Wonderously Random World
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i imagine this is what was going through her mind when she said her last goodbye to garrus
do you guys think garrus ever saw a red haired woman from behind on omega and thought it was shepard? or caught a glimpse of emerald green eyes and was sent back to his time on the normandy? do you think he was ever stopped in his tracks when a female merc fought the same way she did? how many times was he cursed with the knowledge that he found her in so many people, but they would never be the woman who showed him that there was more to life than c-sec paperwork and holding onto grudges?
I really do like headcanoning that a shakarian romance would have a great impact on turian-human relations throughout the galaxy (especially if we pretend that SPOILER Shepard somehow doesn't die).
Because Shepard definitely is a public figure, especially by the time ME3 rolls around and Garrus is calling Shepard his girlfriend left and right. But the first contact war only happened 26 years before ME1 so tensions are obviously still fresh between their two species. But also, as media has always shown us, a romance is always more sexy and compelling than a peace treaty.
So maybe Shepard and Garrus accidentally actually make relations between their two species really really good. Like repairing decades old wounds good. The two militaries start doing more joint trainings together because of the proof of how good Shepard's team is. More ships like the Normandy are built. Turian-human romantic relationships gradually become less and less of a taboo with them being the poster children for it.
And maybe they never say anything officially but various sources have overheard Garrus Vakarian refer to himself as Shepard's boyfriend and in both political and casual settings Commander Shepard is rarely seen without her right hand turian attached to her hip.
And as much as they both claim to want to retire post-war, the workaholics in them keep them active in their military and politics. So the cameras are still on them constantly, but since they're respected war heroes, the major news networks feel like speaking on their personal lives and asking questions would be inappropriate. And yet, the talking points Garrus and Shepard choose are often about how they are campaigning for more inter-species adoption and how cross-species colonies are vital to the galaxy's rebuilding efforts right now. And Garrus is often seen taking calls from Earth and Shepard from Palaven. So their legacy and mystery continues, and both turians and humans seen their friendship or romance as a pillar in their diplomacy efforts.
wait I'm so stupid to only catch this now but in the citadel DLC where Garrus is like "I know I don't say this enough but I love ... your hair." is this meant to be a writer joke because up until this point he's never said i love you and the DLC was released post original release and so garrusmancers probably talked about the fact online a lot right?
But also I kinda love looking at it from two angles:
that he's teasing her. I always read this scene as him being a little tipsy and he genuinely is so fascinated with her hair because no other species has these strands. and he's especially teasing since he adds that little hehe giggle at the end of the statement. and he adds the "And I'm pretty damn partial to the rest of you too." with a little cough of like backtracking and making sure she understands that he isn't here just for her hair he really isn't a xenophile for anyone other than her. he likes everything about her but her hair is real nice.
But also what if he actually is kinda nervous to say it to Shepard. Especially with that little clearing of his throat and reassurance. And Shepard so assuredly and confidently says it back when they were on the presidium. And even then he starts that conversation off by assuming that Shepard needed some time to think about the status of their relationship, and she replies with a very solid i love you. And so maybe Garrus has been trying to build up the courage to say it to her. And that he's trying out the way it feels in his mouth. And he backs out quickly because he gets scared. So, like he does with everything, he buries it in a joke. An off hand comment that Shepard won't pay any mind to. And he'll just have to try again eventually.
I like the idea that Garrus starts really falling in love with Shepard in those post-ME2 ending scenes where you can call up your love interest to your cabin. He starts to understand that it is more than just the respect for a superior and a friend, more than just a simple crush. He feels himself falling for her while he holds her in bed or when she's talking his ear off as she sits on his lap on the couch. And he's enjoying her company so much, and he finds himself hoping that he'll get to stay up there for longer each time. And he always loves the nights where he wakes up in her bed and she's curled up in his chest and she hasn't asked him to leave. He likes to bury his head in her neck and let her talk, the vibrations of her voice so calming against his face. He asks her to practice this thing she calls kissing so that he can be better at it for her.
And to Shepard it isn't just a fun lay either. She's not calling him up just to sleep with him each time. She cares about him, she's actually always cared about him, but she's not very vocal about her feelings unless she's asked directly and that makes him slightly still hesitant to call it love. But in her mind she wants nothing more than to spend all her time with him. In her mind, reading over datapads together in bed and discussing their thoughts is romantic. In her mind, asking him to take a shower with her so they don't waste water is her way of saying she likes him. So I like to think that she's much quicker at accepting it.
And in the time he ruminates his feelings about her, she's already decided that he's the one for her.
garrus wanting children and wanting them with shepard always makes me AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
like I knows it's also a nudge nudge wink wink we'll have sex and a lot of it and it'll all be without protection apparently
but like why mr. vakarian would you bring up babies specifically. And when Shepard replies that she is either up for it, or that she isn't sure if that's a good idea, he just keeps pressing the idea of having a child with suggesting either that there will be a lot of krogan babies that might need taking care of or that their hypothetical child would be scared of "daddy's rifle collection" - his words not mine.
That turian wants babies. He most definitely wants children. Or at the very least the idea of a family with Shepard. But I really do think he wouldn't push the idea that much if he didn't really want it.


