

Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it

Reading Amazing Fanfiction, Then Forgetting To Bookmark It
7 months ago
devilsbiggestmistakeblr - mazy!
8 months ago
No Way Jesse Armstrong Made Tomgreg Canon In 2024
No Way Jesse Armstrong Made Tomgreg Canon In 2024
No Way Jesse Armstrong Made Tomgreg Canon In 2024
No Way Jesse Armstrong Made Tomgreg Canon In 2024

No way Jesse Armstrong made Tomgreg canon in 2024 😭😭