Hello and come in. If you dare! My drawings and drawings of my AUs and OCS will be here. If you have questions about one of them, let me know or if you want to chat or show me some fanart, that's ok to.AO3 account- DisasterDuo
840 posts
Idk How I Feel About My Aus
Idk how I feel about my aus
but mostly the pirate fairytale one, I have a plot but I also want to add something other stuff and… idk I might make it an Ask Au
crumpet-doodles liked this · 7 months ago
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oh look, im not dead- uhhh... have some fluffy?
sorry for dissapearing aa, tumblr is a little overhelming ;w; ill try to come here more tho, maybe, lets see!

((too. many. incorrect quotes. you know the drill, too long, click read more for em.))
Sun: Peeling those sour rainbow gummy strips into long thin strings and putting them into a can of Fizzy Faz with Sunnydrops in them to create something I'm calling battery acid spaghetti, will update once I've finished it! (Later…) Sun: Don't… do this. Jack-O-Moon: Don't tell me what to do! (Later…) Jack-O-Moon: Don't do this. Moon: What exactly made you think that was a good idea…?
Freddy: Anyone d- Roxy: Depressed? Sun: Drained? Chica: Dying of hunger? Monty: Disliked? Freddy: …done with their work. What is wrong with you people…?
Sun: You are my twin and best friend. I would do anything for you. Moon: I want you to have a decent sleep schedule. Sun: Absolutely not.
(Sun is sobbing in front of a Fizzy Faz vending machine.) Sun: I JUST WANTED A DRINK. (Later…) Sun: Hi. Moon: Hey. Sorry about the chaos… Sun: I just wanted some Fizzy Faz…
(Sun sees Moon up in a high place with no way up there.) Sun: Moon! What the heck are you doing? Moon: ._.; Sun: HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE?!
Moon: YES! SLEEEEEEEP! Zzzzzz…
(There are two Suns.) Freddy: How will we know who is the real Sun? Moon: I have an idea. Moon: Suns, how do you spell BANNED? Sun?: Easy, B-A-N-N-E-D. Moon: And we have found our fake. Freddy: Huh? But he was right. Moon: Yes, but Sun has a weird habit of spelling a lot of things with a Q. Sun: B-A-N-Q-E-D! Moon, as the fake Sun is taken away: See what I mean?
Vanessa: What state do you all live in. Sun: Constant anxiety. Freddy: Denial. Roxy: Perfection. Monty: This one…?
Monty: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?! Freddy: >:O Language! Eclipse: Yeah, watch your fucking language! Moon: OKAY WHO TAUGHT ECLIPSE THE FUCK WORD Jack-O-Moon: "The fuck word" lol Sun: Seriously? You guys use the f word all the time. Moon: Oh my god he censored it. Jack: Say fuck, Sun! Moon: Do it! Say fuck!
Roxy: Okay, what does Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy, chuckling: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy, chuckling harder: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun, confused: E-es? (Roxy laughs, to Sun’s confusion) What is happening? Roxy: What does Y-E-S spell? Sun: Yes. Roxy: What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: E-Yes. Roxy, wheezing: Sun, confused: What are you crying for? Roxy: What does- (wheezes) Sun: What are you–? Roxy: Okay, try again. What does e- Y-E-S spell? Sun, seriously: Yes. Roxy, while chuckling: What does e- E-Y-E-S spell? Sun, still confused: Ee’s? (while Roxy is wheezing) A-s? You’re making me- Roxy, while laughing hard: I can’t breathe- aha, okay. Sun: E-Y-E-S? E-Yes? Roxy: (more wheezing) Say it again. What does E-Y-E-S spell? Sun: …yes? Roxy: (laughs even harder) Sun: What? (tearing up a bit) You’re making me cry. What? Roxy: E-Y-E-S. Sun: E. Y. E… (realization) Eyes.
(Roxy laughs loudly, Sun looking proud of himself)
Moon: You've got to act tough Eclipse! Show them you can't be pushed around! Show them they don't mess with you! Eclipse: Oh- uh- I'll do my best. (Eclipse GENTLY slams his hands down on the counter.) Eclipse: I'll take a Fizzy Faz please!
Sun: I had a crush on someone once. and I didn't know how to handle it, so I filled her bag with heart-shaped confetti. Roxy: …wait. Roxy: THAT WAS YOU?! Sun: Who-Who added you back to the group chat?!
Roxy: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestions box. Freddy: But that's just a trash can. Roxy, smugly: It sure is.
Moon: Blue M&M's are the best. Sun: whAT IS THIS SLANDER?! Moon: What about it? They are. Sun: I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH LIES ON MY WATCH! THE RED ONES ARE THE BEST! Moon: YEAH? WELL FUCK YOU! Eclipse: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything. Jack: I like the yellow ones. Moon and Sun: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!
Chica: Freddy I really don't think Moon is very happy with you. Freddy: Why do you say that? Chica, reading a letter: "Dear Freddy Fazbear, I fuckin' hope this message finds you before I do."
Specter Moon, holding New Moon: Hold gentle like hamburger.
Monty: Anybody under 5’7 can’t be talking about fighting anyone. What are you gonna do? Headbutt someone in the stomach? Mini Music Man: Say goodbye to your kneecaps, asshole.
Freddy: Release all the sounds that are trapped in your mind. Sun: (UNHOLY SCREECH) The other animatronics, shocked: Freddy: Are… you okay? Sun: I'm a lil messed up.
Sun: Reading is just staring at a piece of dead wood and hallucinating. Moon, slamming a book closed: Do me a favor, and never fucking speak again.
Here is Foxy for Pirate’s Fairytale

^ Eye in the eyepatch