Kasumi's line about people wanting Shepard and Garrus to be together is so cute because I just know that the people on the normandy were shipping them so hard and they knew before Shepard and Garrus even really comprehended their own feeling as romantic
this has probably already been spoken to death about on here, but despite mass effect being a huge part of my life for over a decade, I've not really yapped about it online
as much as i adore Garrus with every fibre of my being, there's a part of me that is actually glad we can't romance him in me1. If you ignore the initial reasoning behind why we can't, it works out so well for their relationship in the long run
when shepard first meets garrus, they are on uneven grounds. They fall into a form of mentor and protégé style of friendship, garrus looks up to shepard and comes to her for answers. She's been through a lot, so he wants shep's point of view that's been forged from her own experiences on the battlefield. Paragon or renegade, its safe to assume the events in shepard's chosen backstories helped push her into either direction.
Then she dies and he is left behind, then Omega happens. 2 years worth of mourning. 11 people to mourn in such a short span of time, all things considered. Shepard and his team snatched away from him without warning. That would change anyone to lose that amount of people so quickly.
Death changes people and shepard and garrus, for better or worse, are forced through that change 2 years later
So by the time shepard and garrus are reunited, they are now on equal ground. He no longer comes to shepard for answers. He's already gotten them from his own experiences. The same way she did before the hunt for saren. He doesn't need her answers anymore, he doesn't question the morality of his past missions, that's long since been cemented into his mind after shepards death and sidonis.
Back on the SR-1, garrus was lagging slightly behind her, but now on the SR-2? now they are truly side by side, on the battlefield and through this learnt experience.
imo this makes his romance even stronger than if we could romance him in the first game. because it really is strangers -> friends -> lovers in its purest form in my eyes.
I've been thinking about that last conversation with Garrus before the final push in ME3 a lot lately.
I hadn't noticed it at first because the whole conversation makes me so sad to think about, but recently I realized that if not for the apocalyptic dread, Garrus being the one to suggest retirement would actually be comical. since day one he's been a workaholic, going from the calibrating the Mako to calibrating the guns in the battery the second he's recruited. even in the Citadel DLC, drunk off his ass, he somehow finds a way to work. he couldn't retire; he'd absolutely die of boredom. and honestly? I don't know if Shepard would be able to retire all that easily either. pair that with his follow up comment of turian-human babies, and I realize that this whole conversation isn’t so much of a promise for the future as it is him throwing out his final hail mary. he's listing things that sound more improbable than defeating the reapers to get her back on track and believe in winning this war. maybe it could be "I want a life with you even though I don't think we're going to get one," but that isn't what he's trying to do.
because you see the destruction. to get TO Garrus, you had to walk past a radio reporting 100% casualties in one sector. you know it's bleak, Shepard knows, Garrus knows. it's clear neither of them think they're getting out of there. hell, the whole reason he tries to cheer her up is because he's the one who brought up last chances. so he does what he's been doing all game and throws his final attempt at cheer at her with all he's got. it's his final push.
the idea of garrus looking up and researching human behaviors is just so funny to me because you know that he's reading that wikipedia page back to front. He's taking notes, he's reading multiple articles, he's clicking on those sources. He takes it so seriously and yet when he finally meets Shepard again in ME3 he's like "i've been reading up human culture but also if you don't want me that way anymore it's totally fine." sir we know that you would not be fine if shepard called it off there
arts and crafts are killing me. badly

