16 posts

The Neurodivergents When HLVRAI Came Out:

the neurodivergents when HLVRAI came out: 

The Neurodivergents When HLVRAI Came Out:
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4 years ago

Astro 101

Lesson IV, Part 1, Post XXV

Astro 101

Planets in Houses

First House

Sun in First will give you vitality, leaderships skills, and a need to Express yourself.

Moon in First has a need to be appreciated they are intuitive and emotional.

Mercury in First has a thirst for knowledge and a need to discuss personal interests. They see everything from a logical stand point.

Venus in First tend to well liked. The have a taste for the finer things in life like beauty and art.

Mars in First have boundless energy and a need to take charge and assert oneself.

Jupiter in First tend to be elaborate and optimistic foreigne sites and topics interest them.

Saturn in First tend to be serious individuals with a quiet drive to successes. They likely have struggled with self esteem some point in their life.

Uranus in First have a need to Express there originality. They often experiences both positive and negative drastic changes.

Neptune in First have a mysterious allure. They tend to be in snyc with everything and every one around them. They can get carried anyway by their beliefs and have trouble with reality.

Pluto in First tend to go through periods of reinventing themselves.

Second House

Sun in Second is someone who is very concerned with their personal value and material world.

Moon in Second is someone who’s security is very important to them. The need to be comforted by shelter, food, and clothing.

Mercury in Second has an enterprising mind.

Venus in Second is attracted to symbols of success and partners who can provide for them.

Mars in Second are very ambitious, even if it means taking their time to get what they want.

Jupiter in Second tend to be very fortunate with high esteem.

Saturn in Second may work hard and achieve little. Success is delayed.

Uranus in Second tends to fluctuate in their values and possession.

Neptune in Second can inhance financial wealth and popularity or hinder it.

Pluto in Second can transform wealth and esteem positively or negatively. Greed can work against you.

Third House

Sun in Third House has a thirst for knowledge and communication. You have favorable relations with your relatives and community.

Moon in Third House allows their emotions to affect their mental focus and conversation. Intuition and memory are favored.

Mercury in Third House tend to be very quick minded with many intellectual and diverse interests. Travel may be common.

Venus in Third House are readers and communicators. There is favorable relations with relatives and community.

Mars in Third House are aggressive talkers that can lead to relatives and community disputes.

Jupiter in Third House has a taste for culture and travel. They absorb knowledge easily.

Saturn in Third House may struggle being heard. School or speech or socialization may have hit road blocks when young. You may have some responsibility to certain relatives and neighbors.

Uranus in Third House jumps from one focus to another. They absorb knowledge through random experience. Travel is often indicated.

Neptune in Third House has a visionary mind and memory. Some struggle communicating their vision. There is a wedge between xertain relatives and neighbors. Usually spiritual and intuitive.

Pluto in Third House is capable of transforming their environment often just my speaking their minds.

fourth House

Sun in Fourth House are very focused on their domestic lives. Their family, their home, and where they come from. They yearn to learn about themselves.

Moon in Fourth House has a deep emotion tie to their parent(s). They are often nostalgic for their childhood. Frequent change in residence is likely.

Mercury in Fourth House feels at home with intellectual pursuits. Healthy discussion was common in childhood. Frequency change in residence is likely.

Venus in Fourth House have close ties to their family and home. You abstain financial gain through family or property.

Mars in Fourth House learn independence early in childhood. Upbringing was energetic and in some cases hostile. You may have been put in a position where you were always competing or butting heads with another family member.

Jupiter in Fourth House thrive at home. Their childhood was happy and memorable. There may have been many family trips or spiritual involvement.

Saturn in Fourth House likely had too much responsibility and restriction growing up. They may of had to care for a I’ll parent or younger children. Discipline may have been harsh. Having children of their own may come late in life.

Uranus in Fourth House struggle for stability. Stability may have been hard to achieve in childhood. Home life was unusual and may of been lacking a foundation all together. This pattern may follow you into adulthood.

Neptune in Fourth House indicates a struggle to see things how they really are when growing up. You may have been sheltered from financial hardship, domestic violance, or societal upheaval. Intuition or prophetic dreams are possible.

Pluto in Fourth House indicates a need to transform the domestic experience. Upbringing may have been traumatic.

Fifth House

Sun in Fifth House requires pleasurable pursuits. Friendships, romance, hobbies, interests and arts take up a lot of your energy. Children likely bring you good fortune.

Moon in Fifth House enhances your creativity and bond with others. There is a deep need to Express your talent with others. Children is likely.

Mercury in Fifth House seek a intellectually stimulating bond. One where you can gush over common interests. Theater or script writing might be of interest.

Venus in Fifth House is happy sharing their love and joy with others. Children are often treasured and may possess a creative talent.

Mars in Fifth House need to expel energy in a relaxed setting such as a gym. Romances can be short lived.

Jupiter in Fifth House has a healthy relationship with art, romance, and children.

Saturn in Fifth House may have had to deal with too much responsibility imposed on them. The can have difficulties relaxing and expressing themselves. Child rearing may be delayed or encounter road blocks.

Uranus in Fifth House have unconventional relationships and hobbies. Your patently style is likely very progressive and modern.

Neptune in Fifth House is likely very intune with children of their generation with a deep understanding of their needs and wants. Creative gifts may be present.

Pluto in Fifth House may release some transformative art that reaches its entire generation.

Sixth House

Sun in Sixth House are hard workers that provide a service to their community at large. Often intune with our physical bodies and the impact of eastern and western medicine.

Moon in Sixth House will notice a direct relationship to their emotional state to their physical health and work performance. Their weight may fluctuate. Interaction with animals will bring you luck.

Mercury in Sixth House is mentally agile in the work setting. Work keeps you occupied from going astray. You are mentally thorough but must make sure your thoughts are going to good use. Excess stress can cause physical anomalies.

Venus in Sixth House is likely to be healthy and establish positive relationships in the work setting. One might meet their romantic partner at work.

Mars in Sixth House tend to be very physically active and require an exercise driven outlet. They are very ambitious but can stir up trouble in the work force.

Jupiter in Sixth House are usually are very healthy, though should watch their diet. There may be a interest in helping aid in underdeveloped countries.

Saturn in Sixth House may suffer a weak immune system and have to watch their health carefully or the may need to learn to establish a good work ethic.

Uranus in Sixth House goes through sporadic changes to their physical bodies and job titles. Extreme sports may be of interest.

Neptune in Sixth House maybe have weakened immune systems. They are better suited to jobs with loose guidelines and allow for creative reign.

Pluto in Sixth House your work can be transformative to its generation and to yourself. Your impact may be positive or negative, but, powerful whatever it is.

*stay tuned for house seven through twelfth!*

4 years ago

that psychotic feel when you’re chillin then suddenly…BUGS.