diamondnature2 - No Free Wifi For You
No Free Wifi For You

Instagram: @no_free_wifi_for_you I am more active there :) https://instagram.com/no_free_wifi_for_you?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

146 posts

Hello Everyone! The First Episode Of A Comic I Made Called 'The Subjects' On We Toon Had Just Come Out!

Hello Everyone! The First Episode Of A Comic I Made Called 'The Subjects' On We Toon Had Just Come Out!

Hello everyone! The first episode of a comic I made called 'The Subjects' on we toon had just come out! You guys can check it out if you want!

More Posts from Diamondnature2

3 years ago

Penguins of Madagascar as TikToks

3 years ago

Hot take but I don’t think “Hetero” couples in fiction are boring actually I just think they’re boring because we see the same m/f couples every single time.

Allow me to elaborate:

Usually every m/f couple we see in media consists of two conventionally attractive, young, skinny, allosexual, cishet, gender conforming, often white people. And you can always see the relationship coming a mile away.

Imagine how much better it would feel if you saw more of THESE kinds of m/f couples in media:

Fat characters involved in the relationship, and not made into a joke

Disabled characters involved in the relationship, and not made into a joke

A man happily in love with a gnc or masculine woman

A woman happily in love with a gnc or feminine man

Bisexual or pansexual men and women in love with the opposite sex (and bi for bi, Pan for Pan couples)

A man happily in love with a trans woman

A woman happily in love with a trans man

Trans for trans m/f couples

Asexual and gray-sexual people in romantic relationships and being respected in those relationships

Two middle aged people entering a new relationship, with the same attention and slow burn and tension as any young pairing (because middle aged and elder people have love lives too, and can fall in love again even if they’ve been married before!! See Kane/Abby in the 100.)

More POC x POC relationships!

A man who stays at home and takes care of kids x a working woman who isn’t criticized for not being home enough

Supportive parents to queer kids

Punk/alternative/goth m/f couples and parents (bc I just think that’s cool)

Couples who get together and then realize they’re better as friends, and have a healthy breakup while staying super close (and not creating secret drama)

Neurodivergent people involved in the relationship (adhd/autistic men and women infodumping to their supportive partner... happy stimming after a cute interaction with their crush.. it’s just so good) and not made into a joke or infantilized!


People who aren’t conventionally attractive in a loving relationship, and there isn’t any drama or weird side plot about “learning to love someone for what’s on the inside!!”

and so many more I could think of!!!

Just something to think on. (And remember, not all m/f couples are “hetero”. If you’re still saying “ew heteros!!” every time you see a straight couple, now is the time to stop.)

3 years ago
Beta TOH
Beta TOH
Beta TOH
Beta TOH
Beta TOH
Beta TOH

Beta TOH

3 years ago
Are Yall Tired Of Me Yet??
Are Yall Tired Of Me Yet??

are yall tired of me yet??