i’ve made another one
I haven't finished labeling my tissues but I want to drop whatever thoughts and brainrot I have for AceYuu and Adeuyuu right now. There will be spoilers!!
Ace kind of showed a homie move when Riddle talked crap to Yuu in Heartslabyul chapter because they were magicless and then Ace punched him and proceeded to spew shounen protag dialogue. I was like "okay, maybe Ace isn't that terrible." Because we all hated Ace on the prologue. Then him and Deuce slowly got to warm up to Yuu during Savannaclaw and Octavinelle where they volunteered to be on Ramshackle's team and offered Yuu a place to stay. Ace teasing Yuu that they would want to sleep together in a rather suggestive tone kinda made me 😳 that's coming from the guy who asked to sleep with you on the first day of school because he ate tarts.
It all became obvious that Adeuce cared a lot about Yuu when they came to help Yuu who was stuck in Scarabia. If they didn't think Yuu was their friend they wouldn't go through the lengths of using public transportation and they could have made up an excuse to not go because it was the holidays. We can see how far Sage's Island and Queendom of Rose in one of the maps shown in Ignihyde chapter.

And it IS far.
After all of the events of Scarabia, Yuu trusted them enough to tell them about Mickey 🥺 They're willing to stick with Yuu through thick and thin although they aren't as honest about it especially Ace.
Now with Ace's dynamic with Yuu is just 😩👌 they really have that best friends vibe and it does remind me of how me and my best talk. Basically what I'm saying is their friendship feels organic? Natural?
The game is pushing MalleYuu and I did ship them as well in the beginning, however Ace's relationship and dynamic with Yuu won me over. AceYuu spent more time together than MalleYuu and it's quite one-sided on Malleus' part.
If Ace got the island question on his union birthday interview, I think he would choose Yuu. Also the grin from Yuu Ace got on his omakeshi birthday interview. Have you noticed that only Ace and Lilia are the only ones looking at the camera in the omakeshi birthday cards without other cameos?
Ace is honest about his feelings towards others but not his own. His feelings can be seen more in his actions than words. On Halloween part 2 he was worried as heck for his missing friends especially Yuu. He was so ready to throw hands at "possessed" Malleus just to save Yuu. Get me a homie who's ready to smack the prince of the valley of thorns and one of the strongest magic users of the world for taking his friends away.
In his Halloween card Ace got mad that Yuu, Grim and Deuce were just fine with what happened. Then he got hot seated by Lilia and Malleus. Being the prince of the valley of thorns didn't stop Ace from being blunt. Mind you that Ace was the only one that got mad from the whole ordeal.
Wasn't it also Ace who initiated to talk about Halloween in front of Ramshackle so that the ghosts would hear it?
Halloween part 2 lives on my mind rent free. It fed me so much AceYuu.
And then his ghost marriage speech. Read his ghost marriage speech. What he said is the shiet he's doing with Yuu right now or maybe I'm delusional.
I think I can say Yuu is in limbo between a self-insert and having enough personality to be their own character. We can see that they are a bit of a gremlin too and love to tease. The teasing becomes apparent in Ace's voice lines. AceYuu dynamic shines a lot on Ace's voice lines. His ghost marriage card is worth to check out for it.
I would love to ramble more but duty calls. Peace out~
My favourite part of writing Ace and Deuce being smitten for the reader/Yuu is that I consider them both being equally down bad but in completely different ways...
Deuce x Reader/Yuu would be like:

