genderfluid filled with she/her (20) i like robots, monsters, women, men and more a lot so expect that in reblogs and such pfp is revan from knights of the old republic (the comic)
501 posts
Hello This A Long Shot Call, Am A Citizen Of Palestine. I Am Here To Request For Your Support To Help
Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, I was diagnosised with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week.My donation link is available on my pinned post
diamondradiant reblogged this · 7 months ago
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here's all of them I didn't make the Wednesday one just the others

posted a month ago on my patreon, original post by @turing-tested, @dog-on-it-tm, @khazel-t, @prettyboy-bigfoot (@clearcutcasualty), @rankeluck, @world-heritage-posts, @icecreamsavant, @yumiiiiiii, @jessbeinme15, @spacepaprika, @rat-on-fire, @thehottestmess, @vang0bus, @royal-random-the-yogurt-queen, @astraltrickster, @rubykgrant, @vaultoffaggotry, @adamsmasher, @cartoondog, and @unstablebill can be found here
like my omagpies comics? consider supporting me for early access and the simple pleasure of gently taping a $1 bill to my forehead here!
edit: thank you for all the love! reminding that there are many, Many more comics in my omagpies tag, and honorably mentioning @things-about-cars-in-posts for unveiling the mystery
why the fuck is it called the xbox 360 what does 360 mean???????????????????

Guys. Do you see the vision. Do you see it.
Please scream about Bandit/Arti to me it’s literally taken over my life. Bad bitch and the pathetic man that’s obsessed with her PLEASE AM I MAKING SENSE