donttrysohardd - Tenement Funster
Tenement Funster

In this house we love and appreciate Adam Lambert

59 posts

Please, Stop Hating Adam Lambert Just Because He Doesn't Sound Like Freddie. It's Been Almost 10 Years,

Please, stop hating Adam Lambert just because he doesn't sound like Freddie. It's been almost 10 years, let it go.

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More Posts from Donttrysohardd

4 years ago

Did anyone ask for a heartbreak? ⤵️

It’s so hard to explain feelings. Intense loyalty mixed with love, admiration… I would have done anything he could have asked of me, but he never asked. He never expected. Anybody involved with him was held as if by a magnet, the magnetism of his personality, his spirit… Him. Sitting at home, curled up watching television, it’s very difficult to imagine the man on stage. You knew that he would have been unable to remain quiet and introspective for any length of time. He knew that there were two Freddie Mercurys. The one curled up on the couch watching Countdown and the one perched on that one’s shoulder. There was the person and there was the showman, each vying with the other to move the physical carcass around.

Generally the showman won. Deep down inside it’s what Freddie always wanted. He had always been a showman. In its latter stages, the disease killed the showman. The showman went first and without the showman, the person was unable to continue. Freddie was no longer in a position where he could hold his head up and know he could defend himself. When the showman died, there was nothing left to fight for. The final decision was his alone. His whole life had been brought about by what he had done. He had always planned on being a star. How he did so, he felt was not his concern. He had both the hardware and thesoftware and Freddie, metaphorically, wrote his own programs.

Peter Freestone in Freddie Mercury: An Ultimate Memoir By The Man How Knew Him Best

Did Anyone Ask For A Heartbreak?
Did Anyone Ask For A Heartbreak?
Did Anyone Ask For A Heartbreak?
Did Anyone Ask For A Heartbreak?

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4 years ago

This is so important


The fact that Jim thought that Freddie and Roger were soulmates

Freddie saying that if Queen was never formed he still would have been with Roger selling clothes

The two of them sharing a flat and going to Roger's childhood home

Roger playing Scrabble with Freddie till six am

Roger playing along whenever Freddie was being silly on stage

People saying that wherever Roger was , Freddie was as well and vice versa

Freddie making funny faces at Roger while playing songs just to make him laugh

The two of them making fun of eachother

Calling eachother nicknames: blondie , pretty boy

Rufus talking about them : ''Dad and Freddie Mercury were Queen’s naughty boys, the ones who got up to all sorts of stuff. And whatever I imagine he got up to, I’m sure the reality is twice as crazy. Maybe it’s better not to know."

Roger having a 20 ft tall statue of Freddie in his garden and photos of them together all around his house

Freddie not knowing how to boil an egg and asking Roger and Rog saying that it had something to do with water (we stan two clueless chaotic queens)

Roger being supportive of Freddie and caring about him no matter what

Freddie and Rog making Seaside Rendevouz together and using Roger's voice as a kazoo

Them , only being able to eat canned beans (sometimes) , yet , still sticking together

Roger still saying " Ready Freddie " during Crazy little thing called love

Freddie being the godfather of his child and coming up with the name Tiger and Roger naming Rufus and Lilly that name

Roger thinking about Freddie

THIS , guys , gals and non-binary pals is what I call SOULMATES!

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4 years ago

Yeah, let's put some Queen on!!

Me about to do anything:

“Alright I need some music first”

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4 years ago

Adam singing You Take My Breath Away??? Give THIS to me

adam singing a kind of magic??? give it to me now

4 years ago

Hey guys so I am doing a Sphycology experiment.

If you could please fill out this form and tag every single Queen fan you know in it to fill it out please!

Like I said just a social experiment among Queen fans! Thanks

Queen Fans
Google Docs
Calling all Queen Fans: please fill out this survey it’s for science (seriously)