Whereas Ace x Reader/Yuu is more like:

funny things ace has done/said that makes me think he might genuinely have feelings for the player character
flirts but then says it's a joke. literally goes "haha jk. unless? 👀"
suggested sharing a bed Twice
"i don't have time for dating when i have to worry about you" SIR????
"i didn't think i'd be into your type, but maybe i was wrong. just kidding! or am i?" I AM GOING TO KILL YOU
immediate first reaction to seeing yuu in danger is to protect them
legitimately worries about yuu when they're not around
gets defensive when yuu is insulted
hated the idea of having to abandon yuu to save himself during the playful land event, wanting to stick with them even when everyone was in active danger
is, to my knowledge, one of the Very few people who actually has yuu's phone number (im pretty sure he's the only one that actually asked for yuu's number?? malleus cmon step it up /j)
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?!" him literally every time yuu was in danger but is saved by someone else and wasn't the one to save them
his first response to getting an SOS from yuu was to drop everything and run to them instead of letting anyone else know (bro probably didn't even explain what was going on to his family 😭)
Soap: Simon, would you still love me if I was a worm?
Ghost: Yes. Would you still love me if you were a worm?
Soap: What?
Ghost: What if you’re not capable of loving me back and you fall in love with another worm? Eh? What then?
Silly bird fellow and his silly character lore

Just sniper things 💥 (botched mission)

More Ghostsoap Fallout Shenanigans!!
They are in the process of getting to know either other's characters, Ghost is having a hard time figuring Soap out.
I wanna nerd out a bit about the new operator (3-headed Ghost) because I just bought him and I can't stop looking at him.
While he is a bizarre combination of limbs from the TF141 members, he's listed as a member of KorTac, a private military contractor in the game known for having the bad guys, including Makarov, Graves, and some Konni soldiers. As of now, all the information of the operator appears as [REDACTED].
The masks he wears are arranged in chronological order following the events of the campaign, starting from the one on the right side, worn by Simon during Grave's betrayal. The mask in the middle is from the cinematic where Simon and Johnny meet up with Rodolfo again to rescue Alejandro, and the mask on the left side is from another cinematic, where Ghost's team eventually defeats Shadow Company.
He has five arms, two of which belong to Simon and are located on the right side of his body. On the left side of his body, two of the three arms are mutated together, and one of the arms belongs to Soap -easily recognizable by his SAS tattoo-, grasping Price's arm, while Gaz's arm is on the back.

Some of the accessories he wears include Gaz's cap,

Price's scarf,

and Farah's headband.

While he is listed as a KorTac operator, still attached to it can be seen a United Kingdom Special Forces patch on Ghost's arm.

Another curious fact is that the solitary arms on the back (belonging to Simon and Gaz) and Simon's head do not stop twitching, to the point it looks rather painful, as the head twitches force his entire body to move as well.
When you're in the selection screen, the Alone operator examines his mutated arm for a few seconds before moving on.

Thinking about an overprotective Ace who considers yuu his responsibility. He believes he has a right to stake claim over yuu, he talked to yuu first after all. When you were written off as a trouble maker with no knowledge of their world, no redeeming qualities, and cast aside as a janitor, who bullied enlightened you on the great seven? Right? 😭
It's cute. He doesn't have to be so protective, he's obviously not naturally inclined to take that role. His identity, outside of mischief, is informed by his relationship to his older brother. He could just default to mimicking those patterns with yuu, but he doesn't. With his senpais, Ace coaxes them into taking more responsibility for him than necessary. Like, in his loungewear vignette, Kalim throws him an audacious feast after his birthday which he has no problem accepting. Evidently he's not against being the younger brother or being shamelessly taken care of.
But, in regards to Yuu, his voice-lines, vignettes, and main story dialogue, all subtly express a desire to take on more responsibility for their sake. (He says it outright in his level up line) His suisui vignette has him taking control and trying to protect yuu from an unknown threat at the time. This is a major shift in contrast to his presence in Playful Land, where he is reluctant to lead while older students are still present. He gathers Deuce in book 5 to rescue yuu from Scarabia, and takes a stern tone with yuu after they admit to leaving of their own volition to follow Malleus in his enhalo vignette. Yuu is the catalyst for Ace growing up, we don't see Yuu have such an impact on other characters. 😭
But of course he wants to protect his prefect, they're only magic less and he's only human after all lol

no guys im normal about zack and cloud constantly struggling to reach each other im really really normal about it i promise