Re-found my teenage tumblr during quarantine 2020, Still kinda the same person at 19 though...

168 posts

Supernatural Season 11 Just Came To Netflix!!!!!

Supernatural season 11 just came to netflix!!!!!

More Posts from Dinahjo

8 years ago

Harsh words turn sweet

Word count: 1.5K

Summary: Dan has always playfully called Phil names and taunted him, but after a while it starts to feel a little less playful and Phil is getting hurt from it. 

“Phil, you idiot, don’t put the camera there,” Dan joked, laughing at him. Phil smiled, but it felt like Dan had pricked him with a pin. He wasn’t an idiot, and he knew that Dan was just joking, but it still hurt a little. This had been happening for a while, it never used to get to him but recently it had. He shrugged it off as usual, knowing Dan meant no harm, but it had chipped at his self-esteem. One chip of many. He helped him move the camera somewhere Dan deemed more sensible and went to his room. He flipped open his laptop, going onto YouTube to see what his friends had been up to. He watched Pj’s new video, smiling at how creative he was, loving the music even if he didn’t understand the lyrics.

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8 years ago
If It Stopped Would You Miss Me?

If it stopped… … would you miss me?

8 years ago
8 years ago


8 years ago

One thing I hate about being mentally ill is that literally anything can trigger you. You can be totally fine and then like someone can drop their paper and suddenly you’re suicidal.

(via collectedthoughts)