diamondradiant - radiating a funny feeling in the air
radiating a funny feeling in the air

genderfluid filled with she/her (20) i like robots, monsters, women, men and more a lot so expect that in reblogs and such pfp is revan from knights of the old republic (the comic)

501 posts

Please Donate Or Share

Please donate or share 😓

It's been almost 5 months and we haven't reached 50% of the goal⁉️

We're less than €2500 away from reaching it!

Who can help push my family's campaign now? 🫶🩷🇵🇸

‼️Even if you can't donate, please at least share‼️


More Posts from Diamondradiant

6 months ago

Hello dears👋! I am asking you👈 to support my campaign to help me🙏 reach my goal. I am now in dire need of your support to help me survive👇Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family survive through your donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by the oppressed🇵🇸


Tags :
6 months ago

Yes yes, I too am very sad and annoyed that Trump is not dead, I got all breathlessly excited and queued up "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" to be ready for a great announcement, and then I didn't even get to play it. It's a huge bummer.

However, step two of this huge bummer is NOT "Oh no and now his fandom will be EVEN MORE ANNOYING, we have basically already lost :((((" That is the devil speaking. Step two is to say "Ah heck, his fandom is going to be even more annoying, better FUCKING VOTE AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE I KNOW ALSO VOTES" Stop your worthless defeatism, stop your stupid pessimism, stop trying to GIVE UP AND SURRENDER just cause one weird thing happened.


7 months ago

posted a month ago on my patreon, original post by @turing-tested, @dog-on-it-tm, @khazel-t, @prettyboy-bigfoot (@clearcutcasualty), @rankeluck, @world-heritage-posts, @icecreamsavant, @yumiiiiiii, @jessbeinme15, @spacepaprika, @rat-on-fire, @thehottestmess, @vang0bus, @royal-random-the-yogurt-queen, @astraltrickster, @rubykgrant, @vaultoffaggotry, @adamsmasher, @cartoondog, and @unstablebill can be found here

like my omagpies comics? consider supporting me for early access and the simple pleasure of gently taping a $1 bill to my forehead here!

edit: thank you for all the love! reminding that there are many, Many more comics in my omagpies tag, and honorably mentioning @things-about-cars-in-posts​ for unveiling the mystery

7 months ago
Guys. Do You See The Vision. Do You See It.
Guys. Do You See The Vision. Do You See It.
Guys. Do You See The Vision. Do You See It.

Guys. Do you see the vision. Do you see it.

Please scream about Bandit/Arti to me it’s literally taken over my life. Bad bitch and the pathetic man that’s obsessed with her PLEASE AM I MAKING SENSE