26 Female. You can call me Dexa
315 posts
Dexamphetamines - RUEMINATION - Tumblr Blog
I've been reading up on Witchcraft and I got to the point where it says 'it was forbidden to practice by law' and got so mad.
The origin of the word 'witchcraft' means 'Craft of the Wise' and there never was anything supernatural about it, only women being smart and knowing everything about nature. They were forbidding women to be smart, to practice their own knowledge of medicine, herbology and healing. If a woman chooses to be wise thats her deal and nobody should stand between her and her skills. But they did that, and that's not all they did.
The practice od burning witches wasn't 'insanity' or 'everyone suddenly believing magic is real', it was strategic takedown of female social and economic standing. Women in that age would inherit property and wealth from their deceased husbands, they could hold their own and practice their own trades and say no to men and men didn't like that.
So they simply made it legal to kill women.
All of the land women owned, was now back in male hands, all of our crafts, knowledge and trades, lost to future generations, all the economic value changed hands back to male via torture and murder. It became incredibly easy to threaten women again; if she said no to a man, he would simply accuse her of witchcraft and have her tortured and killed, if she talked back, threat of burning, if she misbehaved, threat of torture. It was legal. They could kill women and force them into slavery, legally.
This is talked about as if it was very long ago. On the land I stand on, witches were burned 250 years ago. That is only 3 lifespans. There are books women wrote about it, that I read as a child. It left a mark on my life; it left damage on all collective female land ownership, economic power, female knowledge of medicine, nature and plants. I can't imagine where we'd be if it all kept being passed down, I bet far from trying to convince male doctors that our pain is real, far from endless female-specific chronic and debilitating illnesess, far from having to appeal to males or work all our life in order to have land to live on.
I wont forget why we're here, or that we live in a system that can make it legal to kill us if we happen to accrue to much, and if we're not easy to subdue. And I refuse to feel afraid. This has to be fought against. It has to end.

gucci décor by Mary Gaudin
I don't think men who consume porn should be allowed on juries (for trials on sex crimes). If a woman who has been raped is "too biased" for cases involving sexual assault, then a man who gains sexual pleasure from violent, degrading, humiliating, misogynistic content that's been PROVEN to reduce empathy in men towards women who've been raped (and women in general) and leads them to believe victim blaming myths about women and sexual violence (ex. being hurt turns women on, women unconsciously want to be raped and put themselves in situations where they're likely to be hurt, rape is not that traumatizing and easy to get over, etc.) are also too biased.

by Allison Meier

what doesn't kill you makes you stay on tumblr for 13 years and counting

yeah i choose the bear ❤️
fuck it i'm going to become a member of LGB alliance and go to all the online events at this point

Scarlett Fever - Vogue UK (1996)
Honor Fraser by Arthur Elgort
why are single fathers in my dms flirting. maybe if you, used whore, chose better and treated your woman better you would not be single now. you should have kept your dick to yourself and be more responsible.
Going on reddit is like
"AITA? I (21F) told my husband (45M) to be nicer to me after he threatened to beat me to death in front of our child and now he says I'm manipulating him"

I said what I said

Mauritian Sunset - Sandy Smith, 2006

i’m vibrating with anger apparently only women can cook, clean, count their calories and be submissive now. even more evidence of TRAs setting feminists & LGB activists back decades.

You cannot convince me this rhetoric isn't a coercive promotion of corrective rape towards Lesbians. Like, it's okay to be/realize you're actually bisexual you know.

“Hi I’m a lesbian and I fucking love dick” -🤡

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