Hehe, It's my persona!

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More Posts from Dontfeedmeaftermidnight
The fourth has been completed!!

Nightmare's Bomb Story
This is actually the story behind the recent ask about the dead officer.
He ate the name tag when he got home.
Nightmare thought it was delicious, especially with the blood still on it :)
It was a cool, but not so windy night, crickets chirp loudly, but it unfortunately does not drown out the sound of a window shattering in the nearby museum. A dark cloaked figure swiftly slips into the broken window, boots clonking heavily against the floor. Not so subtle, but the figure wasn't trying to be. He wanted to draw at least some attention. He pulls off the cloak, revealing beautiful, glowing wolf ear, tail, and wing appendages, all colored in a swirling, glittering galaxy.
The God walks towards a large bomb- a nuclear warhead. He grins, trailing his fingers over it.
"You, my friend, are my ticket to a good old fashioned cover up!"
He giggles, and pulls out a small orb, with a double tap to the center, it opens into a large doorway, revealing an endless room full of sweets and stolen clothing, and jewlery. He struggles to push the bomb inside. He soon hears the jangling of keys and the sound of boots, his grin splitting his face. He hears a shout, and with one more final shove, pushes the, thankfully, deactivated bomb inside.
"Stop right there!"
The officer yells, pulling out his handgun.
Before the man could shoot, however, Nightmare, with rather incredible speed, swiftly slams into the officer, sending him flying into a wall. The officer struggles to stand, dazed.
The very last thing the officer saw was a grinning Nightmare.
"You know, you do look like an asshole. Enjoy my old home with your other friends. Don't make it out alive!"
The officer was then greeted by Nightmare swinging a pole into his face.
It was an accident that Nightmare had come across the officer he was targeting. He just wanted to see the museum and enjoy it before the place was shut down and turned into a book store. Nightmare wasn't complaining, he loved reading, but the museum was old, and he would miss it. When he first saw the officer, a range of negativity rushed through Nightmare all at once. He remembered Inks face as she sobs over the dead child that she had made friends with on her spy mission, which had went wrong, considering everyone, including other beast slaves, around her were slaughtered by her own dragon claws.
Nightmare remembered seeing the coward, who was the leader of the slave ring, flee, knowing what he'd done. Now he was an officer who most likely blackmailed to get himself into this security job.
Nightmare wanted to bash in his head right then and there for making his little niece cry, but he'd quickly turned on his heel and marched out before he'd been seen.
Now, as he shoved the dead officer into his storage bubble- with the bomb, mind you, a smile of triumph and absolute joy of killing someone crosses his face.
"There you go, Inky. I got you your revenge."
I know this was made a couple days ago, but I've only got to posting it now lol-
Also have this:

Hey Guys!! I redrew an artwork I made about a year ago! Also, imma start posting more on here because of what Twitters going through-
Link tree:

Program: Ibis Paint X
Time: 1hr 58min

Old art:

My Commissions are open! PM me for details!!
Let me know which one you guys like!! I switched up a few things on the new one though!
Hehehe Such an angy flustered birdie
AngelTaleAU Dream by me!!