dontfeedmeaftermidnight - Yami Rose Heart
Yami Rose Heart

Welcome to my art blog! she/her artist

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Im Rewriting This Comic Caaause I Didnt Like How I Drew It Out The First Time Soooooo... Im Redoing It!

Im Rewriting This Comic Caaause I Didnt Like How I Drew It Out The First Time Soooooo... Im Redoing It!

Im rewriting this comic caaause i didnt like how i drew it out the first time soooooo... Im redoing it!

I will post character sheets and such before starting the comic to let everyone to get to know them!~

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I drew this for my project in art class. I wanted to experiment with the watercolor tubes my teacher had to get the dark red and i plan to use them more. The monster itself is made of colored pencil and i highlighted with a white pen. I have to say, it came out nicely!~

Accept... Or Refuse?

Accept... Or Refuse?

Im surprised that tis only took me 24 minutes to draw;-; the others took 30+ minutes of my time but here @yami-heart ( sorry if the dragon/monster thing is incorrect)

Im Surprised That Tis Only Took Me 24 Minutes To Draw;-; The Others Took 30+ Minutes Of My Time But Here

Follow my written story part! @angeltaleau-story

Chapter 1

Watching eyes set on a figure leaned over a young woman, who was dead. The figure grinned sadistically, standing. Anger surged through the ones who were watching, they were too late. The demon had already eradicated the entire village, and burned it.

One of the watchers, a hot headed, sarcastic dragonoid girl slipped into the shadows. The others whispered after her to come back, grabbing at her, there was nothing they could do. The girl hisses and points. A small child was hiding under a trailers porch, covering her little mouth. The teenager wrenches her arms out of the others grips, and hides among the shadows to reach the small girl.

Reaching her, the young teenager pulls off her hood, revealing a white haired draganoid girl with bluish black streaks running around her face from her eyes. The small girl gets pulled into a gentle hold, held by the eldest girl. She pulls the hood around the child, whispering to keep her calm.

The demon pays no mind, growling and munching on flesh from its fallen victims nearby. The child chokes out a soft “who are you?”

“I am Ink.” The girl replies, “My friends and I will help you.”

The child trembles, “M- momma… papa…”

“I know… shhh…” Ink whispers, sneaking to the tree she had leapt from. Another dragonoid in all blue shakes her head, along with a young dark blue and black clad demon boy with a hand over his heart, who was with a boy demon with all yellow, who was his brother, with his hands clinging to his face.

“Ink!” the yellow clad boy exclaims, “What were you thinking?!”

“I had to Dream! The poor child was about to cry!” Ink huffs, holding the child closer to her body, “Who knows what that… Monster would’ve done to her!”

The one named Dream runs a hand through his shoulder length blond and black highlighted hair, his face agitated with worriment and concern. He was tall; large white fluffy angel wings producing from his back, not balanced with the demon horns and his swishy thin demon tail. His brilliant red colored eyes flashed at Ink and the child.

“Humph. Fine, fine. Just… No more doing anything stupid, ok?”

His brother, Nightmare nudged Dream.

“At least you two have a kid-“

Before Nightmare could finish that sentence, he was heaved fully off his tree branch, both Ink and Dreams faces a dark red color, making him laugh. Thankfully, the brothers had a protection spell around them so the monster could not see or hear them. Blue, another draganoid giggled at the boys' tease.

“Well he is right-“

“Blue, don’t start.”

Nightmare crawled back on his branch, laughing still. Like his brother, he had sparkly black angel wings, only his were more shaped like a dragons, with the spike at the top of them. His hair was black, with blond highlights at the ends of his bangs and hair. Nightmares large, red eyes shone brightly at the others, his childlike nature settling in as he stuck out his tongue.

Blue reaches over and pets Inks head, her own dragon tail wagging with Inks as she did. Scowling, Ink holds the now sleeping child to Blue.

“Hold her for a minute… I need to find her parents.”

“Oh no you don’t!” Snaps Dream. “I am coming with you.”

He turns to his brother and Blue. “We will also see if there are any more survivors as well, and relocate them to a nearby village.”

His gaze settled on the child, dread and sorrow filling him.

Dreams eyes softened. “If we can.” He manages to softly choke out before he leapt to the ground with Ink.

Its Okay! I Did A Part 1 And Two, She Behind Them, Sorry
Its Okay! I Did A Part 1 And Two, She Behind Them, Sorry

Its okay! I did a part 1 and two, she behind them, sorry 😅

Im surprised that tis only took me 24 minutes to draw;-; the others took 30+ minutes of my time but here @yami-heart ( sorry if the dragon/monster thing is incorrect)

Im Surprised That Tis Only Took Me 24 Minutes To Draw;-; The Others Took 30+ Minutes Of My Time But Here